Chapter 547 Weird Huzhou

After a night's rest, Xiao Naituanzi woke up at noon the next day.

Xuan Yin went to the surrounding towns and bought a lot of food.

After the three of them had eaten, Xuan Yin suggested: "Ranran, the person who broke the bottle that the Taoist priest held your mother's soul in was most likely your father. Should we find your father first? Maybe he has some clues. You know."

"Yes." Xiao Jinghan also agreed with Xuan Yin's words, "Although we know the direction where your mother's souls are, the direction is so wide, where can we find it?"


Regarding this matter, Xiao Naituanzi also had some headaches.

She could find her mother's location based on her birth date or familiar things, but she couldn't find her mother's soul.

"Does my father know where my mother is?" Xiao Naituanzi asked.

Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan looked at each other. They didn't know whether they knew about this Mo Heng.

At this time, Xiao Naituanzi's money sword vibrated again.

Xiao Naituanzi took it out and used the talisman to make a parasol.

Zhou Zhongren got out of the coin and said: "Your mother's soul dispersed from here and went in different directions. Others can't see it, but maybe the ghosts along the way can see it."

"This soul is different from the soul. After a long time, it needs to be hidden in some kind of spiritual weapon. We can ask more about strange things in this area along the way, and maybe we will get some clues."

"In this case, it all depends on Brother Zhou, the Ghost King." Xuan Yin bared his teeth.

When Zhou Zhongren heard the words "Brother Zhou", he couldn't help but tremble.

He quickly got back into Xiao Naituanzi's money sword.

In the next few days, a few people kept walking eastward during the day. At night, Zhou Zhongren summoned the ghosts to inquire about Xiao Ning's whereabouts.

Finally, the first clue was found on the third day.

A ghost once saw a soul that looked the same as Xiaonuituanzi attached to a little girl's jade pendant.

It's just that they don't know exactly who this little girl is. They only know that the girl was heading towards Huzhou at that time.

After getting this clue, Xiao Naituanzi and others immediately headed to Huzhou non-stop.

Huzhou is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and one side leads to other places. It is said that most of the surrounding areas are green spaces, and many people are mining here.

Therefore, the people of Huzhou live a very prosperous life.

However, when the three of them arrived in a carriage, they found that the people here were all dressed in tatters. There were not many people walking on the street, and most of them were women and children.

"Isn't it said that there are mines here and the people are rich? What I see and what I hear seem to be different." Xiao Jinghan said doubtfully.

Xuan Yin sat on the axle of the carriage, watching the people staring at their carriage with unkind eyes, and murmuring in his heart.

What's wrong with these people?
Xuan Yin touched his bald head. He didn't look too unattractive! ?
"There are resentful spirits here, and the resentment above the sky is also very heavy~" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

"Is it these resentful spirits that are causing trouble?" Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when he heard Xiao Naituanzi's words.

These days, Zhou Zhongren was used to seeing that ghost, but those were not evil ghosts, and he gradually got used to it.But this resentful spirit is different. It was formed by having a lot of resentment or suffering extreme torture during life.

And these resentful spirits can attack people.

"Look at you like that!" Xuan Yin glanced at Xiao Jinghan with disgust, "All those metaphysical formations that Ran Ran taught you were really in vain."

"I..." Xiao Jinghan choked and was speechless, so she could only glare at Xuan Yin.

"There they are!"

After a while, the carriage with several people was stopped.

Xuan Yin watched a dozen people with sticks and hoes surrounding them, and quickly stopped the carriage.

"What...are these people going to do?"

Xiao Jinghan's head was full of confusion, and she looked at the people who were surrounding them in amazement.

"Who are you? Get out of here quickly! Otherwise we won't be polite!" the leader said pretending to be fierce.

After he finished speaking, the others started shouting as well, as if they were bound to be driven out.

It can be seen that although these people are shouting very loudly, they are ordinary people with no martial arts skills.

"Everyone, we don't mean any harm. We were just passing by and wanted to find a place to rest for the night!" Xiao Jinghan jumped out of the carriage and said politely.

The young man, who was fifteen or sixteen years old, did not look aggressive, and his appearance was as gentle as jade, which made these people less vigilant.

As he spoke, Little Nipples couldn't help but stick out a little head from the carriage, opening his mouth and showing a sweet smile, "Hello uncles, we don't mean any harm~"

"Well... my little belly is so hungry. I really want to eat! Can uncle and uncle sell us something?"

The little breasted dumpling touched his belly aggrievedly and looked at these common people pitifully.

The common people saw that they were just children, and Xuan Yin, who was driving the carriage, was just a big-headed monk, and he didn't look like anything to be afraid of, so they glanced at the leader.

"We don't have an inn here for you to rest, so you can go!" the leader said. Compared to his previous fierce appearance, his attitude at this moment is much gentler.

"But it's almost getting dark today!" Xiao Naituanzi looked at the sky and looked at the people aggrievedly, "Brother said there are tigers in this mountain! People are so scared. What if the tiger will kill Ran Ran? After eating... wu wu wu... my father and mother will be sad~"

The expression of Xiaotai Dumpling changed at every turn, and as soon as her little mouth shrank, tears fell down in large numbers.

Seeing this, Xiao Jinghan hurriedly hugged the little girl and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, sister, don't be afraid, sister! Brother will protect you. Even if he allows himself to be eaten by a tiger, he will not let you be eaten by a tiger. .”

As he said this, the brother and sister held their heads and cried.

Xuanyin: "..."

Is he going to cry too?
"Brother, I don't think they are bad people! Why don't we keep them for one night? These two children look quite pitiful." One of the people said unbearably.

As soon as one person speaks, a second person will speak.

The leader thought for a while, then looked at them and said: "No, we can't let them stay! You have forgotten that every time someone from outside comes! People will die here, and we must not let them stay."

"Sympathizing with them will only kill our own people!"

Hearing this, the people's shaken hearts could not help but become firm again.

The lives of outsiders are naturally not as important as the lives of their own people.

When Xiao Naituanzi and others heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

It seems that it is impossible for them to stay.

I can only leave here temporarily and come back at night.

(End of this chapter)

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