Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 552 The jade pendant was buried with the Hu family’s gold!

Chapter 552 The jade pendant was buried with the daughter of the Hu family!


When the two people heard what Xiao Jinghan said, they obviously didn't believe it.

"What? You think we will lie to you?" Xiao Jinghan curled his lips and said: "Someone tried to kill us last night, but we killed him. The body is still there! Why don't I take you to see it now?"

"Damn boy, why are you talking so much nonsense to them? Don't forget the purpose of our coming here! It's serious to find your aunt's soul!" Xuan Yin said.

Anyway, the person guarding here was killed by him, and the formation here was broken. They should be able to go into the village to find people.


After being reminded by Xuanyin, Xiao Jinghan remembered that they were looking for someone, so she asked: "Have you ever seen a jade pendant, which is red all over and has the shape of a butterfly? It should be held by a woman. "

Most of these jade pendants are green, and there are relatively few red jade pendants, but everyone who has seen them should have an impression.

According to those ghosts, the woman wearing jade is either rich or noble, and she is expected to be born extraordinary.

However, the folk customs in Huzhou are open, so many people will see a woman wearing it when she goes shopping.

"A red butterfly-shaped jade pendant?"

The two looked at each other, and Lao Liu swallowed his saliva and said: "See... I've seen it before, but..."

"But what?" Xiao Jinghan became impatient when he saw them hesitating.

"Oh, we won't hide it from you. The owner of this jade pendant is Miss Hu, the daughter of Magistrate Hu! This Miss Hu is beautiful and has a kind heart. In the past, she would reward any beggar on the street. When poor people gather together, she will go and give them porridge.”

"Miss Hu often wears this jade pendant on her body, so we recognize it!"

"That's right! We all recognize it. Ours is the Green Mine. We have been dealing with green mines since we were young. Miss Hu's is a blood jade, which is extremely rare."

Hearing this, Xiao Jinghan asked excitedly, "Do you know where the jade pendant is now?"

"This... this personal belonging should be buried with Miss Hu after she is gone!" At this point, the people looked at Xiao Jinghan with vigilance in their eyes.

Xiao Jinghan didn't pay much attention to the expressions on the faces of these two people.

He was a little excited when he first learned about the whereabouts of her aunt's jade pendant, but he didn't expect to find it so quickly.

But he didn't expect that the next second he would be told that this jade pendant had become a person's burial object. He couldn't... dig someone's grave, could he?
Thinking about it, Xiao Jinghan subconsciously glanced at Xiaonuituanzi.

Xiaonuituanzi was also a little disappointed.

"Maybe... we should go into the mountain and have a look!" Xuan Yin looked at the mountain to the east and said with a solemn expression.

Digging people's graves was unethical and he didn't want to do it unless it was absolutely necessary.Judging from the words of these two people and some of the things they met last night, the person behind it was most likely going to Xiao Ning.

If Xiao Ning is taken away by them, there should be a reminder in the previous Yin Yang Bagua Mirror.

Since there is no prompt, then Xiao Ning's soul either has not fallen into the hands of others, or... is still in the blood jade and buried in Miss Hu's tomb.

Comparing the two, he believed in the former more.

Otherwise... these people should have withdrawn early if they got the jade!

"Third brother, let them go back!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

"Yes." Xiao Jinghan responded, took back his sword, and stepped aside.

"You go!"

The two looked at each other and ran away in a hurry!

"Hey, we will go to the mountains over there in the afternoon. If you believe us, you can send someone to follow us in and take a look!" Xuan Yin suddenly shouted to their backs.

"Hey, monk, what do you mean? The mountains are dangerous. Do you want them to clear the way for you?"

Xuan Yin rolled his eyes at him, "What else?"

"The mountains are naturally dangerous, but we can't find the way up the mountain. The most important thing is that I suspect that Mother Ran Ran's body has left Miss Hu's blood jade and is hiding in this mine. .”

"After all, most of the jades in this mine can be spiritual weapons, and they can also nourish the soul."

"If the people behind the man last night were here to kiss Mother Ranran, then they would have succeeded long ago if Hu Qianjin was dead!"

Xiao Jinghan asked, "If you follow your logic, wouldn't it be better for the person behind it to be so powerful and just steal Hu Qianjin's jade pendant? Why go to such trouble to get a wife from a mountain god?"

Xuan Yin pondered for a while and felt that this was very reasonable.

Isn't it more straightforward to grab the jade pendant?

Is it...

Xuan Yin looked at the mountain over there and suddenly understood something.

Everything may become clear after entering the mountain.

"Look, what is this?" Xiao Jinghan suddenly said in surprise.

ps: I'm a bit stuck today, so the next two chapters are a bit late to update, but I'm finally done~
If Tomato sisters like it, please help me recommend it, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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