Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 559 Brother Chapter 560 Xiao Jinghan was deceived

Chapter 559 Brother Chapter 560 Xiao Jinghan was deceived~
The old man's eyes lit up, "You kid is..."

"Oh, you are really Ran Ran's master! Come in and talk, come in and talk!" Seeing that the old man didn't look like he was lying, Xiao Jinghan hurriedly and enthusiastically pulled the old man into the house.

"I am Ran Ran's third brother! My name is Xiao Jinghan."

"I wonder, old man, who are you, Ran Ran's master?" Xiao Jinghan pulled Pu Dingzi to sit down in the room, then enthusiastically poured him a glass of water, and then asked again.

Pu Dingzi: "..."

Who is the master?
How many masters has that little girl recognized?

Thinking that Xiao Naituanzi had recognized several masters and asked him to call him master and uncle without calling him, he felt unbalanced. He took the water from Xiao Jinghan's hand and drank it in one gulp.


Pu Dingzi coughed slightly and asked without answering Xiao Jinghan's words: "How is this girl doing recently? How long has it been since you went back to see my old man?"

Hearing this, Xiao Jinghan didn't do what he thought and told everything about Xiao Naituanzi's current situation.

Finally, he said: "Don't worry, old man, this little girl is very smart! Ordinary people can't deal with her!"

The corner of Pu Dingzi's mouth twitched and he covered his chest.

Isn't that girl difficult to deal with?
If she hadn't brought a bottle of oil with her and accidentally caught him last night, how could his old man be her opponent again?
To be so powerful at such a young age is really formidable.

"That's true!" Pu Dingzi said with a smile.

"Uh... um... old man, are you hungry?" After a moment of silence, Xiao Jinghan asked again.

"Yes." Pu Dingzi nodded, touched his belly and said, "I am indeed a little hungry, but you are very attentive. You are also a filial child."

Hearing this, Xiao Jinghan opened her mouth and laughed innocently.

Ranran’s master praised her!
His heart seemed to be blooming.

"Old man, just wait, I'll go get you something to eat." Xiao Jinghan said cheerfully before getting up and walking out.

Seeing Xiao Jinghan go out, Pu Dingzi really didn't know whether he should be happy or scold this kid for being stupid.

This guy obviously came from an ancestor, so why isn't he half as smart as that little girl?

He handed over his old information casually!
As long as someone else comes today...


When Xuan Qing came up, Xiao Jinghan was humming a song while clearing away the dishes.

Xuanyin: "???"

"Xiaosanzi, what's wrong with you? You're so happy!" Xuan Yin walked over without knowing why.

"Get up~ I'll get you something to eat!" Xiao Jinghan said diligently.

Xuanyin: "???"

I raised my head and looked at the sky above my head. It seemed that the sun had not come out in the west.

Normally it would be good if you don't say anything to him, but what happened today?
Before Xuan Yin could figure out what was going on, Xiao Jinghan had already diligently brought the breakfast, placed it in front of him, and enthusiastically delivered the chopsticks to his hands.

Xuan Yin took the chopsticks and looked at the food in front of him again and couldn't help but ask, "Isn't it poisonous?"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

"What are you talking about!" Xiao Jinghan rolled her eyes at him, "Am I, Xiao Jinghan, that kind of person?"

Xuan Yin glanced at him doubtfully, and then started eating.

After eating a few mouthfuls, I realized that this kid kept smiling like a fool.

Xuanyin: "..."

"What's wrong with you? Are you picking up money?" Xuan Yin couldn't help but ask.

"Hehe... Your master praised me! He said I'm smart and talented, hehe..." Xiao Jinghan opened her mouth in a naive smile, revealing her eight big white teeth. "Who? Who are you talking about?"

Xuan Yin thought he was hallucinating, so he frowned and asked repeatedly, "You My master?"

"Yes." Xiao Jinghan nodded, then grabbed Xuan Yin's arm and said excitedly: "Brother Xuan Yin, why don't you talk to your master and teach me? This master is a master, and he looks very good. Looks awesome."

Xuanyin: "..."

Seeing Xiao Jinghan's idiot-like expression, Xuan Yin frowned and asked, "Are you sure you are seeing my master?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Jinghan nodded.

"you sure!?"

Xiao Jinghan rolled her eyes and said, "I won't admit my mistake. Your master came here this morning. He just had breakfast and went to the room where I slept... eh..."

Before Xiao Jinghan finished speaking, Xuan Yin had already ran out.

Seeing this, Xiao Jinghan hurriedly followed him and said as he walked: "I know you are anxious to see the master, but don't be so excited. Your master is tired and needs a good rest!"


Xuan Yin walked to the room where Xiao Jinghan slept and kicked the door open.

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

He really doesn’t look like a monk at all!

In the room, Pu Dingzi, who was just about to perform exercises to heal his injuries, was startled, and almost vomited blood as his blood surged.

"Is it you? Did you follow me here?"

When Xuan Yin saw that the person in the room was Pu Dingzi, he walked in angrily and grabbed Pu Dingzi's collar.

"Monk, what are you doing! It is treasonous to commit murder against Master!" Xiao Jinghan stopped him in a hurry.

Xuanyin: "..."

"Xiao Jinghan, are your eyes blurry with shit? How can this old liar be the master of me and Ran Ran?" Xuan Yin said with black lines all over his head.

Xiao Jinghan: "???"

what! ?

Xiao Jinghan stared at Pu Dingzi with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Hehe... young man, don't be so impulsive! We are all our own people, our own people!" Pu Dingzi looked at the two of them with a smile, and then gently patted Xuan Yin's hand that was grabbing his collar, " Boy, you are no match for me, let go!"


Xuan Yin did not let go but looked at him coldly, "What do you want to do by following us?"

"It's very simple, I will do whatever you want!" Pu Dingzi said.

After saying that, Pu Dingzi grabbed Xuan Yin's hand and broke it open easily.

"What happened last night was all a misunderstanding. When you and the little girl went there, I had just arrived at the cave. Suddenly a ghost came. It was so powerful that I naturally wanted to fight back! I met you when I came out. No."

"Old man, I don't like those despicable methods the most. No... I just misunderstood what you want to do with Xiao Ning's soul."

"That's my nephew's apprentice's wife. Can't I protect the old man?"

Xuan Yin pursed his lips, "I can't believe you!"

"Forget it if you don't believe it! My old man doesn't need you to believe it!" Pu Dingzi raised his eyebrows at Xiao Jinghan as he spoke, "This kid just needs to believe me!"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

He never expected that this old man was actually a liar!
"You...don't talk nonsense, I don't believe you!" Xiao Jinghan said hurriedly.

At this moment, he really wanted to strangle himself to death!
Why did he believe this old man's lies?
(End of this chapter)

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