Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 579: An empty city, with not only no one but no ghosts!

Chapter 579: An empty city, with not only no one but no ghosts!
It rained quite a bit that night, but when I woke up the next morning, the sky was clear.

The Fang family's task of transporting food to Xiao Jingzhe was kept secret, and it was imminent, so they had to leave early in the morning.

Before leaving, Xiao Nai Tuanzi gave some more pills to Wang Wenxin.

After seeing off the Fang family and the others, Xiaonaituanzi and the others headed for the small town ahead.

The small town here is called Jincheng, and its area is not large.

When a few people arrived at the city, as expected, as Fang Yuan said, there was no one outside the city, not even a single soldier guarding the city.

From this look, everything is weird.

"Let's go in and take a look." Xiao Jinghan suggested.

"Can you fly up such a high city wall?" Xuan Yin looked at Xiao Jinghan with a half-smile.

"I..." Xiao Jinghan was choked by Xuan Yin and muttered: "I can't fly up, but Ran Ran can, and so can this old man!"

"Ha!" Xuan Yin chuckled softly.

Xiao Jinghan was unconvinced and retorted, "I can't fly up, how can you?"

Xuanyin: "..."

"Okay, old man, go in and take a look." Pu Dingzi said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he tiptoed and flew up, then landed firmly on the city wall.

Seeing this, Xiao Naituanzi also used Qinggong and flew up.

Two people, one large and one small, entered the city.

But as soon as they entered the door, they were stunned.


There was no one in the whole city, and the streets were in a mess. It looked like there had been a fight.

"How could this happen? Where are the people?" This was the first time Pu Dingzi saw such a scene.

When it comes to disappearing, it’s impossible for all the people in a city to disappear, right?

Where has everyone gone?
Xiao Naituanzi shook her head. She didn't know where these people had gone.

The two opened the city gate and allowed Xiao Jinghan and Xuan to enter the city.

The four of them searched the city for a long time but could not find anyone, and the whole city was in a mess.

"There should have been a scuffle here, but the blood stains were all cleaned up by the rain." Xiao Jinghan said.

Xuan Yin: "Amitabha, so good, so good!"

"That's it, we didn't even have a place to rest. Fortunately, the Fang family got us some rice, so we won't be hungry." Pu Dingzi said, "Let's rest here for a day first, and then we'll see Let’s look at the specific situation!”

A few people randomly found a fairly good room and made a few bowls of porridge to satisfy one bite.

At night, Xiao Naituanzi released Zhou Zhongren.

Zhou Zhongren had a bad look when he saw Pu Dingzi.

The old man's attack that day could have almost beaten him to death.

So much so that these days he was hiding in Xiao Nai Tuanzi's money sword to practice and couldn't come out.

Pu Dingzi didn't look good when he saw Zhou Zhongren.

Since ancient times, it is not a good thing for this ghost to become so powerful.

What's more, because of him, he misunderstood Xiao Naituanzi and even injured the little girl.

If that kid Mo Heng found out about this, he would have to pull out a layer of his old man's skin.

So, when the two met and looked at each other disgustedly, they both turned their heads away from each other.

Xiao Nai Tuanzi didn't care whether they saw it or not, so he said to Zhou Zhongren: "Uncle Zhou, call the ghosts nearby to see what happened here."

"Okay." Zhou Zhongren responded and floated out.

He summoned ghosts as before, but after casting spells for a long time, no ghosts came. "This is so strange. There's no one there, not even a ghost? What happened here?" Xiao Jinghan asked in great confusion.

"We can't have everyone in a city disappear overnight, right?"

"No, it's not one city, it's two cities!" Xuan Yin said.

This small town is not far from Guangnan, which is not far away, but it is nearly two hundred kilometers away from other nearest cities.

In addition, at this time of year, Guangnan is prone to heavy rains and floods, so there are not many people traveling here.

So much so one even noticed that people from these two cities were missing.

"Could it be related to Ye Zhaozhao if he disappeared so cleanly?" Xuan Yin asked suspiciously.

"It's not impossible." Zhou Zhongren said: "Previously, Ye Zhaozhao had caught a lot of ghosts to raise imps and harm people. In addition, he also raised evil gods. As far as I know, raising evil gods is You have to use resentment, and the fastest way to generate resentment is to kill someone."

"Is it possible that Ye Zhaozhao wants to borrow the power of the evil god to deal with Ran Ran?" Xiao Jing said coldly.

"It's possible." Xuan Yin nodded.

"In the past, Ye Zhaozhao behaved quite restrainedly, but now that he is being driven to the extreme, he no longer has so many scruples. He simply doesn't regard people's lives as fate."

The little girl's lips were pursed straight, and her little hands were clenched tightly.

This man is so hateful!
"The little guy's mother has a soul that is still in that person's hands. Sooner or later you will have a battle, so you'd better collect all the souls quickly!" Pu Dingzi said with a groan.

"Killing those people will prevent so many people from suffering."

"Well, the old man finally said something humane." Xiao Jinghan said.

Pu Dingzi: "..."

This gadget is a bad example of the big-headed monk!

Early the next morning, it started raining heavily again.

Several people found bamboo hats, put them on, took the compass and went out.

When we arrived near Guangnan City, we could see a vast expanse of ocean.

"What should we do now?" Xuan Yin said: "With the intensity of the rain, even if it stops, it will still take ten days and a half to drain the water in the city, right?"

"Not to mention, if this trend continues, it will probably take another ten days and a half."

"I have a way!"

Xiaotuanzi thought for a while and said something in a sweet voice.

"What can I do?" Everyone looked at her.

The little breasted dumpling laughed and flew towards the city gate of Guangnan with a tap of his toes.

Above the city gate, there was a haze, and no one could see what Xiao Nai Tuanzi was doing even from a distance.

I saw streaks of golden light flashing beside her.

The golden fonts that looked like large and small editions appeared and disappeared in the sky one after another.

As the talismans disappeared, the heavy rain gradually turned into light rain, and then slowly stopped.

The wind gradually became stronger, making a whining sound.

Several people couldn't help but hugged their bodies tightly, trembling with the cold.

After a while, the dark clouds gradually blew away, and faint sunlight shone in the sky.

"This... this little girl is quite capable! She can actually control the wind and rain!"

Pu Dingzi said in surprise.

"How about it, are you convinced, old man? Do you still want Ran Ran to recognize you as your master? I see that if you call her master, she will think you are stupid." Xuan Yin said arrogantly.

This tone and expression were simply more proud than when he was praising himself.

(End of this chapter)

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