Chapter 554

"Oh, don't worry? What are you afraid of when we are here? Otherwise, you can just tell us the way up the mountain!" Xuan Yin said.

To be honest, if Xiao Jinghan was really confused, there would be a lot of people on the mountain at this time.

He was afraid of hurting these people when he took them up the mountain.

Moreover, this person is a talkative person, and they are also afraid that Xiao Naituanzi will take action and expose their whereabouts.

"I...I'll take you there." Lao Liu said.

"No, Sixth! You are the only one in your family, you can't go!" the leader objected.

"Brother Dog, just because I am the only one in my family, no one will be sad if I am gone! All six brothers in my family, including my father and second uncle, have disappeared. I want to go and see them!" Lao Liu said with red eyes. .

He is the youngest and the only one in the family.

It turns out that their family is the busiest, so he is not afraid of death.

"Brother Dog, let Lao Liu go!" Another person said: "Besides, the martial arts of these two young masters seem to be extraordinary, so they should be fine!"

"Yes, yes!"

Brother Gou hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "I'll take them up the mountain with you!"

As he spoke, he explained a few words to the brothers behind him, mostly about how the people in the city would arrange things if they didn't come back.

Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but feel moved in her heart when she saw this dog brother speaking so earnestly and earnestly as if he was explaining his future affairs.

Afterwards, Brother Gou and Lao Liu led them up the mountain, while the rest stayed at the bottom of the mountain.

After walking for less than half an hour, Brother Gou and Lao Liu stopped and said with confusion: "There seems to be something wrong!"

"You've also discovered something is wrong, haven't you?" Xiao Jinghan chuckled and pointed to the traces on the ground: "Look, there are a lot of footsteps on the ground. It's obvious that people come here often. of."

"And we just found rough stones there, which means... someone is mining!"


Brother Gou and Lao Liu looked unbelieving.

"Brother, what do you think that is?" Xiao Naituanzi suddenly pointed to the other side of the mountainside and asked doubtfully.

"That's a hanging basket!" Brother Dog replied: "This hanging basket was used to lift rough stones when we were mining. Such a basket helps us transport the rough stones down the mountain quickly."

"It seems that my guess is correct!" Xiao Jinghan raised her eyebrows and glanced at Xuan Yin arrogantly.

Xuanyin: "..."

Why are you looking at him like that?
"Ahem!" Xiao Jinghan coughed lightly, looked at Brother Gou and Lao Liu and said: "Now we have basically confirmed that someone is mining ore on this mountain. We have some martial arts skills. Let's go up and have a look first. You can find someone here. A place to hide.”

"No, manly man, how can we let you go up the mountain while we stay here?" Brother Dog said.

"Yes! Brother Dog is right!" Lao Liu also agreed.

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Xuanyin: "..."

Is this the time to talk about this kind of loyalty?

"Brothers, I ask you to stay here so that you can keep an eye on those who want to escape. You have to remember their appearance!" Xiao Naituanzi said in a sweet voice.

"Well, not bad!" Xiao Jinghan said with a smile: "We have martial arts, let's go up there and take a look. If someone really fights up there, it's hard to say! Then someone will definitely run away or something! You have to be here Watch it."

"That's right, when necessary, you have to go and bring us reinforcements, right?" Xuan Yin also said.

"No." Xiao Jinghan patted Brother Dog on the shoulder, "Think about it, if we stay here and no one goes back to report the news, how bad it would be!"

"The people in Huzhou are not familiar with us. If we need help, do we still need you?"

Brother Gou heard that what Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin said in harmony was very reasonable, so he said: "Okay, we will wait here as you said."

"Okay, if something happens we will give you a signal!" Xiao Jinghan said.

"Yeah." Just like that, Brother Gou and Lao Liu stayed and found a hidden place to hide.

Xiaonaituanzi and the three of them continued walking up the mountain.

Without Brother Gou and Lao Liu around, the three of them went up the mountain much faster.

After walking for a while, they arrived at the place where the daughter of the Hu family had an accident that Lao Liu mentioned earlier.

"There is a cave over there." Xuan Yin said sharply.

The three of them hurriedly walked in.

Xiao Jinghan took out the fire folding piece and blew it on fire.


The dark cave suddenly lit up, and the scene that caught his eye shocked Xiao Jinghan.

I saw that this small cave was covered with bones.

These bones were stacked together to form a small mountain.

There are even some... bones with a layer of maggots attached to them!


Seeing this scene, Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but vomited, and almost vomited out all his bile.

After vomiting, he looked at the two of them with confusion, "Can't you smell such a disgusting smell?"


Xuan Yin gave him a funny look and said, "Of course we turned off our sense of smell early! Who made you so stupid?"

This smell is so special, they can smell it from afar, okay?
This kid is always unable to keep up with their pace and is half a beat slower than ordinary people.


Xiao Jinghan was immediately furious.

These brothers and sisters are really...

"There are so many bones here, some of them must have died recently!" Xuan Yin said: "Let's go, let's continue to the mine that Brother Gou mentioned!"

After the three of them came out of the cave, Xiao Jinghan still vomited for a long time.

After walking a short distance, Xiao Naituanzi stopped and then flew up a tree.

After looking around, a little face wrinkled up.

"Sure enough, someone is mining!"

Xiao Jinghan also flew up, looked at the entrance of a cave not far away and gritted his teeth.

"Look at those people who were beaten, they must be the people who disappeared." Xuan Yin clenched his hands tightly into fists and said angrily.

"No matter who they are, I, Xiao Jinghan, can't ignore them today! Look at me!"

With that said, Xiao Jinghan flew up with his sword.

"Hey, kid, don't be impulsive!" Xuan Yin tried to hold him back, but failed.

"It's okay~" Xiaonuituanzi sat leisurely on the tree trunk, "Those people are no match for Third Brother!"

"That won't work either. How can it be possible for a young man who always likes to show off as a hero?" Xuan Yin said with disgust, but actually flew quickly to Xiao Jinghan's side.

The little breasted dumpling pouted her little mouth.

Senior brother is really becoming more and more arrogant!

(End of this chapter)

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