Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 582: Xiao Jinghan was beaten in a gathering place for literati!

Chapter 582: Xiao Jinghan was beaten in a gathering place for literati!
Since both Xuan Yin and Xiao Nai Tuanzi said everything was fine, Xiao Jinghan felt relieved.

The few people continued to move forward, and it took them nearly ten days to reach Minshan Mountain in the north.

Minshan is not far from Lushan Academy, the second uncle of Xiao Jinghan's.

In the Minshan area, most of the literati and scholars came from here.

This place can be regarded as a gathering place for literati, and everything is full of scholarly atmosphere.

Several people had just entered the city and noticed that the street vendors were holding books and reading. There were only a few shops on the whole street selling daily necessities.

There was even less food to eat.

After walking for a long time, they found a larger inn.

But as soon as he entered, a poetry answering party was held inside.

As long as this couple or the poet comes out on top, they can live in this fine private room for free and taste the best food here.

"I don't want to live here!"

As soon as the little breasted dumpling entered here, the smile on his face disappeared.

The nonsense around her was like a curse, buzzing in her ears, which was really uncomfortable.

"Old man, I'm not happy to live here either." Pu Dingzi was also a little unhappy.

Listening to those poems and lyrics, he felt sour!

My teeth hurt!

Xiao Jinghan glanced at Xuanyin, who shrugged, "I don't care. Are these sounds more troublesome than when I chant sutras? The answer is of course no!"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

"Then let's buy some food and live in the wilderness? It's just that it's already very cold in the north, and with today's weather... it's really freezing outside."

"Hey, didn't you say that you still have your second uncle here? Why don't you go to your second uncle's house to deal with it?" Pu Dingzi said.


Xiao Jinghan hesitated for a moment and looked at them uncertainly, "Ran Ran, the second uncle lives in the academy, are you sure you want to go?"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Hearing the word "book" gave her a headache.

"And the second aunt is the daughter of the dean of Lushan Academy." After thinking about it, Xiao Jinghan added.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

At this moment, I really want to shut the third brother's mouth.

Seeing the bitter expression on Xiao Naituanzi's face, Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"It's better to live here." Pu Dingzi said: "When you are outside, you are listening to other people's chatter. If you don't know me, you can cover your ears and not listen. When you come to your second uncle's house, they are talking to you, so you have to listen. .So it’s better to live outside.”


After Pu Dingzi finished speaking, Xiao Naituanzi nodded his head wildly, "I live outside."


Xiao Jinghan laughed, "Okay, okay, live here."

With that said, he walked in and asked the waiter for a few nicer, quieter rooms.

The waiter saw that their accents, old and young, didn't sound like they were from here, so he asked more, "I wonder where these guests are from?"

"The capital." Xiao Jinghan didn't have anything to hide. He just said, "We are here to find someone. We will stay here for two days."

"Oh, that's it." The waiter nodded politely and said nothing more.

As soon as Xiao Naituanzi entered the room, he immediately made a soundproof formation outside the door.

After the meal, Xiao Naitanzi and Pu Dingzi rested in the room, while Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan went for a walk outside.

I learned from my second brother that not everyone here likes to discuss these poems, but there is a big difference between this scholar and ordinary people.Here, the status of literati is particularly high, and knowledgeable people are admired and respected.

Therefore, for convenience, Minshan Mountain is divided into two directions: east and west. The west side is mainly the area for people to live. Ordinary people or merchants live there, and business is also there.

Most of the people living in the east are children of scholarly families, and the people coming and going around here are also scholars.

Most of those who can open shops in the east are from aristocratic families.

As for the shops opened in downtown areas, they are mainly businessmen from other places. The children of local families mainly focus on studying, and few people go into business. Those who do business are looked down upon.

After hearing this, Xiao Jinghan just chose to laugh it off.

Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, this Minshan person has divided these levels very clearly.

After the two people walked out of the door, they headed straight to the west.

Sure enough, arriving in the west is like arriving in another place, the situation is completely different.

"If we had known earlier, we should have inquired more about living here. The little girl would have liked it more." Xuan Yin said.

"That's true." Xiao Jinghan laughed, "That little girl likes to go out for a walk. Buy her some food!"


After Xiao Jinghan finished speaking, she was walking towards a candy vendor when she was suddenly slapped on the shoulder.

At the same time, a sound like a lion's roar sounded in his ears.

Xiao Jinghan's body trembled, and her ears were buzzing, thinking that it hurt so much.

He slowly raised his head, and what he saw was a woman as strong as an ox standing in front of him.

Before he could see the woman clearly, she punched him directly.


Xiao Jinghan was caught off guard and was knocked away by the woman's fist. She landed on the ground and rolled far away.

Xuanyin: "???"

Xuan Yin was stunned by this woman's actions for a moment. It wasn't until Xiao Jinghan fell to the ground in pain and was surrounded by people pointing fingers that he realized what he was doing and hurriedly ran over, "How are you? Are you okay?"

"Well..." Xiao Jinghan held her stomach, feeling pain in addition to pain...


After holding it in for a while, he slowly spit out one word.

"What's going on? Do you know him? An old enemy?" Xuan Yin asked.

Otherwise, he really couldn't figure out why such a good person was beaten. If this kid hadn't been with him all the time, he would have thought that this kid had done something evil.

Xiao Jinghan slowly raised his head and glanced at the woman, then shook his head slowly, "I don't know her."

"do not know???"

Xuan Yin was surprised. This was a man walking on the street, and the pot came from the sky.

"Is this...a girl?!"

Xuan Yin stood up and looked at the woman opposite with her neck held high, "Why do you hit someone for no reason?"


The woman snorted coldly and looked at Xuan Yin with disdain, "You stinky bald ass, this lady's affairs are not your business!"

Xuanyin: "..."

I guess he, Xuan Yin, has been traveling all over the country for several years, and this is the first time he has been called a bald donkey.

It's really annoying and funny.

(End of this chapter)

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