Chapter 576 Heavy rain, accident

I bought a lot of things on the street, and it was already late when I returned to the inn.

"You are finally back?"

When Pu Dingzi saw the two people coming back, he finally became energetic.

"What's wrong?" Xuan Yin raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

"What do you think?!" Pu Dingzi looked at them pitifully, "You won't let me play with you."

Xuan Yin: "..." This old guy is like a child, childish!
The little girl smiled and took out a bunch of candied haws, "I'll bring it to you~"

Pu Dingzi: "..."

Pu Dingzi glared, "I'm an old man and I don't eat sweets!"

"Oh, you don't want to eat it! If you don't want to eat it, I will eat it~" Little Milk Dumpling smiled with his eyebrows curved like a little fox. After saying that, he put the candied haws in his mouth, "Hey, hey, really sweet."

Xuanyin: "..."

Pu Dingzi: "..."

"When you were going out, someone sent you something." Pu Dingzi said sadly.

"Who is it?"

Xiaonaituanzi and Xuan Yin looked at each other. Could it be that their whereabouts had been leaked?

"It was said to be a gift from the Qu family," Pu Dingzi said.

Hearing this word, Xuan Yin felt relieved.

It should be Mu Shiyi.

"What did you give me?" Xuan Yin asked again.

Pu Dingzi replied: "Grain and some precious herbs!"


Xuan Yin nodded slightly.

After going up to the second floor, the three of them ordered several dishes. After eating and drinking, they went back to rest.

Early the next morning, Xiao Jinghan came back covered in dust.

After letting him rest for a long time, they continued on their way.

This time they were heading south.

After finding the two souls, Xiao Naituanzi fused the two souls together and put them into the coins.

Xiao Ning's soul was really too weak, but after the two souls were fused, they seemed much more stable.

In addition, Zhou Zhongren also imparted some Yin Qi to Xiao Ning's soul, making her soul look even more condensed.

Two days later, and three days later, they arrived at Guangnan, the southern part of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Guangnan is a rainy place. It was raining heavily when they arrived, and many surrounding houses were flooded.

Not a single common person was seen on the street.

"What should we do now?" Xiao Jinghan became a little worried.

As they walked over the past few days, the food in the carriage had been almost exhausted. If they couldn't find a place to rest, the horses would starve to death.

"I think we should go to the city next door first and have a look!" Xuan Yin said: "I have been here before. There is a small city fifty miles to the east. The terrain there is higher and it should not be flooded. "

"Okay." Xiao Jinghan nodded and drove the carriage slowly towards the small town.

Halfway through the road, I saw a lot of people pushing carts in front of me. It looked like the cart's wheels had sunk into a pit.

Xiao Jinghan stopped the carriage.

"It looks like something happened in front. I'll go take a look." Xiao Jinghan said.

"Wait a minute, old man, I'm going too," Pu Dingzi said.

After sitting in the carriage for two days, he was a little irritable and wanted to go out for some air!

The two quickly got out of the carriage and walked forward with an umbrella in hand.

But within a short time, Xiao Jinghan hurried back and said in a hurry: "Ran Ran, Ran Ran, come down quickly, come down quickly!"

Hearing this, Xiaotiao Tuanzi suddenly became excited.

Xuan Yin asked, "What's going on?" "We met Miss Wang earlier, and something happened to Miss Wang!" Xiao Jinghan gasped.

"Who? Who is Miss Wang?" Xuan Yin didn't know why, and Xiao Naituanzi looked at him with confusion on his face.

"It's that...five...cousin Wang Wenxin from Sister Li's family." Xiao Jinghan said.

When the little girl heard the name, she immediately remembered who it was and jumped out of the carriage in a hurry.

"Where is Sister Wang? What happened to Sister Wang?" Xiao Naituanzi asked.

"They were transporting these grains and grass, and it rained heavily. Your sister Wang's carriage overturned! You didn't know that she is pregnant with a child now! A lot of blood was shed. Many people in front were injured!"

As soon as Xiao Jinghan said these words, the little breast dumpling disappeared in an instant with a "swish".

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

"Hey, wait for me!"

Xiao Jinghan turned around and was about to catch up, but Xuan Yin grabbed him and said, "What are you doing here as a man? Don't taint others' innocence."


Xiao Jinghan choked.

Xuan Yin jumped off the carriage, walked beside him and grabbed the umbrella in his hand, and then directly put his other hand around his shoulder and pulled him towards him.

"Come on, let's go to the front and see what's going on."

Xiao Jinghan slapped his hand away, "Just walk, why are you doing this?"

Xuanyin: "..."

"What are you thinking about? If I weren't afraid that the rain would get you wet, your little body would catch a cold, and the little girl would take it out on you, monk, I wouldn't bother to talk to you!"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Dog monk!
When the little girl got to the carriage in front, Wang Wenxin had already been rescued.

At this time, she fell unconscious in a man's arms, her lower body covered in blood.

There was a woman and a young girl beside her.

The two people also suffered some injuries, their faces were pale at this time, and they looked like they were quite frightened.

The rain wasn't heavy, and the surrounding rainwater was already dyed red with blood.

Many people watched anxiously, but there was nothing they could do.

On the other side, a little girl kept shouting along the crowd, "Doctor, is there a doctor, please save my wife..."

The little breasted dumpling walked forward and stuffed a pill into Wang Wenxin's mouth without saying a word.

"Hey, you little"

"To shut up!"

Just as the woman next to her was about to speak, Pu Dingzi appeared out of nowhere, stretched out his hand and sealed the woman's mute point.

Woman: "..."

"I'm a doctor~"

Just as the man holding Wang Wenxin was about to speak, the little breast dumpling raised his head and said something to him.

Before he could react, Xiao Naituanzi quickly inserted the silver needle in his hand into Wang Wenxin's big hole.

Immediately, the blood under Wang Wenxin stopped.

"Pick up Sister Wenxin and put her on our carriage, quickly!" Xiao Naituanzi said seriously.

"Good, good, good!"

Although the man didn't know Xiao Nai Tuanzi, he saw that the bleeding under Wang Wenxin had stopped, and he immediately calmed down a bit. He followed Xiao Nai Tuanzi's instructions and carried Wang Wenxin to their carriage behind them.

After the man put Wang Wenxin into the carriage, Xiaonaituanzi kicked him out of the carriage.

The little breast dumpling took out the golden needles and stimulated them one by one.

Immediately he took out yellow paper, wolf hair, cinnabar...

"Ran...Ran Ran?"

As the talismans disappeared into Wang Wenxin's abdomen, she gradually woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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