Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 564 Yinshan, the butt was grabbed by a wolf!

Chapter 564 Yinshan, the butt was grabbed by a wolf!
The beasts roared in unison, and even people like them who had the skills to get close to them couldn't help but tremble when they heard the sound.

Xiao Jinghan stood up in excitement and stared at the mountain opposite.

It was already dark at this time, and there was no scene visible over there, but the eyes that were glowing green and looked like lanterns were constantly moving.


Suddenly there were sounds of howling wolves coming from the opposite side.

Xiao Jinghan shivered, thought of something and suddenly threw away the firewood in his hand.

"Then... those wolves, couldn't they have been attracted by the monk and the old man!?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the little girl jumped out of the carriage and touched her belly.

"Well... I'm so hungry!"

Xiao Jinghan pointed to the mountain over there, "The monk and the old man seem to have encountered a pack of wolves!"

The little breasted dumpling glanced over there, and then sat down leisurely by the fire.

"Don't worry, you can't die."

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Usually if Xiao Naituanzi said this, it meant that these two people were indeed there.

"Don't we need to rescue them?" Xiao Jinghan asked worriedly.

The little girl took a sip of water, looked at Xiao Jinghan and bared her teeth, "Third brother, if you are not afraid of being disliked, you can go~"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

"Don't worry, we can just wait in peace!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

She has already calculated that they will come back safe and sound~
Uncle Shi's skills and kung fu are not bad, so there is no need for him to save her.

Not to mention senior brother, you can run away if you can't beat him!

Senior brother's running skills are amazing!

"Did you hear anything?"

At this time, Mu Shiyi, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke.

"What did you hear?" Xiao Jinghan asked doubtfully.

All he could hear now was the howling of the wolves, and their own voices.

"There is a subtle sound of music." Mu Shi said.



Mu Shi nodded.

"I have long heard that there is a mountain in Yuzhou called Yinshan Mountain."

"This Yinshan Mountain is very different from other places. This mountain is gloomy all year round, and it is difficult for the sun to shine in. This mountain connected to Yinshan Mountain will always have flowers blooming during the flower blooming season, but there is nothing in this Yinshan Mountain. .”

"It is said that this Yin Mountain is also called the Mountain of Death. It is full of dangers. Anyone who enters this Mountain of Death will be cursed by the God of Death."

"Anyone who has entered the Death Mountain has either never come out, or has contracted a strange disease and died of it after coming out."

"So, people here avoid this place."

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Xiao Jinghan turned her head and glanced at the mountain over there, swallowing her saliva, her brows filled with worry, "Isn't that Yinshan Mountain?"

"If my guess is correct, Yinshan Mountain should be over there."

"It's just that I heard the sound of silk and bamboo music just now, so I suspect...that those wolves were deliberately manipulated by someone."

"You mean beast control?" Xiao Jinghan said in surprise.

"Yeah." Mu Shiyi nodded slightly, "It's possible."

Xiao Jinghan looked at the mountain opposite and became even more worried.

"Ran Ran, why don't I go and meet them?" Xiao Jinghan said.

Although they always fight back and forth on weekdays, he can't help but worry when he encounters danger. "We are back~"

After Xiao Jinghan finished speaking, he heard Pu Dingzi's voice not far away.

Immediately afterwards, two extremely embarrassed people came over carrying some game.

As soon as he came over, the monk threw the chicken and wild robe in front of Xiao Jinghan.

"The poor monk does not kill, you go and deal with it!"

Xiao Jinghan looked at his uncle's expression, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

What is not killing?
I am happier than anyone else when I eat.

But considering that he was injured, he has a lot of money and won’t care about him!
There was not enough water at the moment, so Xiao Jinghan had no choice but to kill the game and skin it directly.

"You don't know that there are wolves on the mountain over there. We were besieged by a pack of wolves as soon as we reached the bottom of the mountain."

"It's so late at night, these wolves' eyes are like those green lanterns, and they pounced on us without saying a word."

"Fortunately we ran fast, otherwise we would have become the prey of those wild wolves tonight."

"Huh!" After hearing this, Pu Dingzi couldn't help but snorted at him, "If it weren't for me, how could you, a big-headed monk, have run away?"

Xuan Yin curled his lips and retorted, "If you, an old man, hadn't said that the mountain was weird and you wanted to go up and have a look at it, how could we have attracted the wolves?"

Pu Dingzi: "..."

"Okay, you two should stop arguing first, and let Ran Ran check if everything is okay first?"

Xiao Jinghan reminded.

If that place is really the Yin Mountain, according to what Mu Shiyi said, anyone who comes down from the mountain will get sick and die.

Maybe it was poisoning or something.

Early detection and early treatment.

"Old man, I'm fine. I just suffered some skin trauma. It's okay."

Pu Dingzi waved his hand nonchalantly, "Show it to that brat. That brat was scratched by a wolf. The wolf's claws are quite powerful."

Xuanyin: "..."

"Old man, don't tell me how powerful you are. Don't think I didn't see it. You were scratched by a wolf."

As soon as Xuan Yin said these words, pairs of eyes looked at Pu Dingzi.

Pu Dingzi's old face suddenly changed, full of discomfort.

"It's just a scratch, it's not hurt!"

"Hey, if you can, why don't you take off your pants and come down to take a look? I'm just treating my kindness like a donkey's liver and lungs! It's for your own good that we let you take a look."

Xuan Yin said, and stretched out his hand in front of Xiaonuituanzi, "Ranran, please help me take a look."

After finishing, he raised his head towards Pu Dingzi and said angrily, "Some old men, they hide their illnesses and avoid medical treatment. It seems that they have lost face after suffering such an injury!"

Pu Dingzi: "..."

"Boy Han, is this bald monk really the disciple of Taoist Master Huiming? How could Taoist Master Huiming accept such an unstable monk as his disciple?"

Pu Dingzi couldn't defeat him, so he turned to look at Xiao Jinghan.


Xiao Jinghan smiled and said: "Actually, Senior Brother Xuanyin's real master is a monk, so he shaved his head. He practices both Taoism and Buddhism."

Pu Dingzi snorted, "No wonder! With such a bad mouth, he must have cried and begged Taoist Master Huiming to accept him as his disciple."

"Presumably his other master, the great monk, must not be a good person. Otherwise, how could he teach such a thing that does not respect the elderly and care for the young."

Listening to his muttering, Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but pause while handling the game.

He suddenly said, "The great monk Buddha called him Master Kong. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

Hearing this, the expression on Pu Dingzi's face instantly cracked.

(End of this chapter)

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