Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 577 Save Wang Wenxin, the chickens and dogs are restless!

Chapter 577 Save Wang Wenxin, the chickens and dogs are restless!
"Don't be afraid, sister, Ranran will save you~"

The little breasted dumpling spoke in a milky voice, but her little face was filled with determination.


"Don't worry, sister, everything will be fine~" Xiao Naituanzi said.

Now she is using the Thirteen Needles of Ghost Gate to first stabilize Wang Wenxin and the child in her belly, and then use Zhu Youshu to compete with the King of Hell for her life.

Hearing Xiao Naituanzi's words, Wang Wenxin breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you... thank you."

Xiao Naituanzi didn't talk to her anymore, and was racing against time to draw the talisman and seal script.

Now she is no longer as unfamiliar as she was when she first came down from the mountain to save Mrs. Xu Sanniang.

Medical skills, spiritual power, magic... she has mastered them all.

Coupled with exercise, I am much stronger in every aspect than when I first came down the mountain.

After a full hour, the rain outside gradually lightened up, but the people outside became more and more anxious.

When the little breasted dumpling opened the car curtain, the man and the woman who had been standing beside them couldn't help but come over.

"How is Wenxin?" the man asked.

The little girl's eyes scanned around the man's body, her little face puffed up, and then her eyes fell on the woman again.

The woman was inexplicably flustered by the sight, and became a little at a loss.

"Little daughter-in-law and are they doing?"

"The eyebrows are dark and the forehead is sunken. Grandma, you are destined to be in trouble, and you are destined to be a villain~" Xiao Nai Tuanzi suddenly said.

"Ah...ah?!" The woman was startled by the words of the little breast dumpling.

"Well... today's disaster should have been your fault, but Sister Wenxin has blocked it for you. As long as you stay away from villains from now on, you can keep your family peaceful and prosperous for the rest of your life~"

"Little...little man?" The woman was puzzled.

"Hmm..." Xiaonuituanzi jumped out of the carriage, held his chin and walked around the woman twice, then raised his hand and started counting with his fingers nimbly.

Seeing this, the woman swallowed and became a little nervous.

Even she herself didn't know why she believed in a small breast dumpling so much.

After a while, Xiao Nai Tuanzi put down his little hand and said in a sweet voice: "Grandma's zodiac sign is dog, and this little person's zodiac sign is chicken. If the chicken and dog are together, they are called... called..."

"The chickens and dogs are restless!"

Seeing that Xiao Naituanzi couldn't answer, Pu Dingzi answered.

"Yes, it's called Rooster and Dog Restless~ So this grandma must stay away from people whose zodiac sign is Rooster~ Otherwise she will be in bad luck~"

After saying that, Xiaotai Tuanzi said with a smile: "Sister Wenxin is fine~ The baby is also very healthy~ But sister Wenxin can't move yet!"

Hearing this, the mother and son in front of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Yuan, aunt, are you thirsty after waiting for so long? Come on, drink some water first."

At this time, a soft and gentle girl came over, holding a kettle in her hand.

The girl's face was dirty and sick, and she had a charming beauty.

As soon as she came over, everyone's attention was attracted to her.

"Aunt, brother Yuan, sister-in-law Ji Ren has her own destiny and everything will be fine. Sister-in-law is beautiful and kind. If she knew that you were so scared because of her that you haven't eaten or drank, you would definitely feel sad and blame yourself!" Wu Liu pulled Fang's mother. hand said.

If it had been before, Mother Fang would have thought that Wu Liu's words were understanding and a kind-hearted person.But after just listening to what Xiao Naituanzi said...

"Liu'er... aunt remembers you... you are eighteen this year, right!?"


When Wu Liu heard Fang's mother suddenly ask about her age, she felt happy. She couldn't help but glance at Fang Yuan, and her thoughts changed slightly.

Could it be...that the child was not saved? My aunt wanted to...

Wu Liu couldn't help but feel excited as he thought about it.But who would have thought that the next second, Mother Fang slapped away the hand holding her arm with a straight face and said, "Since I'm eighteen, I've reached the age of marriage. When I get home, I'll go and get married." Find a good family!"


Wu Liu's body froze in place, a little at a loss as to why.

She bit her lip, lowered her head and looked at Wu's mother with red eyes, and said with tears in her eyes: "Aunt, do you not like me anymore? Did Liu'er do something wrong somewhere?"

"No, Liu'er, you're fine!" Mother Fang looked at her calmly, "You are a good boy. When you get married, I will ask Fang Yuan and your sister-in-law to prepare a generous dowry for you."

"Aunt... I... I don't want to get married!" Wu Liu became a little anxious, stamped his little feet and looked at Fang Yuan, "Brother Yuan, tell your aunt quickly, I don't want to get married!"

At this moment, Fang Yuan's eyes were filled with Wang Wenxin and his child lying in the carriage. How could he have time to look at her?

"Nonsense, if you don't get married, how can you let your aunt live up to your dead parents? I have always been reluctant to let you go, but after all, it is my aunt who is so narrow-minded!"

Mother Fang could tell that her niece was probably attracted to her son.

She hadn't noticed it before, but she didn't know why she could see it so clearly today.

Thinking of what Xiao Naituanzi had just said, Fang's mother recalled many previous scenes and suddenly felt that Wu Liu was a house disturber.

How can the Fang family live peacefully if there is a family troublemaker around?
"Liu'er, your sister-in-law hasn't woken up yet, please be quiet!"

Seeing what Wu Liu wanted to say, Fang Yuan immediately straightened his face, and his tone of voice also contained a hint of reprimand.

When Wu Liu heard this, he stamped his feet and ran away with red eyes.

"Hey, little girl...did you mean what you just said?!" Pu Dingzi pulled the little breast dumpling in front of him and asked in a low voice.

Xiaotiao Tuanzi's face was full of innocence, and he blinked at Pu Dingzi, "No, what I said is true!"

"Hey! I don't believe it. There are only so many zodiac signs in the world. Could it be that the Rooster and the Dog are noisy and restless when they are together? Isn't this nonsense?"

"You little girl must have said it on purpose to help the girl in the carriage! Don't think that I don't know, old man, you little girl is the best at protecting your own shortcomings!"

"Well...these two people are naturally not only because of their zodiac signs, but also because of other things!" Xiao Naituanzi said softly.

"What?" Pu Dingzi was curious.

"Well...the secret must not be revealed~"

Pu Dingzi: "..."

It's so hard to fool someone at such a young age.

"But, Uncle Master... there is something Ran Ran can reveal to you~" Suddenly Xiao Naituanzi said in a treacherous tone.

"What? Say it, say it!" Pu Dingzi's eyes lit up immediately.

"Hehe..." Xiao Naituanzi bared her teeth at him, and then stretched out a hand towards him, palm facing up, "Give me something to offer, and I'll tell you when I give it~"

Pu Dingzi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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