Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 543: Suspicion, the purpose of retaining the Wu family and his son

Chapter 543: Suspicion, the purpose of retaining the Wu family and his son


Xuan Yin couldn't help but be shocked by Xiao Jingyao's bold speech.

Looking at the development of the whole thing, it seems that Ye Zhaozhao came to take revenge on the Ye family.

But calling it revenge seems not that accurate. After all, Ye Zhaozhao is robbing the Ye family of their luck.


"It's not impossible what you said..." Xuan Yin put away the teasing and smile on his face, and whispered in Xiao Jingyao's ear: "Let me tell you, my sixth master has reversed the situation. Time and space come from the hereafter.”


Xiao Jingyao quickly pulled Xuan Yin to the side and said excitedly: "Are you telling the truth?"

"Would I lie to you about this kind of thing? But I also heard other masters accidentally mention that our sixth master seems to be incompatible with the people on our continent. The previous masters said that he had searched for dozens of people. I haven't found any way or method to return to his world."

"Later on, I gradually lost hope. I met the Great Master and the others by chance, and then I lived in seclusion with them."

"However, we don't know the specifics. Grand Master often says that this time is so vast that it is full of wonders."

After hearing this, Xiao Jingyao became more determined in his thoughts.'s not necessarily true that Ye Zhaozhao is from another world?

Then her thoughts about everything would have a source again.

"Perhaps... we can let Ran Ran see where Ye Zhaozhao comes from?" Xuan Yin suggested.

Xiao Jingyao looked at the little breast dumpling who was being served and eating pastries, and said: "This Yin Yang Bagua Mirror is too useless and consumes Ran Ran's internal energy. It cannot be used more in the short term."

"Besides, we don't know Ye Zhaozhao's birth date either."

Hearing this, Xuan Yin smiled and patted Xiao Jingyao's shoulder, "Brother, have you forgotten the Wu family? Ye Zhaozhao was born from the Wu family's belly, and the birth date is not something casual. Come."

"When Ye Zhaozhao took away your wife from the cold palace, he also took away the Wu family."

"So, the Wu family must be of some use to Ye Zhaozhao, so we kept them. We know that some of the Wu family's problems will be solved after we find them, what do you think?"

"But where are we going to find them in this huge crowd?" This question gave Xiao Jingyao a headache.

After all, although the small-breasted dumplings can pinch and count, finding someone requires their personal belongings.

"I might know."

At this time, Li Qingqiu came over with a food box and said, "I may know where the Wu family is!"

"You know?" Xiao Jingyao looked at Li Qingqiu in surprise, and then thought that she was taken away by Ye Zhaozhao and the Wu family, and asked, "Where is she?"

During this period of time, Li Qingqiu deliberately forgot what happened during that period, and now that she was asked to recall it again, her face turned slightly pale.

Seeing this, Xiao Jingyao hurriedly reached out and hugged her into his arms, "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't want to think about it, we will think of other ways!"

"'s okay for me!" She felt very at ease being by Xiao Jingyao's side, and thought about it carefully: "It was after we arrived in Kyoto in northern Xinjiang that the Wu family and his son separated from us. They followed The Yun family members left."

"I remember that the person who led them away was a man named Ma Liu. If we find this Ma Liu, we may be able to find the Wu family and his son."

"Well, leave this matter of finding someone to us. Qingqiu, what happened in the past is in the past. Don't think too much about it! We will go back to Dazhou in a while." Xiao Jingyao rubbed the back of her head. said softly.

"Okay." Li Qingqiu smiled lightly, "I feel at ease with you here."

Li Qingqiu brought the food into the house, and after the little milk dumplings were eaten, everyone went to rest.Early the next morning, Xiao Jingyao went to Prince Li's Mansion.

Prince Li, who had been eating porridge for a few days, had completely recovered from his illness. When the concierge said that Xiao Jingyao was coming, he was invited in.

"Hey, Prince Li's illness healed very quickly. It seems that our Ran Ran's medical skills have improved a lot." Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but joked as he walked in.

Upon hearing this, King Li's face darkened.

This is really which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

No matter how bad his illness is, he will become a monk.

Do not!
A monk can still eat a few vegetable leaves, but he only has white porridge.

Last night, he secretly asked the secret guard to steal chicken legs for him, and he was discovered by the brat at home who had just woken up. The brat didn't have martial ethics and dared to threaten him.


Who is he? How can he let a bastard threaten me?

So, let’s just get rid of this disease!

Anyway, his Yunjin has spent less time with that bastard since he woke up!
Seeing the grin on Prince Li's face, Xiao Jingyao said with a smile: "Prince Li, Ran Ran didn't match you up with Princess Li for nothing. She came here full of joy, but you made her leave disappointed. You said she could make you feel comfortable." Are you ready to lie down in the gentle countryside?"

Prince Li: "..."

I bet it's all Qinzi's fault.

Say it earlier~
If you need money, he has it!

Prince Li regretted it endlessly.

"Master Xiao Wu is just here to collect debts today?" Wang Li looked at Xiao Jingyao. This guy has always been a trouble-free Sanbao Palace.

"Not at all! I came to Prince Li for help with something." Xiao Jingyao was not polite and directly stated his intention to come to him.

The people in the Duke's Mansion were all arrested by Prince Li. In addition to the masters of the Duke's Mansion, the servants of the Duke's Mansion also needed to be interrogated. If he wanted to find this person, he would undoubtedly give way to Li. It is most appropriate for the prince to help.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to find it and give you the answer within one day."

"Thank you."

After talking about the business, the two chatted for a while.

As they talked, the two of them talked about Mo Heng, and Wang Li said: "I didn't expect that Mo Heng is actually the son of the Queen and the Emperor. No wonder his temperament did not follow that of King Qin."

"That boy is good. When my Imperial Master in Northern Xinjiang wanted to accept a closed disciple, I didn't know how many aristocratic families sent their children there, but I didn't expect that the old Imperial Master would not like any of them."

"Later, he accidentally met that boy Mo Heng and fell in love with him at first sight. At first, the boy was not willing!"

"It was the Imperial Master who persuaded him so hard that he reluctantly agreed. He made good friends with my Yuan'er, and even my Yuan'er became half of the Imperial Master's disciples."

Speaking of this past event, Prince Li was still very grateful to Mo Heng.

After Li Yuan woke up, he also said that when he fell from the horse, he found that he seemed to be poisoned, so he took a pill that the imperial master had given him before and put it into his mouth, which allowed him to barely save his life.

From this point of view, this is all destiny.

(End of this chapter)

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