Chapter 583 Xiao Jinghan Xuanyin was arrested

"I do not care?"

Xuan Yin chuckled lightly, "He is my brother, I don't care? Miss, are you okay? If you are sick, go see the doctor. We just got here today, and you came up and injured someone without saying a word. You What's the meaning?"

"Come on, everyone, tell me! Is this still justified?"

When everyone saw Xiao Jinghan looking at them, everyone took a few steps back without daring to speak, looking scared.

Xuanyin: "???"

what happened?

Could it be that this is still an unreasonable place?

"Gluck... cluck..."

Seeing this, the woman covered her mouth and laughed, "This is my Lin family's territory, who dares to meddle in other people's business?"


When Xiao Jinghan heard this, he suddenly remembered something.

When I was in Yonglin, there was a person whose appearance was very similar to the woman in front of me - Lin Yu'er.

Lin Yu'er and her cousin both wanted to marry his fifth uncle before, and they even came to propose marriage at that time.

But later, after the Xiao family refused, the Lin family also made some small moves regarding their free academy. It was the thunder caused by the little breast dumplings that scared people away.

He had never met Lin Yu'er, but he had indeed heard of the things she did.

I had long heard that the Lin family was from here, but I didn't expect to meet Lin Yu'er here today.

It seemed that this woman recognized him as a member of the Xiao family, so... he was afraid that his fifth uncle would be blamed!After this incident, he had to ask his fifth uncle to pay him a good compensation!
Thinking about it, Xiao Jinghan climbed up from the ground with difficulty and looked at Lin Yu'er with a steady look, "I remember who you are!"

Xuanyin: "..."

"Are we really old enemies? Could it be that your boy caused some romantic debts outside, right?!"

When Xiao Jinghan heard this, he glared fiercely.

Is Xiao Jinghan blind?Pay off romantic debts?
"It's not me who caused it, it was my fifth uncle who caused it!"

Xuanyin: "..."

"Gluck... cluck..."

When Lin Yu'er heard Xiao Jinghan's words, she couldn't help but covered her mouth and giggled. She also deliberately flipped her hair and said, "I knew that with my beautiful face, Lin Yu'er, how could anyone not remember it? "

Xuanyin: "???"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Sure enough, this woman had something wrong with her eyes, as previously said.

No, it should be because she is extremely confident, thinking that none of the girls in the world are as beautiful as her!

"What should we do now? Looking at the attitudes and behaviors of the people around us, I'm afraid the Lin family's status in this place is not low. If we offend her, we may cause trouble." Xuan Yin said.

"The status of her Lin family is not low, and my second uncle's power here is not weak, not to mention that my second aunt is the daughter of the dean of Lushan Academy." Xiao Jinghan gritted his teeth.

"Then...are you coming?" Xuan Yin said.

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

"I am a patient now. As a monk, can't you have some sympathy?"

Xuan Yin said as he should: "I am not a monk today."


Xiao Jinghan was furious, knowing that this person was unreliable!

"What are you muttering about? But are you discussing who will join my Lin family? Giggle...giggle..."

"They all look good, why not just come with me!"

Xuanyin: "..."

"Amitabha, do not listen to what is inappropriate, and see what is inappropriate!"

"'s really interesting. This is the first time I've seen such a monk! He's ugly, a bit ugly, but not satisfactory."

Xuan Yin: "..." Is he ugly?

He is recognized as the second most handsome person in Langya Mountain, okay?

It was unbearable. Xuan Yin stroked his sleeves and looked like he was about to fight.

"Everyone who comes, please take them away to me!"

Lin Yu'er waved her fat hand and ordered.


"If you want to take us away, we have to see if you have the ability."

Xuan Yin gave a light chuckle, then rushed forward and started fighting with the guards of the Lin family.

As soon as they met, Xuan Yin found that he had underestimated his opponent.

I thought they were just embroidered pillows, but I didn’t expect they were all made by experts!
As a last resort, Xuan Yin had to take it seriously.

There simply weren't that many guards in the Lin family. Although it was a bit difficult to deal with them, they were not at a disadvantage.

Xiao Jinghan took a deep breath and let her energy sink in her Dantian. She used her true energy to circulate in her body for a week, adjusting her inner breath.A few more blows were placed on his body to seal off his hearing.

What Lin Yu'er is best at is the lion's roar skill. Blocking her hearing is half the battle won.

After making all preparations, Xiao Jinghan took his sword and headed towards Lin Yu'er.

Lin Yu'er herself didn't have much internal strength, she relied on her natural brute force and the lion's roar.As soon as Xiao Jinghan came up, he immediately performed his lion's roar skill.

The elephant-like legs stepped onto the ground, and the people on the street suddenly felt the ground shaking. They all lost interest in watching the show, so it was better to run for their lives quickly.

It was also the first time for Xiao Jinghan to see the power of the Lion's Roar Technique.

This woman stomped her feet, and the power she unleashed was comparable to that of an average martial arts master.

And he happens to belong to the middle class!Therefore, when the woman stamped her foot, he could only barely hold his own.

"Xiaosan'er, we are no match for them, retreat!"

Xuan Yin shouted loudly over there.

I'm afraid Xiao San'er doesn't know how powerful this lion's roar skill is. The most powerful thing is that roar.

What came out was not only the harshness of the voice, but also the strength within.

Lin Yu'er's stomping of her feet could bring about such a big shock. When the lion's roar was fully used, Xiao Jinghan's inner strength could not resist it, let alone that he was injured.

"However, Xiao Jinghan has closed his ears and cannot hear Xuan Yin's words at all. At this moment, he only has one idea, which is to teach the woman in front of him a lesson."


Suddenly, a roar of a lion echoed throughout the world, sending Xiao Jinghan flying away.

Seeing this, Xuan Yin didn't care so much anymore. He was stabbed by the guards of the Lin family, and then quickly flew towards Xiao Jinghan.


The moment Xiao Jinghan landed, Xuan Yin pulled him, and then they both landed on the ground.


Xuan Yin was pinned down by Xiao Jinghan, and a mouthful of blood spilled from his mouth.

Xiao Jinghan was also shocked and suffered internal injuries, and was in so much pain that she couldn't get up.

"do not move!"

At this time, the guards of the Lin family came over and pointed their swords at the two of them.

Xuanyin: "..."

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

It seemed that both of them were doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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