Chapter 578 Transporting food and grass!
"Hmph, forget about it!"

Pu Dingzi snorted and slapped Xiaonuituanzi's palm, "Old man, I don't want to know anymore."

The little girl smiled but didn't say anything else.

After a while, Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin came over, "How is Ranran? How is Sister Wang?"

"It's okay~" Xiao Naituanzi replied, "It will be fine when my sister wakes up and has a good rest for a few days."

"Well, that's good." Xiao Jinghan nodded, and then looked at Fang Yuan and bowed, "This young master must be Sister Wang's husband, right? Our surname is Xiao, and Li Qingqiu, the young lady from the Li family in Jiang Lin, is Our future fifth aunt.”

"My Excellency Xiao Jinghan is a junior of the Xiao family. This is my little sister. This is my senior brother and my uncle."

"Oh, it turns out we are all one family! Thank you so much for your help in what happened today!" Before Fang Yuan could say anything, Fang's mother thanked her enthusiastically.

"Yes! Thank you very much!" Fang Yuan also extended his hands to Xiao Jinghan and others with a very respectful and sincere attitude.

Xiao Jinghan nodded and gave Fang Yuan a virtual hand, "Young Master Fang, you don't have to be polite. Sister Wang has helped us a lot before."

"Cough cough!"

At this time Xuan Yin couldn't help coughing lightly.

"Since we are all a family, I think there is no need to say these polite words so much, right? It's best to think about how to deal with the next thing first."

Xuan Yin was referring to the goods blocked in front.

"Mr. Fang, are you here to do business? This guy..." Xiao Jinghan looked at Fang Yuan in confusion, and there were some words that he was not comfortable saying.They had just seen that most of the items here were grain.

"These are going to the front lines."

Knowing that they were the Xiao family, Fang Yuan did not hide anything and lowered his voice, pulled them aside and whispered.


Xiao Jinghan was stunned.

"Yes." Fang Yuan nodded, "Southern Xinjiang is short of food. The condition for their agreement to the Three Kingdoms Alliance was this food, so we also prepared these secretly."

"My hometown is Huinan, down from Guangnan. There is more food there. I secretly prepare this food just in case."

"It's just... I didn't expect it to rain heavily when we passed here, which caused us to be stagnant for several days."

"I wanted to take a detour from the small city in front, but I didn't expect that the city gate here was closed tightly, and there was no one on the wall."

"Is there such a thing?" After hearing this, Xiao Jinghan frowned fiercely, and his intuition told him that something happened in this small town.

"Yeah." Fang Yuan nodded, "What's even more strange is that Guangnan..."

"As far as I know, every time during this season, people in Guangnan will take their families and take refuge in a small town in front of them. They will come back after the flood has gone. But looking at this situation, the flood has just arrived... but there is a person on the road. Isn’t it strange that there are no pedestrians?”

"This... is indeed strange." Xiao Jinghan said calmly.

But for now, Fangyuan and the others would be better off delivering the food first. As for Guangnan, they will decide based on the situation.

"Mr. Fang, we just came from Yuzhou. The officialdom there is relatively peaceful, but this Yuzhou is not very peaceful. You can take a detour to Wangcheng first, and then contact Mu Shiyi, the female head of the Qu family."

"She should be able to help you preserve this batch of food so that you can safely send it to the front line."

"Yeah." Fang Yuan nodded.

Now this is all we can do for the time being!
Wang Wenxin hadn't woken up yet, so it was not advisable to move at this time, so Fang Yuan had someone temporarily build a larger haystack for everyone to take shelter from the rain.

Fortunately, Wang Wenxin woke up at night.

Although his body is still a little weak, his spirit is pretty good.

Wang Wenxin was so happy to see Xiaonuituanzi again that she kept talking to Xiaonuituanzi.Xiaonuituanzi also likes her very much and is very affectionate to her.

Wang Wenxin was also very happy when she learned from Xiao Nai Tuanzi that Li Qingqiu had returned safely.

"Ran Ran, thank you very much. You are a noble member of our Wang family and Fang family." Wang Wenxin took Xiao Naituanzi's hand, touched her belly and spoke sincerely.

First his brother, and then he saved her.

Not only did she save the lives of their mother and son today, but she also helped her get rid of her cousin who always liked to stir up trouble.

After she woke up, her mother-in-law, who was always picky about her, seemed to be a different person towards her. After asking, she found out that it was Ran Ran who had spoken to her.

"Hehe, Master said, good people will be rewarded~" Xiao Naituanzi smiled and gently touched Wang Wenxin's belly with her little hands, "Sister Wang is kind-hearted, and she will definitely be rewarded in the future."

"Tell Sister Wang secretly~ Your cousin Ran Ran doesn't like her very much either." Xiao Naituanzi said in a sweet voice.

Although she was helping Sister Wang, she didn't lie either.

If that sweet-talking sister stays in Sister Wang’s house, it will cause disharmony in Sister Wang’s home~
So it is better to drive away early.

Wang Wenxin couldn't help but laugh out loud when she heard Xiao Naituanzi's words.

The reason why her marriage with Fang Yuan came to fruition was because of Xiao Naituanzi's advice!
She previously had a fiancé with whom she was a childhood sweetheart.

He studied hard in the cold window, and she accompanied him and added fragrance to his red sleeves.

But who would have thought that just after passing the Jinshi examination, a serious illness would kill him.

After that, she couldn't let go of this matter, so much so that she ignored the people around her.

Fang Yuan had business dealings with their Wang family, and they got to know each other as soon as they went back and forth.

During those years when she was depressed, he had been silently accompanying her.

It was also because of Xiao Naituanzi's advice that she discovered that the person beside her had always had him in her heart.

After being together for half a year, she got married to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan's family was far away from their Jiang Lin. In order to prevent her from marrying far away, he proposed to take his mother to Jiang Lin.

This affection moved her heart extremely.

Mother Fang was actually kind to her, but in the past two months, the cousin of the Wu family was bullied by her own family, so Mother Fang took pity on her and took her to her side.

After this back and forth, Fang's mother unexpectedly became very critical of her.

This made her very depressed, but when she thought of Fang's mother leaving her hometown because of her, she could only keep these things in her heart.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Xiaonuituanzi appeared, he directly dealt with Wu Liu, the troublemaker in the family.

"Ran Ran, sister doesn't even know how to thank you." Wang Wenxin said.

"You're welcome~, Third Brother said, we are a family! And if you do one good deed every day, you will have three thousand merits. Ran Ran is accumulating merit for herself!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said with a sweet voice.

Speaking of merit, Wang Wenxin couldn't help but think that she had heard someone say that Xiao Jingzhe had built several free academies in Yonglin.

A golden body was also made for Xiaonuituanzi for the students to pay homage to.


She can also build several free academies in Jianglin in the name of Xiaonai Tuanzi.

Let the world praise her great achievements.

(End of this chapter)

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