Chapter 542 Yin Yang Bagua Mirror

The grandfather and grandson sat down in the pavilion. Prince Qin told Xiao Nai Tuanzi a lot about her biological father, Mo Heng. Xiao Nai Tuanzi listened with interest while holding her own smiling face.

Not far away, Xiao Jingyao was leaning against a pillar with his hands folded across his chest, his eyes fixed on Little Nipples and Prince Qin for a moment.

Xuan Yin held a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth and stared at Xiao Jingyao, "Hey, did you hear what the poor monk just said?"

"Poor monk?"

Xiao Jingyao withdrew his gaze and twitched the corners of his mouth.

This guy is sometimes a monk, sometimes a Taoist priest, and sometimes he becomes a layman.

There are many identities.

"I heard it!" Xiao Jingyao said: "The news that King Qin just brought, that Ye Zhaozhao and the deposed prince are forcibly recruiting troops in the south of northern Xinjiang, is now in trouble."

"Also, Ye Zhaozhao's previous tricks were not only used against Dazhou, but also in Northern and Southern Xinjiang."

"It was because of Ran Ran's presence that we discovered those people's conspiracy and wiped out their power."

"But the situation in southern Xinjiang and northern Xinjiang is relatively miserable. It is said that puppets have appeared in both places! And the number is very large!"

"Now they are jumping over the wall and killing the people without any scruples. I am afraid... they are going to cause huge waves in the Three Kingdoms."

"Yes." Xuan Yin nodded and said with a smile: "It seems that these comfortable days will not be too long."

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao remained silent.

He knew that the plan of the three countries to jointly fight was about to begin, and the Xiao family... had been generals for generations, so they had to be at the forefront.

Maybe... maybe it's really the same as the nightmare the little girl had.

King Qin and Xiao Naituanzi had a pleasant chat, and they left after dinner in the evening!
After dinner, Xiao Naituanzi dug out all the treasures in his pocket and found the Yin Yang Bagua Mirror that Xuan Yin mentioned.

The little girl wrote her mother's birth date on the yellow paper, and then began to inject her inner energy into the Bagua mirror.

Immediately, the Bagua Mirror slowly flew to the top of the sky, and a golden light slanted out from the mirror, forming a Yin-Yang Bagua aperture on the ground.

Xiao Naituanzi bit her finger and then smeared her blood on the yellow paper with Xiao Ning's birthday written on it.

The yellow paper slowly fell into the circle of light and was sucked in.

Immediately afterwards, the little girl closed her eyes slightly, and a series of spells overflowed from her mouth.

With the constant infusion of internal energy and spiritual power, Xiaotai Dumpling couldn't help but frown, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Immediately afterwards, her footsteps moved slowly and entered the center of the aperture formed by the Yin Yang Bagua Mirror.

When she stood in the center, a surprising scene suddenly appeared.

I saw the golden halo of light suddenly rotating around her.

Then, in full view of everyone, Xiaonuituanzi was attracted by the huge circle of light.

"Ran Ran!?"

Xiao Jingyao was startled and called out in a hurry.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious! You'll be out in a moment." Xuan Yin saw Xiao Jingyao looking like he was about to go in, so he hurriedly grabbed him and reassured him.


"Didn't you see that the Yin Yang Bagua Mirror is still spinning?" Xuan Yin patted him on the shoulder, "Besides, even if there is something, what can you do? Send yourself to death?"

Xiao Jingyao gradually calmed down after hearing this.Xuan Yin was right. At this time, there was nothing they could do except wait.

So everyone entered into a long wait.

After an hour passed, the light in the Yin Yang Bagua Mirror gradually became weaker.

The people outside couldn't help but feel excited, sweating for the little breast dumpling.

More than an hour has passed, and it is already approaching early morning. Xiaonuituanzi has not come out yet, but the light in the Yin-Yang Bagua Mirror is getting weaker and weaker.

Everyone watched nervously without saying a word.

Suddenly, the light of the Yin Yang Bagua Mirror dimmed and was completely extinguished, and the small figure of Xiao Tiao Tuanzi reappeared in front of everyone.

"Well...I'm so hungry!"

The first time he came out, Xiao Naituanzi said weakly.

Xiao Jingyan, who was closest to her, quickly hugged her little body, while Xiao Jinghan immediately picked up the water and cakes on the table and brought them to the little breast dumpling's mouth.

"There should be some food in the kitchen, I'll get it." Li Qingqiu said.

There were people in the room taking care of the food and drink of Xiao Nai Dumpling without asking a word.

After eating the pastries, Xiao Naituanzi gained some strength. He looked at everyone and said, "It's Ye Zhaozhao's people who took away one of my mother's souls."

"There is still a soul, which is... at my father's place!"

"Other souls are scattered in the southeast, northwest, northwest and southeast."

As he said that, Xiao Naituanzi looked at Xiao Jingyao weakly and said, "I also saw my mother's future life. My mother... is a fairy in the sky... Ye Zhaozhao is her little girl."

Everyone: "..."

Ye Zhaozhao is Xiao Ning's girl?
This next life is a bit funny.

Xiao Jinghan smiled and said: "Isn't it true that your mother was bullied by Ye Zhaozhao in this life and will be punished in the next life? A woman like Ye Zhaozhao, even a little girl, will not be a good person."

"If I am still my aunt's nephew in the next life, I will definitely remind my aunt to kill her properly."

No one took Xiaonuituanzi's words seriously, but Xiao Jingyao vaguely felt that something was wrong.

For example, there is a big difference between Ye Zhaozhao's age and the time when this series of events was planned.

A lot of time was planned before Ye Zhaozhao was born.

There is also the Wu family who gave birth to Ye Zhaozhao... They said at the beginning that someone came to them specifically to let Ye Zhaozhao be born in their belly.

If he had met Xiao Nai Tuanzi before meeting these things, he would not have dared to think in some directions.

But after seeing something beyond his imagination, his ideas gradually became bolder.

Ye Zhaozhao is Xiao Ning's maid?
Ye Zhaozhao's original goal was very clear - to be members of the Xiao family.

According to Xiao Naituanzi, people in the Xiao family are born with good luck and can be regarded as children of luck.So, is there another reason why Ye Zhaozhao targeted the Ye family before he was born?

"What are you thinking about?" Seeing Xiao Jingyao lost in thought, Xuan Yin patted him on the shoulder.

"I was thinking about what Ran Ran just said. Everything Ye Zhaozhao did was premeditated. I was wondering if there is anyone in this world who can reverse time and space? Go back to the past?" Xiao Jingyao was serious. road.

(End of this chapter)

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