Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 556: A Taoist priest has come, come down the mountain!

Chapter 556: A Taoist priest has come, come down the mountain!

"These people are playing such a big game of chess here just for this Huzhou jade. They are really despicable." Xiao Jinghan said angrily.

"Xiao Sanzi, not everyone has a kind heart like you. Some people can't do anything for profit?" Xuan Yin patted Xiao Jinghan's shoulder and said.

He has traveled to many places and met many people over the years!This human heart is an unpredictable thing.

Xiao Jinghan curled her lips and slapped his hand away, "Don't give me any nicknames."

"Hey, are you still angry?" Xuan Yin looked at him funny, and then kicked the steward, "Hey, you are here just to mine? Didn't the higher ups give you any other instructions?"

"!" said the steward.

"No?" Xuan Yin looked at Xiao Naituanzi in confusion. If not, then Xiao Ning's soul...

"Hey, don't you have any Taoist priests here?" Xiao Jinghan asked, stepping on the steward's back.

"Yes... yes!" the steward replied: "It was there for a year at first, and then the Taoist priest left."

Hearing this, Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan looked at the people who were captured for mining.

Among these people, there was one who was arrested from the beginning. Seeing Xiao Jinghan and the others looking over, they nodded and said, "He is right. At first, there was a Taoist priest who was looking for something here! But then he left without finding it. .”

"Yes, yes, that Taoist priest has been searching on the mountain with a compass every day for a full year."

"It seems that our guess is correct. Your mother's spirit has indeed left Miss Hu's jade pendant." It means your mother may still be here, and we can think of a solution."

"Yeah." Xiao Naituanzi wasn't worried either.

If her mother was really here, she would definitely find it.

"Uncle, let's go down the mountain together!" Xiao Jinghan said looking at the dark old man.

"Okay, okay."

The old man responded, took the miners to thank them, and then walked down the mountain with them escorting the still alive overseers.

Brother Gou and Lao Liu, who were waiting halfway up the mountain, heard the sound of someone coming down the mountain and hurriedly hid themselves tightly.

When they saw Xiao Jinghan and the others taking so many people down the mountain, both of them were completely dumbfounded.

"Brother Gou, look...see if that dark old man looks like...does he look like my dad?" Lao Liu excitedly grabbed Brother Gou's arm and said with red eyes.

" seems so!" Brother Gou swallowed his saliva, looked at the group of people coming down from the mountain, his eyes became a little straight, and stammered: "Not only your seems that there is also my brother, and Dasha and the others..."

"Brother Gou, hurry up... pinch me quickly." Lao Liu grabbed Brother Gou's hand in a daze.

When Brother Gou heard this, he was not polite. He tightened his hands on the flesh of his waist and pinched him hard.


Lao Liu gasped in pain, but said excitedly, "It's true, it's true! I'm not dreaming, that's my dad! That's my brother!"

Lao Liu rushed forward excitedly, "Dad!"

The old man's eyes were red when he saw his son, and the father and son hugged each other tightly.

The dog brother over there also rushed up and found his brother.

The relatives they thought were gone suddenly appeared in front of them, and everyone was extremely excited.

"Brother Dog, Lao Liu, if you have anything to say, can we go down the mountain first and then talk about it? These evildoers still need to be dealt with." Xiao Jinghan interrupted the affectionate embrace of these people.

Mainly because I didn't eat much in the first place, plus I vomited so much in the hole, and then got into a fight.After struggling for so long, I am really hungry.As soon as he said these words, his stomach began to growl in unison.


Xuan Yin, who was walking next to him, couldn't help laughing when he heard the voice. Then he took out a big cake from his arms and threw it to him, "No, this is for you!"

Xiao Jinghan caught the cake, then pointed at Xuan Yin in disbelief and shouted: "Senior Brother Xuan Yin, you are not kind, you are hiding something secret!"


Xuan Yin hit Xiao Jinghan on the head with a violent chestnut, and said fiercely: "Hide secrets? What secrets are you hiding? This thing is filled with meat. I, a monk, will not eat it!"

Xiao Jinghan: "!!!"

"I believe you. I don't know who said that wine and meat passed through the intestines and were kept in the heart of the Buddha! You gnaw on the chicken legs, let alone a meat pie!" Xiao Jinghan rolled his eyes at Xuan Yin, and then his eyes widened. He looked at Xuan Yin with doubtful eyes: "Senior Brother Xuan Yin, you shouldn't have done anything untoward, right?"

"Bring it here! Eat it if you like!"

Xuan Yin stretched out his hand to snatch the big cake from Xiao Jinghan's hand, "Some people talk so much nonsense after eating it!"

Xiao Jinghan dodged Xuan Yin with quick eyesight, then took a big bite of the big cake and said vaguely: "How can there be any reason to take back the things you gave me? Well... although it's hard A little bit, it tastes a little bit unpalatable, but at least it can fill my stomach for a while!"


Xuan Yin curled his lips after hearing what he said.

"Gluck... cluck..."

The little girl couldn't help but giggle as she looked at these two people.

After everyone went down the mountain, Xiao Naituanzi and the others followed Brother Gou and the others into Huzhou City.

This city of Huzhou can be called big or small. It turns out that there are ten to twenty thousand people in this city.

Now, after three or four years, the total number of dead, injured and injured is only about 8000 or [-], most of whom are old, weak, women and children.

As soon as the missing person came back, the entire Huzhou City was alarmed.

Everyone was immersed in joy.

Xiao Naituanzi entered the city with them and temporarily stayed at Brother Dog's house.

The three of them had been busy for such a long time, and they were really hungry and sleepy.

After having a simple meal, a few people went to rest.

The next day, as soon as they woke up, they saw that the dog brother's house was filled with all kinds of vegetables, including chickens, ducks and geese.

Brother Gou's wife said with a smile: "These are all sent by the common people to thank you! You guys are great benefactors to us Huzhou people!"


This was the first time that Xiao Jinghan was praised like this. She touched the back of her head with some embarrassment and said humbly: "It's a small effort, it's just a small effort."

"Young Master, there is no need to be modest. If you hadn't come to help us catch those bad guys, we would never have known that all this was a conspiracy designed by others, let alone that our missing relatives were not only not dead, but also still alive. We are being tortured in the mountains near us." Brother Dog said.

"That's right, you are our great benefactors." Brother Dog's wife agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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