Chapter 555

The people who are here to mine are just some small minions. Although there are many people, their martial arts are not very high.

Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan took care of these people without Xiao Naituanzi taking action.

"Let go, let us go! Do you know who we are? If you dare to arrest us, you don't want to live!" The leader shouted arrogantly after being arrested.

"Oh? Who is it? Ouch, I'm so scared, I'm so timid! Say it quickly and see if you can scare me out of fear!"

Xiao Jinghan patted his face and said with disdain.



Before he could speak, Xuan Yin hit the man on the back with the whip in his hand, causing the man to scream loudly in pain.

"Tsk, tsk, why are you shouting so loudly? The poor monk hasn't used his strength yet? This is much lighter than the force you used to hit those common people!" Xuan Yin said with a sneer.

I don't know if this dog thing has been locked up here for a long time. This behavior seems extremely abnormal.

There is no mercy when you hit someone!
He's tired of being a good guy, so he should try to imitate this bad guy!

Thinking about it, Xuan Yin took the whip and whipped him a few more times.


This man just screamed, and his mouth was blocked by Xiao Jinghan who was guarding him!
"What's your name!? Shut your stupid mouth!"

Damn, weren't you so arrogant when you first beat those people?

Nowadays, they call it treating others in their own way.

Xuan Yin whipped the man severely with a whip, and then stopped when he saw that he was half dead.

At this time, hundreds of people who had been arrested also came over supporting each other.

"Thank you so much for your life-saving grace. Thank you so much for your life-saving grace."

Everyone knelt down towards Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin.

Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan hurriedly helped them, "Everyone, please get up quickly!?"

"Everyone, are you from Huzhou?" Xiao Jinghan asked.

"Most of us here are from Huzhou, and they were arrested by them! There are also some people from other places who were arrested to dig this mine."

All of these people were so hungry that their faces were sallow and their muscles were thin, and they were so miserable that they could hardly see their original appearance.After careful questioning, it turned out that it was not much different from what they had guessed.

The previous formation that trapped evil spirits was not only to prevent outsiders from discovering that someone was mining here, but also to prevent the captured people from escaping down the mountain.

At first, these people did not escape, but after they escaped down the mountain, they entered the place full of fog, and soon all of them died one by one.

As time went by, no one dared to escape down the mountain anymore.

They can only let mining happen.

He ate less, worked more, and was often beaten and scolded by the so-called steward.

Those corpses in Shanshen Cave are the corpses of those who died of exhaustion.

Over the past few years, people have come and died one after another.

They couldn't fight these people, so they could only let them die.

"Tell me, who is the person behind you!" After listening to the people's accounts, Xiao Jinghan kicked the person in charge on the calf.

The steward's feet softened and he immediately knelt on the ground.

"No, no! We don't know!"

"I don't know?" Xiao Jing laughed coldly, "It seems that you people are really willing to drink wine as a penalty instead of toasting!"

"Ran Ran, here's a Talisman of Truth!" Xiao Jinghan shouted.

The little breasted dumpling hiding in the tree watching the show: "..."

The third brother is really getting more and more arrogant!

Hmm... Not bad, not bad!

Xiao Naituanzi tapped his feet, flew over and landed in front of the steward, and casually pasted a talisman on it.

As soon as the talisman was pasted, Xiao Jinghan stepped on him and said, "Tell me, who is the person behind the scenes who ordered you to do this? Did you come up with this theory of mountain gods at will?"

"Yes... it's the princess! She's the Princess Protector!" Guan Shi told everything at once.

These people also have a boss named Sima Yi.

This Sima Yi is a businessman, and he is in the jade business.

ps: There is another chapter under review, I guess I have to wait~
(End of this chapter)

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