Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 544: The apprentice of the Imperial Master, Xiaotai Tuanzi prepares to leave

Chapter 544: The apprentice of the Imperial Master, Xiaotai Tuanzi is ready to leave~
"Mo Heng is the apprentice of the Imperial Master?" Xiao Jingyao raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised.

However, he was becoming more and more satisfied with this Mo Heng.

In fact, if he hadn't taken Xiao Ning away in the first place, I'm afraid... Xiao Ning would not be alive now.

And just for such a short relationship, Mo Heng also protected Xiao Ning for five years.

Even though Xiao Ning had been in coma for five years and Ran Ran had been missing for five years, he still kept searching.

Such a man deserves his sister.


King Li said: "My national master in Northern Xinjiang is also a legend. His medical skills can be compared with your master Liao Kong from Great Zhou Dynasty, and his martial arts skills are also good!"

"About two years ago, he retired and left."

Xiao Jingyao knew that the Imperial Master in Northern Xinjiang was said to be very capable, but he had only heard about it.

After chatting for a while, Xiao Jingyao said goodbye and left.

King Li worked very quickly. In less than two hours after Xiao Jingyao left, he had the boy named Ma Liu brought to him.

This person is also afraid of death. He answers whatever they ask.

Soon they asked about the whereabouts of the Wu family and his son. In order to save their own lives, they even handed over the things that the Wu family and his son had previously rewarded him.

With the whereabouts and belongings of the Wu father and son, Xiao Jingyao is not afraid of not being able to find them.

In the afternoon of that day, he took Zhang Biao and Wu Tong to find the place where the Wu family and his son lived.

The two people were arranged in the countryside of Kyoto. The location was relatively remote. They were afraid of attracting attention. The father and son had not gone out much. They usually had people waiting on them to eat and drink, but they did not know the news in the capital.

Seeing Xiao Jingyao coming to the door, both father and son were almost frightened.

Xiao Jingyao didn't want to talk nonsense with them, so he stuck a truth charm on Na's body.

After asking and answering, Xiao Jingyao soon got the information he wanted.

"Hey, you said that both of you, father and son, are useless. Why does Ye Zhaozhao still keep you? Is there any value in you?" Xiao Jing was originally going to leave, but suddenly he remembered something and couldn't help but ask. One sentence.

According to his impression of Ye Zhaozhao, this person should be ruthless.

The Wu family father and son were no longer of use to her, so why would they be brought all the way from Dazhou to this northern Xinjiang?


The father and son looked at each other, both speechless.

The father and son were also very confused about this matter.

Previously, they thought that Ye Zhaozhao rescued the father and son because of their relationship with their relatives.

But later, they saw with their own eyes how ruthless Ye Zhaozhao was when he sucked people's energy, and they had some doubts about Ye Zhaozhao keeping their father and son.

But no matter how they thought, they couldn't figure out why.

Seeing the confused expressions of the father and son, Xiao Jingyao knew that he would not know even if he asked them.

"Fifth Master, look at their arms."

At this time, Wu Tong's sharp eyes discovered that there were scratches on the arms of both the Wu family and his son, and the wounds were not shallow.

"What's going on?" Xiao Jingyao asked sharply.

"When we first arrived here, someone took some blood from us, and we didn't know what it was used for." Wu Xi answered honestly.

"Yes, we feel groggy every time we take blood. We just need to sleep and it won't harm our bodies."

Xiao Jingyao stretched out his hand to rub his chin, pondered for a while and then suddenly smiled.

"Take their father and son away too!" Xiao Jingyao ordered.Although I don't know what effect the blood of the father and son has on Ye Zhaozhao, since Ye Zhaozhao can use them, it means that these two people may still be able to use it in the future.

Rather than letting them stay here to serve as a blood bank for Ye Zhaozhao, it would be better to take them away directly and cut off their roots.

"Yes." Zhang Biao responded and tied up the two people, stuffed stinky socks into their mouths and dragged them onto the carriage.

When he arrived at the post house, Xiao Jingyao asked people from Prince Li's Mansion to hand over the Wu family father and son to Prince Li. It would be better to leave the people under their care in the northern border.

Furthermore, this is the territory of Northern Xinjiang, so there are no villains saying that they are overstepping their bounds.

Back at the Inn, Xiaonuituanzi was still soundly asleep.

Xiao Jingyao went to her room to take a look at her, and saw that the little guy was holding Xiao Ning's arm and would not let go. When he fell asleep, his little head would still rub in her arms from time to time, and sometimes he would mutter something in his mouth.

Seeing that he was sleeping soundly, Xiao Jingyao smiled and left.

Two days have passed. This is the day when those people from the Duke's Mansion were beheaded and exiled. Xiao Jingyao and the others did not join in the fun. It is said that it went smoothly, and none of the people who deposed the prince and Ye Zhaozhao showed up.

On the third day, Xiaonuituanzi, who had been sleeping soundly, finally woke up.

And the servants in this post house also started to be busy.

Xiao Jingyao inquired about it and found out that the three countries were discussing a joint deal with Ye Zhaozhao and the deposed prince. Envoys from Dazhou and Southern Xinjiang were about to come to Beijing, so they had to clean up the place next door.

Xiao Jingyao did not expect the envoy to arrive so soon.

Thinking of the dream that Xuan Yin told him about the little breast dumplings, Xiao Jingyao's eyes gradually deepened.

The first thing the little breasted dumpling does when he wakes up is to eat a big meal.

After eating and drinking, Xiao Naituanzi gathered everyone together and told them that she was going out to find Liuhun for Xiao Ning.

"Ran Ran, can this matter wait any longer? When the negotiations between the Three Kingdoms are over, my fifth uncle will accompany you?" Xiao Jingyao was a little worried.

At this moment, he also received news from the Great Zhou Dynasty. The envoy sent for this discussion was Lord Libo Mingli, whom they were familiar with.

However, Li Boming was not clear about the war, so he was still the main negotiator.

Therefore, he still can't leave now.

"No need, it's good that Ranran has senior brother Xuanyin and third brother~. If the fifth uncle goes with Ranran, it will only affect the speed of Ranran's search for her mother's sixth soul~" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

My mother's six souls are scattered in different places, and my fifth uncle can't be of much help.

Senior Brother Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan can be regarded as members of the sect. They also know some metaphysics and can help her at certain times!
In addition to them, she also has Uncle Zhou Ren, who is about to cultivate into a human form.


After Xiao Naituanzi finished speaking, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

He is the one holding back feelings!
Another day of being disliked by the little breasted dumpling!
"Let your elder brother go with you!" Xiao Jingyao said still worried.

I always feel that with one more person, the little breast dumplings will be much safer.

Without waiting for Xiao Naituanzi to answer, Xiao Jingyan refused very calmly, "I know myself well. If I go, I will only hinder Ran Ran. It's better to stay and be of some use."

Although he has high martial arts skills, good internal strength and swordsmanship, these are not enough for this little naughty dumpling.

If he follows her, he will have no use for himself.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

This statement seemed to be stating the facts, but also seemed to be satirizing his overestimation.

ps: Starting from today, the number of daily updates will be 8000+, and it will last for a month~
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(End of this chapter)

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