Chapter 581 Hehe, mother smiled at me!
Several people got on the carriage and walked northward following the position shown by the compass.

Although the person holding Xiao Ningpo moved quickly, Xiao Naituan blocked them halfway in just two days.

Each of these people was full of killings. They were not many in number, more than twenty people, and two of them should be Taoist priests with high magical powers.

Several people jumped out of the carriage and stopped in front of them.

The little girl's eyes glanced at them, and her brows furrowed fiercely.

"Old man, you and Ran Ran will deal with the two Taoist priests, while Xiao San'er and I will deal with the rest." Xuan Yin said.


Xiao Naituanzi shook his head, "Those two Taoist priests have average magic power, leave it to you, senior brother, and leave the rest to us."

Xuanyin: "..."

"But what's the problem with those people?"

Xiaotai Tuanzi had a serious face, touched the money sword that was already buzzing in his pocket and said: "They all have the aura of the evil god on their bodies."

Hearing this, several people couldn't help but become serious.

According to legend, this evil god is extremely powerful and continues to grow stronger by sucking in evil spirits.

As long as anyone among humans, gods, and demons wants to use the power of this evil god, they can exchange it with what the evil god needs.

And it is extremely easy for this evil god to take away something from a person.

For example, the Xiao family and others were deprived of their luck before.

"Okay, just as Ran Ran said, I will deal with the two Taoist priests and leave the rest to you!" Xuan Yin said.

Saying that, Xuan Yin took the lead and flew towards the two Taoist priests.

At this time, Pu Dingzi also said: "Little girl, old man, I will take the lead. You and this brat know the formation, and you two will follow."

"it is good."

Xiao Naituanzi responded, and then looked at each other with Xiao Jinghan.

Pu Dingzi took the lead, followed closely by Xiao Jinghan. The money sword in Xiao Naituanzi's hand was raised, and one hundred and eight gold coins quickly rushed into the sky, surrounding these people with the aura of the evil god. In the formation.

In order to win the battle quickly, Xiaonai Tuanzi directly used his own meritorious golden light to solidify the formation.

Then he moved the compass to the center of the formation.

Xiao Jinghan drew some talismans and seals on yellow paper according to what Xiao Naituanzi taught him before, and inserted them into the formation one by one.

With the blessing of the golden light of merit and the compass, those who possess the power of the evil god cannot use the power of the evil god at all.

Pu Dingzi's kung fu is top-notch and his skills are acceptable.

It is easy to introduce people into the formation and deal with them with ease.

The three of them worked together and quickly dealt with these people.

And Xuan Yin's one-on-two is no problem.

On the surface, these two Taoist priests seem to have some skills, but in fact they are just two embroidered pillows.

After Xiaonai Tuanzi and the others solved those people, Xuan Yin also solved the two Taoist priests.

Looking at these people lying on the ground, there was no trace of sympathy in their eyes.

"Third brother, light-shielding array."

Xiao Nai Tuanzi gave instructions as he took back the coins and compass.


Xiao Jinghan responded and immediately set up a light-shielding formation in front of him.

Xiaonuituanzi slowly walked in front of these corpses, raised the money sword in his hand, and a purse on the corpse immediately flew up.

She caught the purse with her bare hands and opened it.

Wisps of transparent souls floated out of the purse and hid in the light-shielding array.

There were more than twenty purses, each filled with innocent souls.

Most of these souls are the souls of people who have just died, but some are souls full of resentment.

Most of these grievances are acquired and can be cultivated by evil gods.It's hard to imagine how powerful this evil god would be if these souls formed more resentment.

After all the souls came out, Xiaonaituanzi found a transparent soul among the tens of thousands of souls that almost did not exist.

This soul looks a little foolish and foolish, and seems a little overwhelmed when isolated among these souls.

The little girl waved her hand, and the Samsara Gate immediately appeared in front of her.

Xiao Naituanzi looked at them and said: "You are fine now, no one will catch you! Your body is dead, hurry up and be reincarnated!"

"Thank you, thank you very much." All the ghosts said in unison.

One by one, the ghosts patted the team and walked towards the reincarnation formation.

It took half a day for all the tens of thousands of ghosts to leave.

The last remaining Xiao Ning's soul was about to go to the Samsara Gate when he was stopped by Xiao Naituanzi.

Xiao Ning looked at the little breast dumplings stupidly, and suddenly showed a big smile to her.

Seeing this, the little breasted dumpling returned her a big smile.

"Mom, you have to come with me~"

The little breasted dumpling said softly, his eyes staring at her for a moment.

Xiao Ning smiled and nodded lightly.

The small-breasted dumpling included her in the compass with a wave of her hand.

He turned around and smiled at them: "Mom just smiled at me, she likes me very much!"

"Well, she likes you very much!" Xiao Jinghan said, touching her little head.

If my aunt can come back, their family will be truly reunited!
It's just that...their path is too difficult right now.

"Now we already have three souls here, and your father should have already got one. We can just get the last two and get one more." Pu Dingzi said.


The little girl was very happy and climbed onto the carriage first, "We can go to the next place."

Xiao Jinghan looked at Xiaonuituanzi and said with concern: "Ran Ran, why don't we find a place to have a good night's rest first."

This little guy just used a lot of merit and golden light to easily eliminate those people.

He didn't forget that Xiao Naituanzi's life was maintained by the golden light of merit.

Previously, I used meritorious golden light to save Xuan Yin, Pu Dingzi and Qi Yue. In the past two days, I spent a lot of money using magic to push away the clouds. Today, I spent another golden light, plus I have been traveling for days...

He was really afraid that this little girl's body wouldn't be able to bear it.

"Third brother, are you tired?" Xiao Naituanzi blinked his big eyes and asked in confusion when he heard what he said.

"Me? No!" Xiao Jinghan shook his head. He would use up some energy and rest for a while.

"Oh, since the third brother is not tired, let's continue on our way!" Xiaotuanzi giggled, "Mother smiled at me, I have to find mother quickly, so that mother can treat me every day Laugh~"

Everyone: "..."


Xiao Jinghan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Xuan Yin slapped him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, it's okay! This little guy has some sense of control!"

"You only saw how much golden light she consumed, but did you see how much golden light the little thing took back?"

Xiao Jinghan shook his head.

Xuan Yin said: "There were so many souls reincarnated just now, and every soul said thank you to her. The sincerity contained in this thank you is genuine."

"Every kind thought can condense the golden light of success."

"So, don't worry."

Hearing this, Xiao Jinghan nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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