Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 558 Brother Chapter 559 Master Pu Dingzi

Chapter 558 Brother Chapter 559 Master Pu Dingzi
"Hey, wait a minute!"

Xuan Yin hurriedly stopped in front of Xiao Naituanzi, "Old man, there's a misunderstanding. Did you misunderstand something?"



The old man narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Xuan Yin with cold eyes, "Didn't you raise that ghost just now?"

"What's wrong with us raising him?" Xuan Yin said, "We didn't use him for evil!"

"Hmph, you don't know how to repent!" The old man snorted coldly, and raised his hand to hit Xuan Yin.


Just when he hit him with a palm, the little girl's palm gathered strength and moved towards the old man.

In this palm, Xiao Naitanzi used [-]% of his strength.

Facing such a strong force, the old man was forced to retreat dozens of miles, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Old man, we are really not bad people. That ghost was raised well by Ran Ran, but he followed Ran Ran with nowhere to go."

"As for this soul, she is Ran Ran's mother!"

"You old man doesn't look like a bad person, why are you so bad at seeing!?"

Taking the opportunity, Xuan Yin shouted to the old man.

Xuan Yin thought that he had a good eye for seeing people, and this old man didn't look like a heinous person.

And from his words, he knew that he must have misunderstood them.

Even if this person is not a friend, he cannot be an enemy.

Even if Xiaonuituanzi can defeat him, the end result will be a lose-lose situation.

"Your mother?"

After listening to Xuan Yin's words, the old man looked at the little breast dumplings carefully.

The little girl with small breasts didn't like the way he looked at her, so she puffed up her small breasts at him.

"It's my mother. Old man, you want to take away my mother's soul? You are a bad person!"

The little breasted dumpling was angrily glaring at the old man as he spoke.


The old man suddenly burst out laughing.

Xiao Naitanzi and Xuan Yin looked at each other, and each saw the same message in their eyes.

This old man is sick and not normal.

"Little girl, do you know who I am, old man?" the old man said suddenly.

The little breasted dumpling pouted, "How do I know who you are?"

"Let me ask you, is your mother's name Xiao Ning? Is your father's name Mo Heng?" the old man asked with a smile.

Small breast dumpling: "???"

Xiao Naituanzi looked at Xuan Yin in confusion.

Xuan Yin was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile: "I wonder who the senior is?"

"The old man's name is Pu Dingzi. He is the younger brother of the former Imperial Master in Northern Xinjiang. Little girl, you have to call me great uncle." Pu Dingzi said.

Xuanyin: "..."

Little milk dumpling: "..."

You've been beaten all this time, and now you find out it's one of your own?

"I don't know you, and I don't have any great uncles. The old man can't take advantage of me! Humph!" Xiao Naituanzi snorted coldly.

Her father hasn't recognized her yet?Are you going to recognize your father’s uncle first?

She doesn't want it!

Pu Dingzi: "???"

"Senior brother, let's go!" After Xiao Naituanzi said this, he took Xuan Yin's hand and left quickly.

Pu Dingzi: "..."

His old man is being despised! ?

But this little girl has a weird temper, which is not quite like her father's temper.

The old man thought and reached out to cover the injury on his chest.

He gritted his teeth and complained, "This little girl can be ruthless!"

Is this not for revenge for that brat Mo Heng?Pu Dingzi thought for a moment, then took out a whistle and blew it.

After the whistle sounded, an eagle flew over from a short distance.

It was almost dawn when Xiao Naitanzi and Xuan Yin returned to Brother Gou's house.

Xuan Yin took out his jade pendant containing Xiao Ning and handed it over, "Here you go, keep it well."

The little girl took it over and looked at Xiao Ning inside, her eyebrows wrinkled like caterpillars.

"Why is my mother so weak?"

"I don't know what's going on, but...I'm afraid we don't have much time left!" Xuan Yin sighed.

Logically speaking, this soul is just more powerful than a soul, but Xiao Ning... is clearly showing signs of being wiped out.

Now this soul is like this. If every soul is like this, then there is really not much time left for them.


The little girl's eyes suddenly turned red, and she looked at Xuan Yin with weak eyes, as if she was about to cry.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

It was rare for Xuan Yin to see her like this, so he hurriedly hugged her into his arms, "Don't worry, with your mother's soul, it will be much easier for us to find others, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Little Nipples nodded his little head.

She just wants to have her own father and mother, but it is so difficult...

"You are injured, have a good sleep!" Xuan Yin rubbed her little head and comforted: "Since your mother has been found, we will leave tomorrow."


After Xuan Yin left, Xiao Naituanzi held the jade pendant in his palm for a long time before falling asleep.


Not long after he fell asleep, the screams of Brother Dog and his wife came from outside the door.

Xiao Jinghan had just gotten up and ran out hurriedly when she heard the noise.

"What happened?"

Brother Dog also walked out of the house, holding a sickle in his hand.

"There's...someone..." Brother Dog's wife pointed to the corner outside and said with a trembling face and a pale face.

Who is the person at the door if not Pu Dingzi?
It's just that the old man was injured by the little breast dumpling last night. The injury was a bit serious now and he looked like a dead man.

No wonder this scares people.

Xiao Jinghan didn't know Pu Dingzi. When she saw him sitting in the corner, she pursed her lower lip and then stretched out her foot to kick his leg. "Hey, old man, wake up, wake up!"

Pu stator didn't react at all.

Xiao Jinghan raised his head and glanced at Brother Gou and his wife, swallowed, then walked closer, bent down and slowly stretched out his hand.


Just when Xiao Jinghan's hand was about to be placed under his nose, Pu Dingzi suddenly opened his eyes, and then grabbed Xiao Jinghan's hand.

Xiao Jinghan was startled and couldn't help but scream.

Pu Dingzi: "..."

Pu Dingzi shook off Xiao Jinghan's hand and looked at him with great disgust, "Do you know that disturbing people's dreams is tantamount to seeking wealth and murder?"

With that said, Pu Dingzi got up from the ground and patted his butt. He glanced at Xiao Jinghan and then suddenly stretched out a hand towards him, palm facing up, "You scared my old man. Pay money!"

Xiao Jinghan: "???"

Dog Brother and his wife: "???"

"Old man, where did you come from? Who are you blackmailing so early in the morning?" Xiao Jinghan said with dissatisfaction.


Pu Dingzi hummed and glanced into the room, "Where is the little girl?"

Xiao Jinghan's face was full of doubts, "Are you looking for Ran Ran?"

When and where did the little girl offend this old man?

Xiao Jinghan looked the old man up and down, feeling confused.

Could this old man be one of Ran Ran’s masters? ?

Thinking about it, Xiao Jinghan asked, "Old man, are you... Ran Ran's master?"

(End of this chapter)

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