Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 549: He is still a child, and he is talking about Xiaozhang!

Chapter 549: He is still a child, and he is just talking nonsense!


Just when the ghosts rushed towards Xiao Nai Dumpling, Xiao Nai Dumpling suddenly disappeared in a flash. At the same time, a golden dazzling light flashed, shrouding the black mist.

These ghosts were suddenly shrouded in bright light, screamed in fright, and fled in all directions.

Before they could react, Xiao Naituanzi moved quickly, and the talismans in her hand were taken out of her hands one by one, and flew towards the evil ghosts.

Under the blow of the talisman, the evil ghosts showed their true colors and fell to the ground.

Seeing the green blood flowing on their bodies, all the ghosts looked extremely ugly.


The little girl raised her little head and snorted coldly at them, "My aunt never speaks big words. She is a child, so she talks in small words! Don't make a mistake~"

All the ghosts: "..."

"Damn girl, if I don't catch you, I will take your three souls and seven souls to refine the supreme Kung Fu method." The female ghost said coldly.

After saying that, the several fierce ghosts looked at each other, and instantly transformed into black mist, attacking Xiaotuanzi.

Xiao Naituanzi was not afraid at all. He waved his hand gently and several talismans flew out of his hand.


A blue light flashed.

One of the fierce ghosts thought that Xiao Naituanzi was trying to repeat his old tricks, so he hid aside with no disdain.

"It's a small plan! Little girl, you only have this little ability..."

A shrill and disdainful tone came to Xiao Naitanzi's ears from a distance.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, a transparent barrier blocked her way.

"Uncle Zhou, I'll leave this ghost to you, and leave the rest to me." Xiao Naituanzi said with a smile.

The two talismans she just threw directly separated the two sides of the formation, including two fierce ghosts on Zhou Zhongren's side and eight on her side.

"Okay, be careful." Zhou Zhongren said while dealing with these two ghosts.

"Uncle Zhou, don't worry, let's see how Ran Ran beats them to death."

"What a loud tone!" one of the ghosts said disdainfully.

As soon as he finished speaking, the environment in this small formation suddenly changed.

I saw eight houses suddenly rising up in the dark surroundings, and pear trees were planted between the houses.

Under the pear tree, there are swings, paper kites, wood carvings, and all kinds of fun things.

A gust of wind blows, and the fragrance of pear blossoms falls.

The little breast dumpling was placed under the pear tree. He pouted his mouth while smelling the fragrance of the flowers, took out a pill and threw it into his mouth.

Then, she slowly walked towards her swing and sat down on the swing.

She seemed to be here for sightseeing and started to swing on the swing.

At this moment, the pear tree behind him suddenly moved.

The little breasted dumpling seemed to have disappeared, and he closed his eyes slightly and continued to swing.

"Hmm... fun! Not bad! I haven't played on the swing for a long time!" Xiaonuituanzi said to himself.


After listening to Xiao Naituanzi's words, a burst of harsh laughter came from one of the houses.

The little girl glanced at the house, then listened to the voice and continued to laugh: "Children are indeed children, little doll...the swing and dolls were given to you by your sisters, it's so fun!"

"Well, thank you, sisters~" Xiao Tuanzi thanked her in a sweet voice. "Hahaha...hahaha..."

A series of sarcastic and ridiculing voices sounded in my ears one after another, and at the same time, all the Lihua trees in the courtyard began to move.

The pear blossoms fell, floating on the ground like a layer of pure white snow.

The little girl closed her eyes slightly, as if she was immersed in it.

After a while, the girl with small breasts and dumplings was surrounded by eight pear trees in the middle.

And the original breeze began to whistle loudly.

The windows of surrounding houses were rattled by the wind.

This sound comes in waves, and it doesn't sound like much to a rough listen, but if you are someone who understands music here, you will know that this is a piece of music that can stir people's hearts and kill them.

As the rhythmic clang sounded, the pear blossoms on the ground rose in the wind and swayed in the air.

The little breasted dumpling sat motionless on the spot.

Suddenly, there was a "clang" sound in the ears, and the pear blossoms that were originally swaying in the air instantly turned into countless sharp blades, aiming at the little breast dumpling sitting on the swing in the middle, and shooting them like a rain of arrows.

But at this time, the little breast dumpling also moved!
I saw her quickly jumping off the swing and quickly doing a trick with her little hands.

As the move stopped, the sharp blade that was coming towards her vibrated, stopped and turned in another direction.

"go with!"

Xiao Naituanzi let out a light sound, and the sharp blade went straight towards those houses.


A series of shrill screams rang out, and the female ghosts were quickly knocked back to their original shape and fell to the ground.

Their bodies and faces were all covered with marks of being stabbed with sharp blades.

"You... how can you be okay?"

One of the female ghosts looked at the little breast dumpling in disbelief.

The little girl blinked her eyes and grinned at the ghosts, "Is this sister trying to tell you why your illusions, your poisons, and this little formation are useless to Ran Ran?"

"Hehe, you're just a little skilled, Ranran has been playing with it since she was little~"

The little girl patted her little hands, held her neck high and raised her hands, and with a "crash" sound, the money sword appeared in her hand.

The little girl bared her teeth at the ghosts and said in a sweet voice, "Since the sisters like Ran Ran so much and have sent so many things to Ran Ran, then Ranran will also give some to the sisters. What a great gift~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Nai Tuanzi threw the money sword in his hand into the air. Immediately, the money coins scattered around the ghosts, forming a Five Elements Bagua array above their heads.

When the ghosts saw this, they suddenly felt bad.He immediately stood up and prepared to escape.

But before they could make any move, the golden light from the Five Elements and Bagua array hit them with a "swish".


The ghosts who had just climbed up fell back again.

Seeing this, Xiao Naituanzi didn't relax at all. Her little hands kept changing her tactics. Spells overflowed from her mouth, and talismans and seals were drawn and reinforced on the coins.

The golden light was getting stronger and stronger, and it was useless no matter how much these female ghosts resisted.

Xiao Naituanzi's formation was modeled after the previous formation that imprisoned these female ghosts. On this formation, she reinforced the talisman and seal formation. This talisman formation can absorb the evil energy from their bodies and suppress their abilities. No matter how much they resist, it will be useless.

After a while, the ghost with weaker evil spirit and lower cultivation level crawled on the ground, and his body gradually turned into black smoke and was absorbed by the formation.

"Little sister, tell Ran Ran who locked you up here and what the purpose of locking you up here is. Ran Ran can consider sending you to reincarnation instead of letting you disappear into ashes~"

After a ghost vanished into ashes, Xiaonuo Dumpling softly and waxily put forward his own conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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