Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 553: Rough stones appear, is someone mining?

Chapter 553: Rough stones appear, is someone mining?
"Stone? Are you scared out of your wits? Don't you even recognize Shitou?" Xuan Yin glanced at the stone and slapped Xiao Jinghan on the shoulder.

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

"I know it's a stone, but this is no ordinary stone! Take a closer look, does it look like a rough stone?" Xiao Jinghan said.

Hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi stretched out his little head from the carriage to take a look, and said: "It's that stone, Ran Ran knows it! I've seen it with my fourth uncle before!"

Xiao Naituanzi was talking about that time gambling on stones.

At that time, the casino in Yujia had this kind of stone, and jade could be found in it!

Thinking about it, she got off the carriage, took a closer look at the jade, and then said with a smile: "Third brother, there is spiritual energy in this stone. It can be sold for a lot of money. You will make a fortune~"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."


Xiao Jinghan laughed in surprise, and then split the rough stone with a palm of his inner strength.

Sure enough, as soon as it was opened, a hint of green was revealed inside.

Although this jade is not an expensive jade, it is still worth a little money.

Xiao Jinghan took the jade in his hand, and then said: "This place is not far from the city gate of Huzhou. Few people come here, but it is not unheard of! How come there is such a rough stone in this place?"

Xuan Yin replied nonchalantly, "Huzhou is surrounded by jade mines on three sides. Isn't it normal for such a stone to appear here?"

Xiao Jinghan pointed to the mountains here and said: "What's normal? Just keep silent on this road. This is the only way in and out of Huzhou!"

"Think about what we saw along the way when we came here, and think about what those two people just said! Is it normal for this thing to appear here?"

Xuan Yin carefully thought about the way they came...

"You mean...there are still people mining?" Xuan Yin said.

"Yes." Xiao Jinghan nodded, "According to what those two people said, no one has been in or out of Huzhou for a long time. Their people will not go out of this place, and people from outside will not come in."

"There is only one road leading to Huzhou. Logically speaking, this road should be overgrown with weeds, but obviously it is not!"

"Not only is there no grass, there are also wheel marks on the road, which shows that this road is often traveled."

"And this rough stone appears someone must be mining, and doing it secretly. They want to hide the matter, so they designed this."

After listening to Xiao Jinghan's analysis, Xuan Yin felt that it made sense, "Yes, you are right!"

"Okay, you guys can do it!" Xuan Yin said, then he patted Xiao Jinghan's shoulder hard several times.

"Hehe~" Xiao Jinghan seemed a little embarrassed.

"If that's the case, then we have to go in and take a look to find out what's on this mountain!" Xuan Yin said with great interest.

"Hmm... Ranran is sleepy and hungry~" Xiao Naituanzi yawned loudly, glanced at the mountain to the east, touched his belly and returned to the carriage.

There was still some dry food in the carriage, and the three of them took a rest in the carriage after eating a few bites.


The three of them woke up and walked towards the east mountain.

As soon as I walked to the place where the maze was yesterday, I saw the two people I saw in the morning appearing at the foot of the mountain with several young men.

Each of these men had hoes and sickles on their bodies, and they seemed to be arguing about something!
"It's them, it's them here!" The man named Lao Liu saw the three of them coming and pointed at them and shouted.

Hearing this, everyone else turned around. "Are you really not dead?"

The person who spoke was the person who took the lead in driving them out when they entered the city yesterday.

"Yes, we are not dead!" Xuan Yin had a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth at some point. When he heard this, he glanced at Lao Liu, then pointed at a corpse over there and said: "You must have seen the body over there!"

"Not only are there corpses, but there are also traces of the hidden weapon on the tree trunks over there. We heard some movement here last night, so we came over to take a look, and we were tricked by this man."

"This man's martial arts skills are not weak. After I caught him, he bit his tongue and committed suicide."

"Let me tell you, there was heavy fog in front of your mountain before, it was because of the formation! Now we have broken the formation for you!"

After Xuan Yin finished speaking, the leading man asked: "Guys, what is the purpose of coming to us?"

"Looking for something." Xuan Yin didn't hide anything. He pointed at the old man and said, "It's Miss Hu's jade pendant."

Hearing this, the men all frowned, obviously not believing what they said.

"Then what is Miss Hu's relationship with you?"

"Uh...this..." Xuan Yin touched his nose and glanced at Xiaonuituanzi. He rolled his eyes and opened his mouth, "Benefactor!"


These people looked even more disbelieving.

"That's right, he is the benefactor!" Xiao Jinghan also agreed, and then pointed at the little breast dumplings and sighed: "Hey... you don't know, my little sister was weak when she was young. .”

"She and her mother got lost once and almost died on the road! Thanks to a little girl wearing a butterfly jade pendant, they saved their mother and daughter's lives."

"Her mother, she has always been thinking about this kindness! We also want to find this girl to repay her."

"We also searched this way before we found you."

"Wow..." After Xiao Jinghan finished speaking, the little breast dumpling over there started crying loudly, "I heard that my sister is dead. My sister is so pitiful! Wuwuwu..."

As soon as the little naughty dumpling cried, all the worries in the hearts of the big men opposite him disappeared.

This pair of children... people will subconsciously regard them as weak.

"Ran Ran, Ran Ran, don't cry, don't cry! Although Miss Hu is gone, we will never let go of the person who killed her! Don't cry, don't cry!" Xuan Yin hurriedly stepped forward and gave It comforted him while wiping his tears.


The little breasted dumpling sniffed and raised his little fist, "Senior brother, you and your brother must catch the bad guy who harmed my sister~"

"Okay, don't worry! Let's go to the mountain and take a look!" Xuan Yin said.

Seeing this, the common people also gave up some concerns about the three of them.

Xiao Jinghan immediately said: "These brothers, we want to go up the mountain to see if you can lead the way?"


When it came to going up the mountain, these people became scrupulous again.

After all, many people have disappeared and died on this mountain, and they still cherish their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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