Chapter 539 Ridiculous and Sad

After hearing what the queen said, everyone present could not help but be shocked.

Especially King Qin!
He can't have children?

The son he has raised for many years is actually his nephew?
He couldn't accept this either mentally or physically!

As for the emperor….
He looked at the queen with an extremely complicated expression, and couldn't tell what the expression was.

In the end, Lai Fugong sighed and said helplessly: "My dear, I have been with the emperor for many years, and I have never heard the emperor talk about having such a dream!"

Queen: "..."

Everyone: "..."

"Impossible, my father personally went to see Mr. Long from Qintian Prison! Mr. Long is a veteran of Qintian Prison, and he has some friendship with my father. There is no way he could lie to my father about this kind of thing!" The Queen couldn't do it! Said confidently.

She could accept the consequences after this matter was exposed, but she couldn't accept that she had listened to others and foolishly sent her son away!

If all this is someone else's fault, then she...

Ha ha……

The queen collapsed on the ground, raised her head and slowly looked at the emperor, with a bit of hope in her eyes.

The emperor raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, looked at the queen deeply, and said solemnly: "I have never had such a dream!"


The Queen laughed like crazy, "Your Majesty, it's my concubine who is stupid! It's my concubine who is stupid, hahaha..."

Smiling, tears flowed from the corners of the queen's eyes.

This appearance makes people look really pitiful and heart-wrenching.

After such great sorrow and joy, the queen fainted and died.

In the final analysis, these are just some common dirty tricks in the harem.

Although the queen was not stupid, she was pregnant at the time and eager to protect her child, so she believed the unfounded words.

And that Lord Long was just dragged into the situation.

"Xun'er, take your mother back!" The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, his tone full of exhaustion.

If there is anything wrong with all of this, he cannot escape any responsibility.

If he had cared a little bit about the queen and her son, this wouldn't have happened.

"and many more!"

Just as the second prince was about to take people away, Xiao Jingyao spoke up again.

"Master Xiao, what else do you want to say?" The emperor's tone was full of exhaustion, but it was faintly heard that he had reached the limit of his tolerance for Xiao Jingyao's repeated provocations.

"Emperor of Northern Xinjiang, Xiao just wants to say that it was definitely not an accident that the Queen believed those unfounded words! The Queen is a smart person and refuses to listen to any bias at will."

"She was pregnant at the time, so where did the news about her come from?"

"Also... after so many years, not many people in Prince Qin's palace know that my sister is the best person to catch when she is lying on the bed, unable to move. Why did the man who deposed the prince give up my sister first? Should such a threatening hostage capture Princess Li and His Highness the Second Prince first?"

"Tell me what you mean...there is a spy hidden beside the queen?" the second prince blurted out.

"That's right!" Xiao Jingyao nodded, "This person is someone whom the Queen has great trust. Otherwise, you would not have known about your intention to kill my sister so quickly, and then wanted to capture her to threaten us. "

This second prince is finally smart for once.

This person is too upright, and he still doesn’t understand the twists and turns!
After listening to Xiao Jingyao's words, the second prince thought carefully about the people following the queen.

Soon he found a candidate.

"Thank you, Brother Xiao, for your advice." The second prince saluted Xiao Jingyao sincerely.Xiao Jingyao felt a little embarrassed to receive this gift.

This second prince is really upright, and he doesn't bear any grudge against him.

He beat this man like a pig's head this morning, but looking at him like this, he didn't have any hostility towards him.

He is also a master who can bend and stretch.

All the secrets and truths have been revealed, and the rest is none of their business.

As soon as the second prince took the queen away, Xiao Jingyao immediately yawned, looking extremely sleepy.

He winked at Xiao Nai Tuanzi, who understood and immediately said to the emperor, "Grandpa Huang, Ran Ran is sleepy~, Ran Ran is going back with her mother and fifth uncle first."

At this moment, there are still many things to deal with, and it is really not easy for an outsider like Xiao Jingyao to deal with them.

So the emperor agreed to let them leave the palace.

When Xiao Jingyao took Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Ning out of the palace, the sky was already bright.

On the carriage, looking at Xiao Ning's intact sleeping face, Xiao Jingyao felt as if something had finally settled in his heart.

"Uncle Fifth, is she really my mother?"

The light inside the carriage was a little dark, Xiao Ningtuanzi lit a talisman and clamped it in the palm of his hand. He stared at Xiao Ning's face with a pair of big eyes and couldn't bear to look away.


My mother looks exactly like my fifth uncle!

By the way, she looks similar too!

She finally has a mother!

She also has a mother!
A true mother-in-law!
A mother who only belongs to herself!
that's nice!

The little breasted dumpling thought happily. At this moment, many scenes of playing with her mother appeared in her mind.

"Of course she is your mother!" Xiao Jingyao rubbed her little head and said amusedly.

"When you get back, let your mother check it carefully! See if there is any way to wake it up!"

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded heavily, his eyes glued to Xiao Ning's body and reluctant to move away.

After the carriage arrived at the post office, brothers Xiao Jingyan and Wu Tong were waiting at the door.

Except for Xiao Jingyan, several other people were walking back and forth, obviously worried about them!
As soon as the carriage arrived, several people quickly gathered around.

"How is it? Is everything going well?" Xiao Jinghan asked.

"Look at your anxious temper!" Xiao Jingyao, who was helped down by Xiao Jingyan, glanced at Xiao Jinghan and said angrily: "Your aunt is on the carriage, take her in first! Let's wait until we get in."

"Yes." Xiao Jinghan nodded in response.

With Wu Tong's help, Xiao Jinghan carried Xiao Ning on her back and carried her into the house.

After settling Xiao Ning, Xiao Jingyao told what happened.

After everyone listened, they all felt that the queen was a bit miserable!

Forget about marrying an emperor who has someone else in mind!
As a queen, half of her rights were taken away and she was laughed at for most of her life.

The good-looking twin sons were actually tricked into sending one of them away, and they endured the pain of separation.

The person closest to you is still a deadly person, and you are always living in other people's plans!
How ridiculous and sad this is!

(End of this chapter)

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