Chapter 545 The King of Ghosts?

"Okay, your eldest nephew is right, this good knife should be used on the edge." Xuan Yin patted Xiao Jingyao's shoulder and suppressed a smile.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

He suspected that the man was laughing at him, but he could find no evidence.

"Okay, when will we set off?" Xiao Jingyao asked.

"Well...tonight." Xiao Naituanzi said.

"Okay, then I'll ask them to prepare more food for you during the day." Xiao Jingyao said.

"Yeah, thank you, uncle five." Xiaotai Tuanzi thanked him sweetly.

Before leaving, Xiaonai Tuanzi went to Prince Xin's Mansion, Prince Li's Mansion, Prince Qin's Mansion and the Imperial Palace respectively.

Several people knew that Xiao Nai Tuanzi would be away for a while, so they all sent a lot of things to Xiao Nai Tuanzi, of course, most of them were banknotes.

After all, this little girl's love of silver is no secret.

Of course, everyone was tacitly aware of Xiao Naituanzi's departure from Northern Xinjiang and did not disclose it at all.

That night, Xiao Naituanzi, Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin got on the carriage and quietly left Kyoto in Northern Xinjiang all the way to Dazhou.

According to this Taoist saying, a person has three souls and seven souls.

These three souls refer to the three souls of heaven, earth and unity.

These seven souls refer to Tianchong, Linghui, Qi, Li, Center, Jing, and Ying.

Xiao Ning's heavenly soul is now in Ye Zhaozhao's hands, while the earthly soul is with Mo Heng, and the combined soul is suppressed on Xiao Ning's body with this soul-suppressing jade.

As for the other seven souls, except for the soul in charge of the center, which is still in her body, the others are no longer there.

It's so difficult to find.

Now the location they want to go to is first of all the place where Xiao Ning's accident occurred. Her three souls and seven souls began to disperse there, so they will use that place as their starting point and go in six directions.

It took a full five days for Xiao Naituanzi to reach the place where Xiao Ning was chased and fell into the cliff.

"right here?"

Xuan Yin said: "This place is not far from Langya Mountain."

Xiao Jinghan said: "It's quite close to Yonglin. Ran Ran, why don't we go back and see my uncle and aunt? Give them a surprise?"

"Better farewell!" Xuan Yin said hurriedly: "We are operating secretly this time, so Ye Zhaozhao probably thought that Ranran was in Kyoto, northern Xinjiang. Now he has nothing to fear except Ranran. . Once she knows that Ran Ran has left, Xiao Jingyao may be in danger."

Xiao Jinghan didn't think too much. She couldn't help scratching the back of her head and said apologetically: "Brother Xuan Yin, I'm sorry! I didn't think too much."

"You kid, you still need to hone yourself." Xuan Yin said.

At present, Yonglin not only has the formation that was set up before, but also has tens of thousands of soldiers guarding it. In addition, what Xiao Jingxuan and his wife have done for Yonglin, but this Yonglin is now a united effort. It's quite safe here.

Right now, it is impossible for Ye Zhaozhao to come here.

"Ran Ran, let's find a place to have a good rest first and come back in the evening." Xuan Yin reminded.


The little girl has been using her spiritual power to control the carriage in the past few days, so she needs a good rest now.

It's daytime now, and the yang energy is relatively strong, so it's more difficult to find the soul.

The three of them didn't go far, so they found a cooler place to rest under the shade of a tree.

The little breasted dumpling leaned against the tree and fell asleep in a short time.

It was already night when I woke up again, and the day was completely dark.

Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan made a fire and were roasting wild rabbits and pheasants, and there were also roasted fish on the leaves on the ground.

"Wake up, come and try your senior brother's and my craftsmanship." Xuan Yin was a little proud and tore a pheasant leg for Xiaonuituanzi.

"Hey~" Xiao Jinghan rolled her eyes disdainfully, "Well, it was obviously me who baked it, but you just took it for the last time and had the nerve to say it was you who baked it."

"Hey, Xiao Xiaosan, it's meaningless for you to say that. The most critical moment of this roast chicken is the last bite. This poor monk has mastered the essence." Xuan Yin retorted shamelessly, and after finishing speaking, he said fiercely He took a bite of the chicken in his hand.

"Yes, you have mastered the essence! Look at those dark fish that are thrown over there and exude a burnt smell. That is your essence!" Xiao Jinghan said angrily.

It is said that family members do not practice Kuangyu, but this person not only practices Kuangyu, but also eats meat.

Yesterday I was a monk, today I have become a Taoist priest.

" smells so good, it smells so good!"

Xuan Yin kept smacking his lips while eating.

"Bring it to you!"

Seeing that he was enjoying the food, Xiao Jinghan snatched the chicken from his hand.

Xuan Yin was not convinced and soon started fighting over a chicken.


The little breasted dumpling looked at the two people while chewing the chicken legs, with disgust on his face, but there was a smile in his eyes.


At this time, the money sword in Xiaotuanzi's pocket rang.

Xiaonuituanzi took it out.

Suddenly a black mist emerged from inside.

Zhou Zhongren's figure also appeared in front of everyone.

"Okay, Lao Zhou! How long has it been? Are your skills getting better and better?" Xuan Yin teased: "But why are you coming out at this time? Do you also want to taste my roasted chicken?"

Zhou Zhongren: "..."

He is just a ghost who has just cultivated into a human form, which does not mean that he is a human being.

What does roast chicken taste like?
Has he forgotten all about it?
"Although I am staying in that coin, I know the purpose of your trip. I can find Xiao Ning's soul faster than you."

"Huh? Uncle Zhou, do you know where my aunt's soul is?" Xiao Jinghan asked doubtfully.


As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Jinghan received a look of disgust from Xuan Yin, "If he knew, would he still need Ran Ran to expend his spiritual energy to enter the Yin Yang Bagua Mirror?"

Xiao Jinghan choked, "Then...he..."

"Just say you are stupid, you still don't believe it." Before Xiao Jinghan finished speaking, he was quickly interrupted by Xuan Yin, "Have you forgotten? I am a ghost, not a human being!"

"It's much easier for ghosts to find ghosts than for people to find ghosts."

"What's more, he is still a ghost who has cultivated into a human form, and he has merit and golden light that can eliminate some resentments. If he goes to the ghost world, calling him the king of the ghost world should be trivial, right!?"

"Ah? So powerful?" Xiao Jinghan was shocked and looked at Zhou Zhongren in disbelief.

The king of ghosts?
Wouldn't that be able to command all ghosts?
It’s awesome just thinking about it.

"Hmm, Uncle Zhou is really awesome." Xiao Nai Dumpling said while eating.

Zhou Zhongren looked at Xiao Naituanzi with an indifferent expression, "If it weren't for Ran Ran, I, a wandering soul, would have forgotten where I came from, and I would still be trapped in that pile of souls, dealing with that female ghost."

Remembering that past event, Zhou Zhongren felt a little moved.

If Xiao Nai Tuanzi had not appeared, the ghosts trapped there would have been taken away and refined by the Taoist priest to harm other people.

There is no chance of reincarnation at all.

(End of this chapter)

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