Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 557: Found mother, little breast dumpling injured!

Chapter 557: Found mother, little breast dumpling injured!
"You guys, there's no need to praise him. If you praise him any more, his tail will be raised to the sky." Xuan Yin smiled and looked at the pile of vegetables on the ground and said, "That little girl in our family is very good at eating. If you guys I really want to thank you, just make her more food."

"That's right, that's right! Make more food." Xiao Jinghan also said.

Although this request is a bit rude, you can't let the little girl go hungry.

Yesterday, Brother Gou’s wife noticed that the dumplings with small breasts were edible, but she didn’t think much about it. After all, these people were not ordinary people.

According to the brothers who came back, the fog on the east mountain was the formation set up by others. It is said that there are ghosts in the formation.

Most of those who tried to escape secretly before were thrown into the formation and strangled to death by the ghosts.

These people were able to break such a powerful formation, which is enough to show how powerful they are.

For such a powerful person, what does it matter if he eats more?
There are currently no officials in Huzhou County, and those arrested are temporarily detained in the cells of the former county government. However, these people must be dealt with through the government. Such a big thing happening in Huzhou must be reported.

The only person who can be talked to in Huzhou now is this dog brother.

In one day, Brother Gou and others moved all the bones from the mountain god cave and found a place to bury them. Then, with the help of Xiao Jinghan, he sent people to the capital of Huzhou. .

Everything here is handled extremely properly.

At night, Xiaonai Tuanzi and Xuan Yin secretly went to the mountain again while everyone was asleep.

As soon as they reached the top of the mountain, Zhou Zhongren emerged from the money sword.

"Uncle Zhou, can you feel if you can find my mother's spirit!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi looked at Ren Nai in Zhou Zhong and said.

"Don't worry, as long as your mother is here, I will definitely find your mother." Zhou Zhongren said.

He has now cultivated a human figure and is the king of ghosts.

If there are ghosts nearby, he can feel them and summon them.

"Hmm." Little Nipples nodded his head, and then gave up a position.

Zhou Zhongren took a step forward and began to cast spells on Dongshan. Pieces of black mist lingered on the top of Dongshan, gradually shrouding it.

Time passed bit by bit, and Zhou Zhongren didn't stop.

At this moment, a blue light suddenly came from the mountain col over there, hitting Zhou Zhongren directly.


Zhou Zhongren couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of green blood.

"Uncle Zhou!"

The little breasted dumpling ran over quickly.

"Are you okay!?" Xuan Yin also looked at him worriedly.

"It's okay!" Zhou Zhongren shook his head, pointed to the place where the blue light shone just now and said, "It must be over there!"

Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Xuan Yin looked at each other, and they both flew towards the mountain. Zhou Zhongren also got into Xiao Nai Tuanzi's money sword in time.

"who are you?"

As several people flew over, an old man with white hair over there also rushed out.

You can't tell this person's age just from his face, but his inner energy and aura and temperament are definitely not those of ordinary people.

"who are you?"

Xuan Yin looked at the person opposite him, and his expression turned grim. This person didn't seem to be easy to deal with, so he had to be careful.

"Two slutty kids, you don't deserve to know who I am. Leave quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

"Hmph!" Xuan Yin snorted coldly, "What a loud tone!"

After Xuan Yin finished speaking, he whispered in Xiao Naituanzi's ear: "Ranran, hold her while I go and see if your mother's soul is over there."

"Yeah." Xiao Naituanzi nodded his head and flew over with his money sword in hand.


The old man opposite was not polite at all and slapped the little breasted dumpling in the face.The little girl did two somersaults in mid-air and nimbly dodged. At the same time, she stabbed the old man with the money sword in her hand.

The old man didn't expect that the little breast dumpling in front of him could escape his attack. After being stunned, he also hurriedly avoided the attack of the little breast dumpling.

"Little baby, you are a prodigy in martial arts with such a high level of cultivation at such a young age. Why don't you follow the old man and let me teach you?" The old man's old eyes sparkled when he looked at the little breasted dumpling.

This little doll is really amazing!

If he could accept such a disciple in his lifetime, he would die without regrets.

"Old man, I have many masters, otherwise you can be my apprentice." Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

The old man in front of him was able to injure Zhou Zhongren with one palm. His cultivation was extraordinary, but Xiaonai Tuanzi was not as experienced as him and could not defeat him in a short period of time.

After hearing what Xiaonuituanzi said, the old man became even more interested in Xiaonuituanzi.

"Little girl, you should follow the right path when learning martial arts at such a young age, but you can't follow those crooked ways. Do you understand that evil will prevail over good?"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Who is good and who is evil?

This old guy wants to fool her?no way!


The little breasted dumpling snorted coldly, and the movements of his hands showed no emotion at all.

On Xuan Yin's side, he found the right opportunity and entered the cave where the old man was before.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered, he noticed Xiao Ning's aura.

Maybe after so many years, her aura became a little weaker.

Xuan Yin hurriedly took out a piece of his jade pendant, took out the strand of her soul from the crack in the stone and put it into the jade pendant.

It wasn't until he put his jade pendant in his pocket and put it away that Xuan Yin felt relieved.

"Ranran, it's ready!"

Xuan Yin came out and shouted to Xiao Naituanzi.

Xiao Naituanzi felt happy when she heard this.

When the old man heard this, he became angry. He feinted at the little breast dumpling and then attacked Xuan Yin.


The sharp palm wind was coming towards me. Although Xuan Yin had noticed it, it was difficult to completely avoid it.


Xiaonuituanzi exclaimed, moved over instantly, grabbed Xuan Yin's arm and left.

The two of them avoided the fatal blow, but were also affected.


The little girl groaned in pain, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

"Ran Ran!"

Xuan Yin panicked when he saw the small appearance of the little breast dumpling. At this moment, it seemed that he had returned to the scene when he and Ye Zhaozhao were fighting on the unknown mountain that day.

"I'm fine!" The little breast dumpling was so painful that she was about to shed tears, but she still held herself together and didn't let herself cry out in pain.

"Hand over the things!" The old man couldn't bear to see the little nippled dumpling, and said coldly: "You two are so young and don't learn well, but you are using such insidious methods to raise ghosts. Look, old man, I won't do it today." Teach you a good lesson!"

Xuanyin: "???"

Small breast dumpling: "???"

What is this old man talking about?
(End of this chapter)

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