Chapter 565 Became the nourishment of moss~
"Who? Who did you just say?"

Pu Dingzi took out his ears and asked again.

"Master Lokong!" Xiao Jinghan said loudly into Pu Dingzi's ear.

The expression on Pu Dingzi's face instantly stiffened, and he remained stunned for several seconds without responding.

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

"In addition to Master Kong and Taoist Master Huiming, there are several other masters, all of whom are very powerful!" Xiao Jinghan added after thinking about it.

Pu Dingzi: "..."

He just accidentally slandered Master Kong?


Amitabha, sin, sin!

Pu Dingzi looked towards Xiao Naituanzi and Xuan Yin faintly.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, the big-headed monk Xuan Yin really cannot be underestimated.

Not to mention a little girl like Ran Ran.


Thinking that he had wanted to recognize Xuan Yin and Xiao Nai Tuanzi as his disciples before, he giggled again.

His vision is as good as Master Kong and Taoist Huiming.

Xiao Jinghan looked at him smirking and frowned involuntarily.

Could this old man be so shocked that he was stunned?
On the opposite side, Xiaonuituanzi checked Xuan Yin's pulse and slowly lowered his hand, then took out two pills and gave them to Xuan Yin and Pu Dingzi, one each.

When the two of them saw this, they were shocked.

"Ran Ran, are we really poisoned?" Xuan Yin looked at the little breast dumplings in surprise, "Is it that serious? Is it serious enough that we need to eat this thing?"

The little girl pursed her lower lip slightly, "The wolf's claws are poisonous!"

"Just in case, you'd better pay attention!" Mu Shi said.

"Okay!" Xuan Yin swallowed the pill in one gulp.

Over there, Pu Dingzi looked at the green pill in his hand, pretended to take it and then put it away.

Next, Xiaonaituanzi helped Xuan Yin and Pu Dingzi treat their wounds.

It was getting late, and after eating barbecue, they each found a place to sleep.

Mu Shiyi was worried about Xiao Jingzhe, so she stayed by his side.


The next day, everyone woke up to a scream.

Xuan Yin opened his eyes drowsily, "Little Sanzi, it's immoral to disturb people's dreams so early in the morning!"

"No... it's not good!" Xiao Jinghan's eyes widened and she pointed at Pu Dingzi. She was so frightened that she couldn't speak clearly. "Look at this old man... look at what's wrong with him?"

Hearing this, Xuan Yin stood up with a sudden thought.

"What happened?"


Xuan Yin was also frightened and shouted when he saw Pu Dingzi.

"This... this old man... how did he become... like this?"

I saw Pu Dingzi lying on the ground with a red face at this time. His right arm was covered with moss-like things, which were green and looked particularly scary.

Not only that, the moss seemed to be spreading, all the way to his neck.

His whole body was like nourishment for these moss to grow.

"He... he shouldn't be dead, right?!" Xiao Jinghan said.

Although they only got along with each other for a few days, and the old man often quarreled with them, he didn't have any bad intentions, and he really meant it when something happened.

If he died like this, they wouldn't be able to bear it.

"Don't panic, he's probably not dead yet!"

Mu Shiyi got off the carriage and said calmly: "It's exactly what I guessed. There is Yin Mountain over there, and people who come down from Yin Mountain will get strange diseases."

Xuan Yin said: "Why am I okay?"

"You took the pills Ranran gave you, and this senior secretly hid the pills." Mu Shi said.

When Pu Dingzi hid the pills last night, she happened to pay her.Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Xuanyin: "..."

What's going on with this old man! ?
Are you confused? !

He actually made such a joke with his own life.

"I have heard of this disease. People suffering from this disease will have a high fever that will not go away. Within five days, moss will cover the whole body and the energy will be exhausted." Mu Shiyi continued.

"This damn old man...could he be here to hinder us on purpose?"

Xuan Yin said angrily.

He said this, but in actual actions, he woke up the little breast dumpling.

The little girl was in a daze, looking angry at getting up, looking at Xuan Yin with resentment.

Xuan Yin said: "Get up quickly and take a look at your great uncle? I'm afraid he's going to die!"

The little breast dumplings were so excited that most of them were sleepy.


The little girl opened the car curtain and took a look. When she saw Pu Dingzi's appearance, all the sleepiness was gone.He quickly jumped off the carriage.

She held her chin and walked around Pudingzi several times, her little brows furrowed.

"Ran Ran, how is it? Can it be cured?" Xiao Jinghan asked.

Xiaonuituanzi shook his head, "I have never seen such a disease before."

As she said that, she glanced at Xuan Yin again.

Xuan Yin swallowed subconsciously.

Fortunately, he took the pills given by Xiao Naituanzi last night, otherwise he would be the one lying on the ground as fertilizer for moss.

This old man deserves it!

"Senior brother, Ran Ran will help you take a look~"

Xiaonuituanzi thought for a while and then stretched out his hand towards Xuan Yin.

Xuan Yin stretched out his wrist.

Xiaonuituanzi's two fleshy fingers clasped Xuan Yin's wrist.

After a while, Xiaotai Tuanzi put down his hand and opened the wound that Xuan Yingyin had bandaged.


When he saw the moss-like thing on his wound, Xuan Yin immediately opened his eyes and took a breath of cold air.

He hurriedly explained: "I took that pill, you all saw it."

The little girl pursed her lips and put her hand down.

For a moment, she had no clue.

This is the first time he has encountered such a disease in his life.

No, it's not like a disease.

At least judging from the pulse, nothing could be seen.

"Little girl, please think of a way. Senior brother, I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of dying in an unknown way." Xuan Yin said with a sad face.

He thought about any way to die, but he didn't die in such a miserable way.

He was a good person and used it as fertilizer for the moss, but he felt aggrieved just thinking about it.


At this moment, Xiao Jinghan suddenly let out another sigh, pointed at the unconscious Pu Dingzi on the ground and said: "Look at this old man, look at this thing on his body..."

Everyone looked over and felt that there was a lot more moss than they had seen before.

Xuan Yin gritted his teeth and said, "I don't want to become like this old man. You don't have to give up my arm before my disease attacks!"

With that said, Xuan Yin was about to pull out the sword Xiao Jinghan carried with him.

Xiao Jinghan quickly protected the sword at her waist and said loudly: "Don't be impulsive. It's useless if you cut off your own arm. Your injuries are not limited to your arms."


These words really touched Xuan Yin's heart, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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