Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 586: We are all young foxes, who doesn’t understand who?

Chapter 586: We are all foxes for thousands of years, who doesn’t understand who?
At this moment, a carriage came slowly not far away, apparently heading towards Lin's house.

Xiaotai Tuanzi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Pu Dingzi.


Xiao Naituanzi immediately took out an invisibility talisman from his pocket and handed it to Pu Dingzi.

Pu Dingzi took it and immediately put it on his body.

Xiaonuituanzi also put one on his body, and then flew to the door of Lin's house with Pu Dingzi.


The driver of the carriage slowly stopped the carriage at the door of Lin's house.


The coachman stepped forward and knocked the knocker on Lin's door.

"Who is it~"

The boy guarding the door responded, opened the door and stretched out his head to take a look.

"Please tell me that I, the head of the Lu family, have something important to do and want to see the head of the Lin family."

The boy took out a token, showed it to the boy, and said.

The boy stretched his neck to take a look at the carriage and nodded hurriedly.

"Master Lu, I will report it later. I will report it now."

The Lin family boy said something and hurriedly reported it.

After waiting at the door for a short while, the head of the Lin family came over in person.

"The head of the Lu family has come to visit us. Some are welcome from afar, and some are welcomed from afar!"

The head of the Lin family is a middle-aged man in his forties, with a mustache at the corner of his mouth, a square face, and a little small eyes. When he smiles, his eyes narrow into slits, but he can still see the light.

Different from the elegant and gentle temperament of the head of the Lu family, his body is more or less tainted with the philistine spirit of a businessman.

The head of the Lu family greeted him politely and distantly, and the two exchanged a few pleasantries.

The head of the Lu family then got straight to the point, "I am bothering you late at night mainly because of my two nephews."

When the head of the Lin family heard this, his eyes lit up.

They have always wanted to marry the Lu family, but they have never been able to find the slightest chance.

This guy surnamed Lu is all a hard-nosed person, and it’s hard to even meet him if he doesn’t have a good relationship with him.

Unexpectedly, today I took the initiative to deliver it to my door and opened it!

Are you so anxious to come this late at night?
When the head of the Lin family thought of this, he was both excited and confused.

But they are all thousand-year-old foxes who have become spirits, so the thoughts in their hearts are naturally not expressed on their faces.

"Brother Lu, let's talk about something inside, please!"

"Please." The head of the Lu family nodded calmly and followed the head of the Lin family into the house.

Seeing this, Xiao Naituanzi and Pu Dingzi immediately followed behind and walked in.

As soon as the head of the Lu family came, some of the formations in the Lin family's residence were naturally closed.

Xiaonai Tuanzi and Pu Dingzi entered the Lin family without any effort.

Soon, the head of the Lin family led the head of the Lu family to the living room of the Lin family.

The little girl served the tea with a wink.

"Brother Lu, this is the best Biluochun, please."

"Brother Lin, please don't tell secrets. Mr. Lu came here today because of my two nephews who are not living up to expectations. I don't know how my two nephews offended Miss Lin's family today and were punished by Miss Lin's family in the street. He was seriously injured and brought into the Lin Mansion?" "Brother Lin, you must also know the rules of my Lu family. I, the Lu family's children, make mistakes, and I, Lu Qin, have no intention of covering up, but if someone easily offends me, Lu Qin, Family, then I, the Lu family, don’t think we are the ones to be bullied.”

The head of the Lu family looked at the head of the Lin family calmly, and his tone of voice was gentle and calm, but it gave people a sense of power that could not be ignored.

When the head of the Lin family heard this, his hand froze in his hand as soon as he picked up the tea cup.

I saw his hand tightening on the tea cup little by little, his small eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly laughed, "The Lu family is well-run. Brother Lu has always been well behaved and thoughtful. I admire him."

"It's just...why can't I understand Brother Lu's words?!"

"Is there any misunderstanding here?!"

"Misunderstanding?" The head of the Lu family chuckled, nodded slightly, looked at the head of the Lin family and said, "Does Brother Lin think that I, Lu Qin, am the kind of person who comes to the door casually without investigating clearly?"

"Brother Lin, our two families are both well-known families in Minshan. Isn't it good for people to laugh at us?!"

"Isn't it necessary for Mr. Lu to say something so clearly?"

After the Lu Family Master finished speaking, the Lin Family Master could no longer maintain the smile on his face.

They had been testing the Lu family's marriage, but the Lu family had not responded. Now that this happened, Lu Qin was clearly mocking the Lin family.

The head of the Lin family held the cup tightly with his hands and shouted loudly: "Butler."

Lin Mansion's housekeeper hurriedly entered the door.


Lin Mansion's housekeeper stood in front of them respectfully.

"The head of the family wants to ask you, did anything happen in the mansion today? Did the lady in the house bring anyone back?!" The head of the Lin family asked in a deep voice.

"Master, the third lady arrested two men today." The housekeeper said.

"What!?" The Lin family's eyes immediately widened, and then he slapped the table with a "bang", "It's getting more and more unruly! Where are the people?"


The housekeeper slowly raised his head and glanced at the Master of the Lu family, and said, "As for the Master, the third lady brought two men back! But she released them not long after."

"Let him go?" The head of the Lin family pretended to be confused.

"Master, the third young lady is just young and playful. These two men offended the young lady on the street. The young lady brought them back and punished them before letting them go." Lin's housekeeper replied in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

"Brother Lu, did you hear everything?! This man... we have let him go!" said the head of the Lin family.

Lu Qin narrowed his eyes slightly. Did he really think that these two people were singing along and couldn't tell that they were putting on a show?

It's just that he has said so. If he asks him for someone again, he will seem a bit reluctant!
Based on his understanding of Lin Chongming, he estimated that people from the Lu family would secretly let him go in order to cause unnecessary trouble.


He still wants to get back the debt for hurting someone!

Otherwise...are you really thinking that the Lu family is easy to bully?From now on, wouldn’t every person from the Lu family be beaten up when they see him?

"It seems that the head of the Lin family is really busy!" The head of the Lu family praised with a smile, and then continued: "I wonder how my two nephews offended the third lady of your house?"

"Oh, Mr. Lu doesn't mean anything else. It's just the rules of our Lu family. Guilty must be punished! If they make a mistake with their hands, their hands will be chopped off, and if they make a mistake with their feet, their feet will be chopped off! The Third Miss of the Lin family is magnanimous, and our Lu family will never be lenient."

When the head of the Lin family heard this, he ground his molars.

One by one, they caused trouble for him!

Looking at Lu Qin's demeanor, if I don't give him a perfect explanation today, I'm afraid this matter won't be revealed so easily.

"Come here! Invite the third lady!"

After the Lin family leader finished speaking, someone suddenly shouted outside, "It's not good! It's not good!"

(End of this chapter)

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