Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 584: Go through relationships and owe favors

Chapter 584: Go through relationships and owe favors

"Gluck... cluck..."

Seeing that the two were arrested, Lin Yu'er walked over slowly and giggled again.

"How good would it be to have been so obedient earlier? Do you have to suffer this? Oh, haven't you fallen into the hands of me, Lin Yu'er, now?"

As Lin Yu'er spoke, she stretched out her hand to touch Xiao Jinghan's face and chuckled, "You Xiao family members are all well-born! You are worthy of a round beauty like me."

"That bitch Xiao Jingyao doesn't have that kind of blessing, so he will take advantage of you."

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Vomit... I really want to vomit.

Seeing Xiao Jinghan's disgusted expression, Lin Yuer, instead of being angry, continued to giggle.

"Take it back to the house for me."

"Yes." The guards responded in unison.

Xiao Naituanzi fell asleep after eating and drinking. You Pu Dingzi didn't see Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan come back until the evening, and now you felt something was wrong.

Those two things are a bit skinny, but they are not the kind of unreliable people. If you haven't come back at this time, there is only one possibility, that is, something happened!
Seeing that Xiao Naituanzi didn't wake up, Pu Dingzi struggled for a while and had to go downstairs to go out and look for her.

From Xiao Er's mouth, he learned that the two men had asked him about some of the situation here when they went out, so without much hesitation he decided to go to the west side streets to have a look.

Seeing that he was about to leave, the waiter stopped him in a hurry.

"Hey, guest officer, you can't go out now. There is a curfew in our city. It will be curfewed in half an hour. If you are caught, the soldiers guarding the city can kill people directly."

Pu Dingzi: "..."

Why does this place look like an imperial city?So many broken rules?
"Those two guests are not children anymore. Maybe they just lost their way in an unfamiliar place. Don't worry." said the second brother.

Hearing this, Pu Dingzi glanced upstairs.

Instead of going out to look for him now, it would be better to wait. Maybe they will come back soon.

Even if she doesn't come back, the little girl can still find someone faster than him.

So he said: "Brother, please prepare some of your specialty dishes for us. We will serve them when they come back later."

"Okay, okay!"

However, before he could go upstairs, other guests came in.

The two men lowered their heads and chatted.

"Fortunately we are far away, otherwise we would all be in trouble!"

"No, that woman's lion's roar skill is so powerful! The martial arts of those two people don't look bad, but they vomited blood after being roared like that!"

"Tsk, it is said that the woman is a young lady from the Lin family, a prominent family here. She is also used to being arrogant and domineering. Those two people really don't know whether they are lucky or unlucky."

"I feel a little pity for the big-headed monk. Tsk tsk... He won't be forced to return to secular life, right?"


Pu Dingzi didn't bother to listen to this gossip at first, but when he heard them talking about the big-headed monk, Pu Dingzi suddenly became smart and walked up to those few people.

"What did you just say? The lady of the Lin family arrested two people? What do they look like? Have you seen them?"


Several people looked at each other, and one of them said: "We were far away at the time and we didn't see clearly what they looked like, but one of them was a young young man, and the other was a big-headed monk. The young one among them The young master also holds a sword."

Pu Dingzi: "..."

got caught?
"Approximately when were you arrested?" Pu Dingzi asked, "Do you know why you were arrested?" "It has been more than two hours. It is said that Miss Lin has taken a liking to them and wants to make them hers." .”

Pu Dingzi: "..."

Can a big-headed monk also be favored?
Is this Miss Lin's taste too strong?
But no matter what, we can't let anything happen to the two little brats.

But who is this Lin family?
Pu Dingzi looked at the second brother, who was also shocked when he learned that Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin were caught.

"Master, if you don't have a strong background, why don't you just admit it? The Lin family is not someone to be trifled with." The waiter said in a low voice.

Pu Dingzi: "..."

Is it possible that this is still a tough issue?
"Tell me about it? What is the origin of this Lin family? How does it compare with the dean of Lushan Academy?"

Xiao Er: "..."

"Do you still know the dean of Lushan Academy?" The waiter was surprised.

"I don't know the old man, but one of the two boys who was arrested is the nephew of the son-in-law of Lushan Academy." Pu Dingzi said.

Since this ghost place values ​​these relationships so much, wouldn't these relationships be in vain if they are not put to use?


The waiter asked one more question in confusion.

"What time has it been? Why did I lie to you? Say it quickly!" Pu Dingzi said and threw another small banknote to the second brother.

The younger brother confiscated the bank note and said directly: "The Lin family has been a prominent family in our area for hundreds of years and is very powerful. There are also descendants of their family as teachers in Lushan Academy."

"As you can see here, the most respected people are knowledgeable people, so many people respect the Lin family very much."

"Of course, it's nothing compared to the Lu family where Dean Lu lives, but the Lu family has been a scholarly family for generations, but this Lin family is different. People in the Lin family have been doing business and going there for decades. They serve as officials in the imperial court. There are also people who practice martial arts and go to the military camp."

"In terms of status, the Lu family is naturally ranked first, but in terms of strength...the Lin family is the first."

"But... if we need help, our Xu family is also willing to sell Dean Lu a favor!" the waiter said cheerfully.

Pu Dingzi: "..."

"Then where does your Xu family rank in Minshan?"

"Hehe..." The waiter smiled naively and made a "four" sign to Pu Dingzi.

Pu Dingzi understood.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Then please send someone from the Min family to send a message to the Lu family, saying that the third son of the Xiao family, Young Master Xiao, has been arrested by the Lin family."

"Go, go, go!"

The second brother was very happy to send a message to Pu Dingzi.

It just so happened that the Xu family had been looking for this opportunity to catch up with the Lu family, but they didn't expect that such a favor would come to their doorstep as soon as it was delivered.

Naturally, he would be happy to help with this matter.

After the second brother responded, he went to find someone to help.

Pu Dingzi had no choice but to go upstairs and wait for the news.

I hope the Lu family or the second master of the Xiao family can move faster, otherwise those two boys will be put in the hot seat.

As for the small breast dumplings...

He was afraid that this little girl would be impulsive and go straight to the door and pick out the rafters of the Lin family!

(End of this chapter)

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