Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 550: The formation is broken and wiped out!

Chapter 550: The formation is broken and wiped out!

However, as soon as she finished speaking, a corner of the formation was suddenly opened from the outside.

Small breast dumpling: "!!!"

"Ran Ran, brother is here~" Just when Xiao Naituanzi was confused, Xiao Jinghan's silly voice suddenly came from outside the formation.

But before he could enter the formation, those fierce ghosts saw the opportunity and turned into black smoke and rushed out towards the formation's eye.


Xiao Naituanzi only heard a few screams, and then the ghosts disappeared.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

"What's going on?" Zhou Zhongren looked over with confusion.

Originally, he had already caught the two ghosts, but the formation was suddenly opened, allowing the two ghosts to escape.

"Hey, don't worry!" Seeing the confused expressions on their faces, Xiao Jinghan walked in with a smile and proudly said with his head held high: "Don't worry, we have set up a formation outside, and all those ghosts will run away. It won’t fall off.”

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Xuan Yin walked in confused, "What's going on, what's going on? Aren't those ghosts very powerful? Why did they disappear all of a sudden?"

Small-cup dumplings & Zhou Zhongren: "..."

Xiao Jinghan looked at the bewildered expressions of the three of them, pretended to be humble and shook her head, saying: "You don't need to praise me, I just set up a small formation, it's only averagely powerful."

The three little breast dumplings: "..."

"Stop your face, it's disgusting!" Xuan Yin glanced at Xiao Jinghan with disgust.

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

He managed to arrange such a powerful formation, so why can't he praise him?
"Now that those ghosts are all gone, we can't ask anything anymore! Why, you still want to ask for praise?" Xuan Yin saw Xiao Jinghan's thoughts at a glance and said angrily.

"Is that right?"

Xiao Jinghan looked at Xiao Naituanzi and Zhou Zhongren and asked.

"Yeah." Little Nipples nodded.

The proud expression on Xiao Jinghan's face immediately turned into a look of disgust.

Xiaonuituanzi didn't want to hit him, so she walked over and stretched out her hand to hold his hand and said, "But it doesn't matter~ You can't blame brother, it was Ran Ran's formation that sucked their mana!"

Xiao Jinghan was not too happy after hearing this, nor was he comforted.

The meaning of this is not that his formation is powerful, but that if Xiao Naituanzi's formation had not weakened the power of those ghosts, it would be impossible for the formation he arranged to drive those ghosts to pieces.

"Senior Brother Xuanyin, didn't you just capture someone?" Xiao Jinghan looked at Xuanyin, hoping to get some clues from the person who attacked them.

"One of them didn't pay attention, so he bit his tongue and committed suicide." Xuan Yin said regretfully.

The ghosts trapped in the formation don't know as much as the people guarding here.

"It seems that all the clues have been lost." Xiao Jinghan said.

"That's not the case. At least we know that there is a high possibility that Ran Ran's mother is in Huzhou." Zhou Zhongren said.

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi also smiled and nodded.

After saying that, Xiao Naituanzi waved her hand and broke all the formations arranged here. Then she raised her money sword upwards, and one hundred and eight gold coins quickly scattered, and then flew towards The dark sky.

The little breasted dumpling also sat down and recited a spell.

Seeing this, Xuan Yin also helped Xiao Nai Tuanzi recite the spell together.

"What is this?" Xiao Jinghan was a little confused.

"This is the curse to exorcise evil spirits. The evil spirits in Huzhou are very strong. If these evil spirits are not sucked away, other ghosts will use this evil spirits to practice. This is not a good thing." Zhou Zhongren said.

"Oh." Xiao Jinghan nodded clearly.

It wasn't until dawn that Xiaonaituanzi and Xuan Yin got up and put away their swords.

And Zhou Zhongren also took advantage of the situation and got into Xiaonai Tuanzi's money sword. "Well... Ranran is so hungry!"

The little breast dumpling has been busy all night, and now he is so hungry that his chest is pressed against his back.

"There's still some food in the carriage. Let's go back to the carriage and rest first!" Xiao Jinghan bent down and picked up the little breast dumplings. "Brother, I will carry you away. Let's squint for a while."


The little girl was not polite. She yawned loudly and snuggled into Xiao Jinghan's arms obediently, closing her eyes.

"The poor monk is tired, why don't you also carry me on your back, almsgiver Xiao?" Xuan Yin said.

"Master, you are too heavy. I can't carry it, donor!" Xiao Jinghan replied.

"Bang!" Xuan Yin snorted, "It's not that I'm too heavy, it's that you are too weak!"

"You know I'm weak, and you still let me carry it? You, a monk, don't have any compassion at all!" Xiao Jinghan rolled his eyes.

"The poor monk's Dharma name is Xuan Yin, which is not called compassion! How can he have a compassionate heart?"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Too lazy to talk nonsense with him!


Just when the three of them arrived at where their carriage was, Xuan Yin suddenly whispered into Xiao Jinghan's ear.

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

"The person who popped up at this time seems to be the person behind the scenes! You guys have a good rest, it just so happens that I need to relax my muscles and bones." Xiao Jinghan said fiercely.

"Okay." Xuan Yin stretched his body, and after exchanging glances with Xiao Jinghan, Xuan Yin quickly hugged the little breast dumpling over.

At the same time, Xiao Jinghan took the sword in his hand and killed him.

"Brother, get all this shit out of me!"

Xiao Jinghan shouted and attacked behind a tree.

"Master, misunderstanding, misunderstanding! We are the common people around here and we are not bad people!"

Immediately, two people in ordinary clothes emerged from behind the big tree and appeared in front of Xiao Jinghan tremblingly.


Xiao Jinghan glanced at the two people, took back his sword, nodded and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"This... we..."

The two looked at each other and hesitated to say a word.

"Do you two uncles want to see if we are dead?"

At this time, the little girl poked her little head out of the window of the carriage and said in a sweet voice.


The purpose was revealed, and the two of them were speechless for a moment, but the embarrassment on their faces was enough to show that Xiao Naituanzi was right.

Xuan Yin walked over, crossed his arms and looked at the two people with a half-smile, "Since you came to the door yourself, let's talk about it! Why do you resist outsiders entering Huzhou City? Why do you think we spend the night outside? Will he definitely die?"


The two were hesitant, not knowing what to say!

Xuan Yin looked at the two of them with a threatening tone, "If you don't say anything, either we will send you into the city later, or..."

"If you don't tell me, I'll kill you now!" The sword in Xiao Jinghan's hand pointed at the two of them with a swipe.

(End of this chapter)

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