Chapter 548: Fierce ghosts roar, formation!
The three of them left the territory of Huzhou without making any further stops.

"It seems that if we want to enter Huzhou to investigate the location of your mother's soul, we must make the people here accept us!" Xuan Yin said.

Xiao Jinghan said: "If we want the people here to accept us, we will have to find out the reason for the weird things happening here and help them solve the problem."

"Well, not bad!" Xuan Yin looked at Xiao Jinghan teasingly, "You are smart today!"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

"Ran Ran, let's take a rest first! We will hunt ghosts at night!" Xuan Yin said.

"Okay!" Xiaonuituanzi said with a smile.

A few people stopped the carriage not far from Huzhou City. In the dead of night, Xiao Naituanzi's money sword began to buzz and move.

Xiao Naituanzi immediately opened her eyes and woke up Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin who were sleeping.

And Zhou Zhongren also got out of the money sword.

"What a strong resentment!" Zhou Zhongren shrugged his nose.

Even Xiao Naituanzi's money sword couldn't help but fly in the sky, obviously very excited.

"Let's go and see the place where the resentment is." Xiao Naituanzi said seriously.

With that said, Xiao Naituanzi led a few people and followed Qian Jian in one direction.

After a while, three people and one ghost stopped at a bulging place.

"The resentment here is the heaviest!" Zhou Zhongren said while looking at the fog around him.

Xiao Jinghan stood closely next to Xuan Yin. Hearing Zhou Zhongren's words, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and then said: "In addition to resentment, there seems to be formations."

"What are we doing now? Do you want to go in and take a look?" Xuan Yin looked at Xiaonuituanzi.

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi nodded seriously, her money sword was almost impatient!
As she said that, she raised the money sword with her little hand, and the one hundred and eight money coins on the money sword instantly dispersed. The money coins instantly emitted golden light and went towards the white sky. A mist went away.

But after a short while, the fog slowly dispersed.

Suddenly, a chill hit them.

"I'll go in and take a look first!" Zhou Zhongren said.

After saying that, he floated in first.

But after a while, the screams of fierce ghosts came from inside.

Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but tremble when he heard this, and subconsciously grabbed Xuan Yin's arm.

Xuanyin: "..."

"Senior Brother, you and Third Brother are outside. Let me go in and take a look." The expression on Xiao Naituanzi's face couldn't help but become a little more serious. He took out a stack of talismans from his pocket and threw it to Xuan Yin and jumped He entered the formation.

"Ran Ran, please keep your voice down!" Xiao Jinghan shouted to the back of Xiaonuituanzi.

The only thing that responded to him was the howling cold wind and the screams of the demons.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and find a way to break this formation." Xuan Yin said.

"As soon as the formation is broken, won't all the evil spirits inside come out?" Xiao Jinghan said.

"Hmph!" Xuan Yin snorted and rolled his eyes at him, "What are ghosts afraid of?"

"Of course it's light!" Xiao Jinghan said matter-of-factly.

"Wrong, ghosts are afraid of people in addition to being afraid of light. The yang energy in people is what they are afraid of! Now I am going to rearrange a formation outside. You can find flaws in the previous formation. If there are evil ghosts coming out, we can Get rid of it and make it fly away."

"Okay." Xiao Jinghan nodded, "It's up to you." However, when they wanted to take action, a sharp blade flew towards them not far away.

"Be careful!" Xuan Yin quickly pulled Xiao Jinghan away from the sharp blade, "There is someone here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, another sharp blade flew towards them.

"Quick, stick it on!"

Xuan Yin snatched the sword from Xiao Jinghan's hand and knocked off the hidden weapon. He also gave you an invisibility talisman to Xiao Jinghan.

Xiao Jinghan took it, put it on her body, and disappeared instantly.

"Get away and continue to look for flaws in this formation." Xuan Yin also put an invisibility charm on his body, told Xiao Jinghan and went towards the person who threw the hidden weapon.

At this time, inside the formation.

Xiao Naituanzi and Zhou Zhongren looked at the fierce ghosts in front of them with serious expressions on their faces.

These fierce ghosts are not ordinary ghosts, they are all ghosts who have cultivated beyond the realm. Although their magic power is not as good as Zhou Zhongren and Xiao Nai Tuanzi, they cannot hold back their large numbers.

The appearance of this ghost inside the formation here was obviously not accidental, but someone deliberately kept it here.

This can't help but remind Xiao Naituanzi of the hill where he first met Zhou Zhongren. At that time, the Taoist priest named Qingxuan used secret techniques to exchange little ghosts with the female ghost, so that the female ghost cultivated out of the world and became extremely powerful. Difficult to deal with.

If these ghosts were placed here by those same people, then... her mother is most likely here.

And the way to find her mother is to collect all these ghosts.

"Ran Ran, these ghosts are extraordinary. It will take us a lot of energy to attack them together. You use the formation to trap them, and we will defeat them one by one! Rendao, Zhou Zhong.

"Okay." Xiaonuituanzi nodded.

"Hahaha, don't even think about trapping us!" One of the long-haired female ghosts in red laughed hahaha. After laughing, she turned into a wisp of black smoke and headed towards Xiaotai Dumpling. Attack.

The other ghosts also turned into black smoke one by one, waiting for an opportunity to move.

"Huh, you're already trapped in the formation! Let's see how my aunt traps you." Xiao Nai Tuanzi said without any panic.

She didn't know if other formations could trap these ghosts, but the current formation they were in could definitely trap these ghosts, otherwise they wouldn't stay in it honestly.

As for her, it might not be possible for her to read and write, but it would be easy for her to decipher this formation and quickly imitate an identical formation.

"You say such big words at such a young age, let's see how I kill you!"

The female ghost's voice floated in the air, and as soon as she finished speaking, a hand suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Naituanzi and strangled Xiao Naituanzi's neck.

However, before she even touched Xiao Nai Dumpling, a golden light suddenly flashed across Xiao Nai Dumpling's chest, and the Money Sword suddenly appeared in front of her.


The female ghost in red screamed and instantly revealed her true form.

She looked at her hand that seemed to be burned in disbelief, and took several steps back, glaring at the little breast dumpling with a pair of eyes.

The little breasted dumpling didn't give her any reaction, and quickly moved her handprints.

Several other black ghosts saw that Xiao Nai Dumpling had injured their companions, and attacked Xiao Nai Dumpling fiercely.

"Ran Ran, be careful!"

Zhou Zhongren shouted as he saw the little breast dumpling being surrounded by black mist.

ps: Here are four chapters, please give me some recommendation votes and some rewards~
(End of this chapter)

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