Chapter 560 Old Fox vs Little Dog


Pu Dingzi snorted lightly when he saw that Xuan Yin was so timid.

"You are such a good man, why do you act like a woman in front of this big-headed monk?" Pu Dingzi curled his lips.

"Who said that!" Xiao Jinghan exploded when he heard this. He raised his arm and patted his biceps, "Did you see, what is this! You old man is full of lies!"

"Hey, my old man has never told a lie. It's obvious that you misunderstood yourself. The old man didn't ask anything. You just explained your old background first."

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Thinking about it carefully, from the time the old guy appeared at the door until he came in, it seemed that... indeed... he never said a word that he was Ran Ran's master.

It's all what he thinks.

But the problem is...

This old man never admitted it himself!

Xiao Jinghan was extremely upset at this time. After all these people came in, they couldn't be kicked out!

Maybe this man is really his uncle's uncle?
Wouldn't it be possible that my uncle would have offended his uncle before he even saw him?

Xiao Jinghan snorted and chased Xuan Yin out.

"Monk, what should this old man do now?" Xiao Jinghan asked.

Xuan Yin looked at Xiao Jinghan's face and his face was twitching.

This guy usually looks a bit naive and silly.But I didn't expect him to be stupid.

"Let's talk about it after Ran Ran wakes up! Last night we went to Dongshan to find your aunt's body, and met this old man there." After saying that, Xuan Yin glanced at the house again and said angrily: " Ran Ran was injured because of the fight with this old man!"


When Xiao Jinghan heard this, his face turned dark, and he turned around to re-enter the house, as if he wanted to settle accounts with him.

"Okay, okay!" Xuan Yin quickly grabbed him and said angrily: "It's not that I look down on you, but just like you, that old man can crush you to death with two fingers."

"But the old man didn't get much benefit from Ran Ran's hands. He was even more seriously injured."

"Hmph! You deserve it!" Xiao Jinghan said.

"Don't worry about the old man for now. Let's pack up first, then buy some food and put it on the carriage. When Ran Ran wakes up, we have to leave as soon as possible." Xuan Yin said.


The little breast dumplings didn’t come out until after noon.

As soon as he came out, he found Pu Dingzi sitting in the house. When he saw Xiaonuituanzi, he waved to her, "Hey, little girl, are you awake?"

Small breast dumpling: "???"

"Old man, why are you here?" Xiaotuanzi puffed up his face and looked around for Xiao Jinghan and the others.

"Don't look at it. Those two boys went out to get food. They said they wanted to prepare more dry food in the car."

"Oh." Xiao Naituanzi nodded slightly and walked in the door with small steps. When Pu Dingzi wasn't paying attention, a talisman was attached to his body.

Pu Dingzi: "..."

"Little girl, what did you do to the old man?" Pu Dingzi was dumbfounded when he saw Fu Zuan disappearing from his body.


The little girl bared her teeth at him and said softly, "It's not a bad thing~"

Hearing this, Pu Dingzi secretly practiced his luck and didn't find anything wrong with himself, so he felt relieved.

This little girl may not be young but she is very smart.

"Hey, old man, are you really my father's uncle?" Xiaotai Tuanzi sat opposite him, holding his little face and looking at Pu Dingzi opposite.

"Of course." Pu Dingzi said.

Seeing that he had no symptoms, Xiao Naituanzi had a rather sincere smile on his face. He reached out and tugged on his sleeve and said with a smile, "Then let me believe you!"

Pu Dingzi: "..."

"Old man, why are you here?" Xiao Naituanzi asked again. "Of course I'm here for your mother!" Pu Dingzi curled his lips and looked at Xiao Naituanzi angrily, "I'm not afraid of your jokes. I lost a bet with your father before, so I have to do a few things for him. "

"As for your mother, it was my master's soul-suppressing jade that gave her a chance to survive. Your father and I have been looking for your mother's soul and spirit for these years, and we found you not long ago. Mother’s soul.”

"After finding a soul, finding a soul will be much easier!"

"However, your mother's soul consciousness is gradually dissipating, and your father is afraid that your mother's soul is also dissipating. So after confirming the two locations, the old man and I took action separately from your father."

As he said that, Pu Dingzi couldn't help but cast a blank look at Xiaonuituanzi, covered his chest with a pitiful look, and continued: "Who knew that I would meet you, a little girl, and turn the old man into a fool?" He was injured."

The little girl with small breasts curled her lips and said, "I haven't said that you bully the younger ones with your elders!"

She was hurt too, okay.

The little girl pursed her lower lip slightly, puffed up her little face, and reluctantly took out a pill from her pocket and handed it over, "No, here you go~"

"Sugar balls?"

Looking at the colorful pills in Xiao Naituanzi's hand, Pu Dingzi's old eyes widened, and his expression was a bit disgusting.

Is it possible to eat just these sugar balls?
"don't want?"

The little girl looked at him with her big, bright eyes.

Pu Dingzi's heart softened and he quickly took it, "Hey, I want it, I want it, I want it!"

He thought to himself, isn't it just sugar balls?
What happened if he took one?
I have already offended this girl quite a lot before, but I can't let the small lose the big.

Thinking about it, he threw the "sugar ball" into his mouth in one bite.


This "sugar ball" melts in your mouth, and a faint medicinal aroma overflows from your mouth.

Not only that, he felt a warm air gradually rising up in his abdominal cavity, which was very comfortable.

Pu Dingzi's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at Xiaonuituanzi in disbelief: "This... this is..."

"Good luck, I'm hungry~"

The little girl didn't bother to explain, so she jumped off the stool and ran out.

Upon hearing this, Pu Dingzi hurriedly began to exercise his energy and adjust his breathing.

I thought I would ask this little girl for a "sugar ball" later.

He didn't expect this sugar ball to be so powerful. It was the first time in his life that he knew about this kind of sugar ball.

As soon as Xiao Naituanzi came out, Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin came back, and their carriages had already arrived at the door.

"Ran Ran, are you awake?" Xuan Yin looked at her worriedly.


The little girl nodded her head, and then pointed to the Pudingzi inside, "Let the old man go on the road with us?"

"No!" Xiao Jinghan glanced at the room angrily and said, "The bad old man inside is very bad."


Xuan Yin couldn't help laughing.

Hearing this laughter, Xiao Jinghan curled her lips and turned away.

Xiao Naituanzi looked at Xiao Jinghan and then at Xuan Yin without knowing why.

Xuan Yin knelt down and whispered a few words quietly in her ear.

After hearing this, the little girl burst into laughter, then pulled Xiao Jinghan's sleeve and said: "Third brother, what you said is very bad for the bad old man inside. Let him go with us and be a thug." alright."

"His martial arts skills are pretty good!"

After hearing this, Xiao Jinghan felt that it made sense.

"Well, you are right! If you dare to lie to me, I will use him as a bodyguard."

Xuan Yin next to him glanced at Xiao Jinghan when he heard this, and then glanced at Pu Dingzi in the room.

An old fox and a little puppy can’t tell who is commanding whom!
(End of this chapter)

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