Chapter 585: Set up?The Lin family is abnormal!
The Xu family moved quickly, and Xiao Jingbai, the second master of the Xiao family, received the news in less than an hour.

"Little San'er came to Minshan? Why didn't we receive any news?"

Mrs. Xiao's second wife, Lu Yunqing, looked at Xiao Jingbai doubtfully, holding in her arms a little boy who was less than two years old and had just learned to walk.

Mrs. Xiao Er, who is in her thirties, has an elegant temperament and a scholarly air.

When Xiao Jingbai heard this, he was also full of doubts, "I received a letter from my eldest brother a few days ago. The third son and the eldest son went to Northern Xinjiang. Why are they here now? Is the news wrong?"

"And this kid came here, why didn't he contact us?"

Xiao Jingbai was walking around the room, his face a little tangled, "Could this be a trap set by the Lin family?"

The Lin family had inexplicably targeted the Xiao family in Yonglin before, because Xiao Naituanzi took action and then nothing happened. Before they could investigate everything, the Lin family father and daughter left Yonglin.

It was as if this matter was really an ordinary misunderstanding.

But before, Xiao Jingyao bumped into the niece of the Lin family and some men in black, which inevitably made the Xiao family suspicious.

Now that they have returned to Minshan, Xiao Jingxuan has brought this matter to Xiao Jingbai's attention.

After such a long time, they did find some anomalies, but there was no definite evidence, so they remained on hold.

Recently, the Lin family also intends to marry into the Lu family.

On the surface, Lu Jiaming refused, but it was hard to say whether the Lin family was determined to give up.

Lu Yunqing shook her head slightly, "My eldest brother said that the news was sent by the Xu family. As you know, the Xu family has a clean family tradition. There are several children in their family who have good qualifications and have always wanted you or my second brother to be the one. Take them.”

"They shouldn't pass on information randomly. And since my eldest brother has sent a letter, it means that he has sent someone to understand this matter. It is most likely true."

Xiao Jingbai touched the beard on his chin when he heard this, "Well, in that case... I will set off to visit the Lin family in Minshan."

"No, let my elder brother come forward in this matter!" Lu Yunqing thought for a while and said.

Xiao Jingbai thought for a moment and nodded, "That's fine."

The Lu family is in Minshan, and flying pigeons to send messages back is much faster than it is for them to go back.

Here, the little milk dumpling woke up from hunger soon.

At this time, it was already dark.

Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin were not seen, only the nervous-looking Pu Dingzi Xiaotuanzi immediately realized something was wrong.

"Where are third brother and senior brother?"

The little girl with big breasts looked at Pu Dingzi with her big eyes open in confusion.


Pu Dingzi was a little hesitant about whether he should tell Xiao Naituanzi that the two were captured.

"Hmph, did they go eat delicious food secretly? Without me?" Xiao Naituanzi snorted.

"Uh...right!" Pu Dingzi nodded when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, Xiaonuituanzi could tell at a glance that the old man was lying, and exposed him mercilessly, "Humph, you're lying!"

"Uncle Master, people who lie are not cute~"

Pu Dingzi: "..."


Pu Dingzi was still hesitating whether he should say it or not.

If he said so, it would expose the whereabouts of Xiao Naituanzi, and then the Northern Xinjiang side... might be passive.

"If you don't tell me, I'll take care of it myself." The little breasted dumpling stretched out his chubby little hand.

Pu Dingzi squeezed her little hand and said in a deep voice, "I'll say it, I'll say it!" "Huh?" Xiao Naituanzi blinked and looked at him with her big eyes, signaling him to speak quickly.

"Those two brats were caught and I heard they were injured!"

Hearing this, the expression on Xiao Naituanzi's face suddenly changed, and he stood up with a "sniff".

Seeing this, Pu Dingzi hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I have sent someone to send the message to your second uncle! They will rescue you and them... Hey, little girl, where are you going~"

Before Pu Dingzi finished speaking, the little breast dumpling immediately flew out like a gust of wind.

Pu Dingzi immediately chased after him, "Girl, don't be impulsive, but don't be impulsive! It is said that the Lin family's guards are mostly experts, we can't force our way in!"

Xiaotai Tuanzi didn't care. As long as there was nothing sinister, it would be easy for her to go in and bring out her third brother and senior brother with the help of the invisibility charm.

When Pu Dingzi saw that she wanted to go, he naturally wanted to follow her.

When the two went out, there were already many people patrolling the streets outside.

Pu Dingzi inquired with his second brother and found out that the city lord, prefect and county magistrate of Minshan were more or less related to the Lin family.

The Lin family has a profound background, so naturally many people here want to curry favor with them.

Therefore, most of the people on patrol are also related to the Lin family.

And this curfew was originally proposed by the Lin family.

The reason is to have a quiet and special environment for students here to study.

Such rules are naturally supported by many people in this place, and the Lin family has also received praise from many people for this.

The little breasted dumplings come and go without a trace, so these patrollers can naturally avoid them easily.

Although Pu Dingzi was good at Qinggong, the patrolling guards were not vegetarians either. They were all highly skilled in martial arts.

It took a lot of effort for the old man to follow Xiao Naituanzi and arrive near the Lin family.

Otherwise, the Lin family has a lot of background. From a distance, it looks like a shrunken palace with bright lights.

"Little girl, what are you looking at? You're not going in?"

Pu Dingzi landed in front of Xiao Naituanzi and looked at her doubtfully.

At this time, the little breast dumpling was holding his cheek with one hand, looking at the Lin family's house, as if thinking about something.

"There is a formation!" Xiaotuanzi said with a puffed-up little face.


Pu Dingzi didn't quite understand this, but when he heard this, there were obviously a few more wrinkles on his face.

Logically speaking, the Lin family is a scholarly family. At most, they have some mechanisms to prevent theft and murder.

This formation? ? ?
The formation technique is different from the mechanism technique, but it requires a practitioner or an expert who understands the Five Elements and Bagua to arrange it.

Such people are not common.

This aspect of the Lin family is quite strange.

However, this only refers to ordinary aristocratic families. The formations arranged by the Lin family are not particularly unusual.

"What? This formation is difficult to break?" Pu Dingzi asked doubtfully.

"Well..." Xiaonuituanzi shook his head.

"The formation is not difficult~ but it is difficult to take people away~" Xiaotiao Tuanzi said with a puffy face.

Breaking the formation will definitely alarm the Lin family~
She could feel that the Lin family had many masters, and she wouldn't be afraid of a fight, but it would be difficult to take away the third brother and senior brother Xuan Yin~
There are only two of them!

(End of this chapter)

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