Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 551 The story of the mountain god marrying a wife!

Chapter 551 The story of the mountain god marrying a wife!
"Master, sir, please spare your life! Please spare your life!"

The two of them saw that although Xiao Jinghan was not old, he was not someone who could be fooled easily, so they stammered back: "Guys, we...we are indeed here to see you as the little girl said. Look at you... you are dead!"

Speaking of the word "death", the voices of these two people obviously weakened.

"What? You want us to die so much? What is your purpose!" Xiao Jing said coldly.

"Oh, sir, you are so unjust!" One of them hurriedly threw his hands in his hands and cried out, full of grievance: "It's not that we are looking forward to a few deaths, but that all the strangers who have come to us over the years have never come back. Totally dead."


Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin raised their eyebrows at the same time, "Let's be clear? What does it mean that strangers come and go?"

"Hey..." One of them sighed and said, "Actually, it's not that strangers never come back. People who left our place in the past will die here as long as they come back and prepare to leave."

"Yes, yes, yes, you will die on this road." Another person echoed.

Xiao Jinghan: "???"

Xuanyin: "???"

"How could this happen? When did this start?" Xiao Jinghan asked.

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. They had seen the danger here last night, so maybe someone was at work.

But what is the purpose of these people raising ghosts?

What happened to the people who came to Huzhou to kill them?

"This matter started about five years ago." One of them thought for a while and said.

"That's right, five years ago." One of them nodded, "Five years ago, our county magistrate's daughter offended the mountain god in this mountain, so our entire Huzhou suffered."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Jinghan was stunned.

What does this have to do with Master Renshan God?
Before he could ask, the two men stopped hiding anything and poured out everything like beans.

It turns out that Huzhou is rich in green minerals, that is, jade.It is an extremely fertile place.

At that time, there were people in every household going out to do jade business, and life was very prosperous.

But just five years ago, after the previous county magistrate was transferred, a Hu County Magistrate was transferred.

Magistrate Hu took his family and moved them to Huzhou.

Magistrate Hu had a daughter. She was just fifteen years old and had hairpins. She was so beautiful and fragrant that she captivated the country.

Magistrate Hu is not bad, he is a good official who thinks about the people.

Huzhou people are also very friendly to their family.

But suddenly one day, this strange thing happened.

Magistrate Hu's daughter received a letter from Ke Ke, saying that she wanted to marry Magistrate Hu's daughter.

Magistrate Hu was furious after seeing the letter, but the person didn't name her, so Magistrate Hu took it as someone teasing her.

But not long after, Magistrate Hu received another letter, and at the same time he also received a box of betrothal gifts.

This betrothal gift is an emerald as big as a fist, which is very valuable.

The date of marriage proposal was also written on the letter.

When Magistrate Hu saw this, he felt depressed again. How could such a thing happen in this world?Not a single person could be seen asking for marriage.

But even though Magistrate Hu was depressed, he had no clues, so he could only ignore this matter.

But on the night agreed in the letter, the daughter of Magistrate Hu's family disappeared, and the other party left a wedding gift in her study.Magistrate Hu was furious and sent people to search. Finally, traces of the daughter of the Hu family were found on the east mountain.

At the foot of a mountain, everyone saw red candles, sacrifices, and a series of other things used for getting married.

After that, everyone found the body of the daughter of the Hu family on the mountain over there.

After examination, it was found that the daughter of the Hu family committed suicide.

From that day on, heavy fog began to appear in the mountains to the east, and all the original roads up the mountain disappeared.

Everyone said that the person who hired the daughter of the Hu family was the mountain god.

The death of the daughter of the Hu family directly offended the mountain god!
No, the mountain god created heavy fog and blocked the way up the mountain, making it impossible for the people of Huzhou to survive.

At first, some people did not believe in evil and secretly went up the mountain.

But these people either disappeared and never came back, or died at the foot of the mountain.

Go again and again, and so on again and again.

Because of this, the people of Huzhou really believed that this mountain god was causing trouble, so the families of those who died went to the county government to cause trouble.

Later, the county magistrate and his family were forced to death!
People in Huzhou rely on mining for a living. Now that mining is no longer possible, they have no choice but to find another way out.

So many people planned to go to other places, but the strange thing is that these people who went out never came back.

And those who were originally doing business outside came back to visit their families, but when they left, they either disappeared inexplicably, or died inexplicably on the road.

Over time, the villagers discovered a pattern. As long as they stayed in the village peacefully, did not go to other places, and no one else came back, the village would be safe and sound.

Then strangers would come. Almost every time a stranger came in, several people would die.

As a result, over the past few years, Huzhou has gradually become desolate from a fertile land.

Once a stranger comes, the stranger is a threat to their lives and must be driven away and must not enter the village.

"If things are like this here, won't anyone come to investigate?" Xiao Jinghan asked.

"It was there at first, but then the person couldn't find anything out of the investigation! Someone even died."

"Yes, there were people with a different surname than Xie! But in the end they all disappeared. Even the county magistrate here... was changed three times in succession! But all three of them died..."

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

The person behind all this is really sinister.

Are those who disappeared really dead?
And that mountain god marrying a wife was clearly planned.

"Hey, the mountain with the mountain god you mentioned, could it be the one over there!?"

Xiao Jinghan pointed to the mountain road they came from just now.

"Yes, yes, yes, that's the"

One of the men looked at the mountain and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Why does the mountain look different today? Lao Liu, take a look, is it different from usual? Is the fog gone?"

"Yes, yes, no more! The fog is gone! Did the mountain god appear?"

The man named Lao Liu couldn't help but get excited.

"Hey, what kind of mountain god has appeared! Someone clearly set up a formation there before. Now that the formation has been broken by us, the mist has naturally dispersed! Didn't you see that we just came over there? "Xiao Jinghan said.

(End of this chapter)

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