Chapter 540 Only one soul is left!
But this person is usually a pitiful person who must be hateful.

Just the fact that they wanted to kill Xiao Ning in order to hide it, Xiao Jingyao found it unforgivable.

People are protective of their shortcomings!

She, Huangfushan, could hurt others in order not to be exposed for her crime of deceiving the emperor. This was a selfish act.

Of course, maybe... if this matter were put to himself, he would make the same choice.

After Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Naituanzi washed up, they didn't go directly to rest. Instead, they all gathered in front of Xiao Ning's bed.

"Ran Ran, give your mother a good look quickly." Xiao Jingyao said.

This sister has a bad fate. If there is a chance to wake up, the Xiao family will treat her like a jewel.

Xiao Naituanzi stepped forward and put his little hand on Xiao Ning's wrist.

After a short time of burning incense, she changed her previous right hand to her left hand.

Time passed bit by bit, and everyone's hearts sank bit by bit.

This was definitely the longest time they had ever seen a small-breasted dumpling taking someone's pulse.

The whole process took more than half an hour.

After the little breasted dumpling stopped his hand, his little face was full of seriousness.

"How?" Xiao Jingyao asked impatiently.

"People have three souls and seven souls. My mother's three souls are missing two souls, and her seven souls are missing six souls." Xiao Nai Tuanzi replied with a headache.

Even the only soul left was a rare piece of soul-soothing jade inserted into her mother's body by an expert, which barely kept her alive.

"Then what can I do to wake up your mother?" Xiao Jingyao asked the key.

Xiao Naituanzi pursed her lips and said, "Unless I reunite my mother's two souls and six souls, it is impossible for my mother to wake up."

"In addition, we also need several rare medicinal materials."

At this time, Xuan Yin said: "Although this medicinal material is rare, at least it can be collected. But these two souls and six souls... after so many years, it is harder to find it than to climb to the sky."

Hearing this, no one spoke.

Xiao Jingyao did not expect such a result. The hope that rose in his heart turned into loneliness at this moment.

At this time, Xuan Yin said again: "If this matter happened to others, there might be no hope, but if it happened to Ran Ran, it is not impossible."


Everyone looked at Xiao Naituanzi.

The little breasted dumpling blinked, then blinked again, with a confused expression.

Xuan Yin raised his hand to touch his forehead, wishing he could give the little breast dumpling a shudder.

"Little girl, do you still remember those treasures that Master gave you when you came down the mountain?"

Xiaonuituanzi blinked, still a little confused.

"Senior brother, Master has given me many treasures. Which one are you talking about?"

Hearing this answer, Xuan Yin almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Listen, listen!
What is this called?
As long as the person standing in front of him is not a small breasted dumpling, he will try to say this?Let’s see if he cuts her off!
"Hey, Master Xuan Yin, please stop showing off and quickly tell me what kind of treasure Ran Ran can use?" Xiao Jinghan urged, a little impatient.

"Among her treasures, there is a Yin Yang Bagua Mirror. This treasure belongs to our fifth master."

"Although I have never seen its power, I heard that it can connect yin and yang to find ghosts and gods."

"As long as you put the birth date of this person, you can know the reincarnation of this person within three lives, so even if your mother's two souls and six souls have been reincarnated, you can still find them."

"So powerful?" When Xiao Jinghan heard this, his eyes started to shine when he looked at the little breast dumpling, "Ran Ran, Ran Ran, take it out quickly and show this baby to your third brother."

After saying that, he glanced at Xiao Jingyan again and said with a smile: "Why don't you show your eldest brother first whether he was a pig in his previous life?"

Everyone: "..." "Brother, using this thing once requires a lot of internal energy and spiritual power, and... it also requires a loss of lifespan, which is not something you can see casually."

"Otherwise, you would think that we have many disciples in Langya Mountain, and there are also many disciples with advanced martial arts skills. Why would all the masters give all their treasures to this little girl?"

"Apart from the fact that this little girl likes to act pitiful and cute, the most important reason is that this little girl's martial arts skills are very strong, and... she is born with a lack of life, but as long as she does good deeds and accumulates enough merit and gold, , her life will not be spared."

"This is also the reason why this girl faints every time she consumes too much."

After hearing this explanation, Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but touch her nose with guilt.

Fortunately, Xuan Yin was here, otherwise Xiao Naituanzi wouldn't know this and would have used this magic weapon casually.

"Ran Ran, take a good rest first and wait until you feel energetic before reading again."

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi nodded.

Xuan Yin said: "The medicines you want are very rare. Senior brother will help you send a message to other senior brothers. They may know some whereabouts and clues when they are wandering outside."

"Thank you, senior brother." Xiao Naituanzi said a rare and serious thank you.


Hearing this thank you, Xuan Yin was happy. He stretched out his hand and gently tapped Xiaonuituanzi on the forehead, and joked: "It seems that the sun is coming out from the west today. You little girl can actually say it." That’s the kind of thing to say.”

"I still like the way you cry and pretend to be pitiful and mischievous on the mountain."

Little milk dumpling: "..."

I want to cry to him!
The little breasted dumpling sniffed and changed his face at the speed of light. His mouth was pouted, his eyes were red, and he started to smoke.

Seeing this, Xuan Yin ran away immediately before she could cry.

Everyone: "..."

The little breasted dumpling wiped his little nose with the back of his hand, raised his little head and hummed.

"How cowardly!"

Everyone shook their heads helplessly and went down to rest.

As soon as they left, Xiao Naituanzi closed the door to the room.

It was already broad daylight now, and she could clearly see her mother's appearance.

She rested her hands on the bed, holding her chubby little face in her hands, her eyes staring at the sleeping Xiao Ning for a moment.


that's nice!

She finally found her mother!

My mother looks very similar to her!

The little girl looked at the bed for a long time, then climbed onto the bed and slept next to Xiao Ning.

She closed her eyes slightly and slept for a short while, then opened her eyes and got up, opened one of Xiao Ning's hands, and made a sleeping position with her arms around her.

Then her little body arched against Xiao Ning's body like a little pig.

"Hmm...Mom, it smells really good."

The little girl murmured something sweetly, then gradually fell asleep listening to Xiao Ning's heartbeat.

in a dream...

She saw her grandmother's family, her biological father and mother, and they all sat together, talking and laughing.

But at this moment...

(End of this chapter)

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