Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 587 Fire broke out and disrupted the Lin family!

Chapter 587 Fire broke out and disrupted the Lin family!
"What's going on?" The head of the Lin family stood up immediately, "Butler, go and see what's going on?"


The butler responded and walked out.

The head of the Lu family took a leisurely sip of tea and sat in his seat without any intention of leaving.

The head of the Lin family wanted to go out and take a look, but he had to sit here with him.

"Brother Lu, look... why don't you go back first? Tomorrow I will take my unlucky third lady to your house to apologize in person?" the head of the Lin family said tentatively.


When the head of the Lu family heard this, he put down the cup in his hand with a bang, his face stained with dissatisfaction, "Brother Lin, are you trying to deal with me, Mr. Lu?"


The head of the Lin family was choked for words.

"Master, Master, something's wrong. There's a fire in Miss Third's yard!"

At this time, the housekeeper came in and reported anxiously.

"Brother Lin, what do you mean by this? Do you think that this way the Lu family will not pursue the case?" After hearing the butler's words, the head of the Lu family took the initiative and launched a difficult attack.

Patriarch Lin: "..."

He really couldn't argue with this matter.

Why did Lin Yu'er go so far as to provoke the Lu family?

What are you doing when you're full?
Even if you provoke him, you still burn the yard?

That's right, the Lin family leader is very confident in their own formation. He never believes that outsiders came in and burned the yard. He just thought that Lin Yu'er knew that the Lu family leader came in person and deliberately set a fire in his yard. Huo, here is a trick to escape the blame.

Poor Lin Yu'er had already been knocked unconscious by Xiao Naituanzi and Pu Dingzi.

Not only that, Xiaonuituanzi also set a fire in her yard.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the courtyard, he secretly destroyed some of the Lin family's mechanisms and formations, causing the Lin family to fall into panic.

After doing all this, Xiaonaituanzi clapped his hands and then he and Pu Dingzi found the place where Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin were imprisoned.

Both men suffered varying degrees of internal injuries.

Especially Xiao Jinghan, who was already in a coma and had a high fever.

Fortunately, Xuan Yin was locked up with him and had been taking care of him, so it wasn't too serious.

"Woooo...little girl, you are finally here~"

When Xuan Yin saw them, he pitifully said to Xiao Naituanzi: "If you don't come here, your senior brother and I will almost lose my virginity~"

The little breasted dumpling didn't understand what chastity meant, so he blinked his big eyes and asked curiously, "Brother, do you have that thing?"


When Pu Dingzi heard what Xiao Naituanzi said, he couldn't help laughing.

"I think you guys should just go back to secular life! Hahaha...hahaha..."

Xuanyin: "..."

"Go, go, go!" Xuan Yin glared at Pu Dingzi fiercely, holding his chest and pretending to be in pain.

The little girl didn't look at him seriously, she only cared about Xiao Jinghan.

After stuffing two pills into his mouth, Xiao Naituanzi gave him a few more injections.

Xiao Jinghan opened her eyes drowsily and saw Xiaonuituanzi coming. She smiled weakly and said, "Ran Ran, third brother has embarrassed you."

The little girl with small breasts pouted her lips, and tapped her body with her chubby little hands.

Xiao Jinghan fainted immediately.

Touching his forehead, Xiao Naituanzi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the quick fever-reducing pills had taken effect.


Xiao Naituanzi gave Xuan Yin another pill.

Xuan Yin reached out to take it, but did not eat it immediately, but asked: "How did you get in? I noticed when I came in that the Lin family has a lot of formations and mechanisms. If you want to come in from the outside , a fierce battle is inevitable." "It's the head of the Lu family." Pu Dingzi said: "After knowing that something happened to you, old man, I asked the waiter at the inn to help contact the Lu family."

"The Xiao family are relatives of the Lu family. The Lu family is well-known in Minshan. If the Lin family bullies you, it's a slap in the face of the Lu family. It's impossible not to come forward."

"So, the little girl and I quietly followed the Lu family in!"

"The main thing is that the little girl's identity and whereabouts cannot be exposed too early, and we don't have much time to tangle with the Lin family."

After Chuanyang Xuanyin finished listening, he looked at the pills in his hand and said, "In that case, it's really a pity that we left quietly like this!"

"What do you want to do?" Pu Dingzi asked.

Xuan Yin raised his eyebrows slightly and chuckled, "Since the fire has already started, naturally we need to add more firewood? Otherwise, wouldn't it be that Lin Yu'er's beating was in vain? The Lu family master's beating was also in vain. Did you make such a trip?"

"If this spreads out, wouldn't it mean that the Lu family is easy to bully?"

Pu Dingzi: "..."

The little girl tilted her head and looked at Xuan Yin, and nodded seriously, "Senior brother is right!"

"Nuo, here you go!" Xiao Naituanzi stuffed a few talismans into him, "Then we'll wait for you outside the door~"

"Brother, I'm looking forward to your performance, come on!"

Before leaving, the small-breasted dumpling did not forget to make a cute gesture to Xuan Yin.

Xuan Yin nodded lightly and waved at her in disgust, telling her to leave quickly.

Xiao Naituanzi and Pu Dingzi quietly left the Lin family, while Xuan Yin used an invisibility charm to disguise himself. When he almost arrived at the Lin family's banquet hall, he pretended to escape on purpose.

As soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of the people of the Lin family.

"Catch them, don't let them run away!"

The servants of the Lin family shouted loudly.

Immediately, many experts came around and surrounded the two people.

Xuan Yin slowly placed Xiao Jinghan on the ground and shouted loudly: "Let us go, we are from the Lu family!"

The housekeeper of the Lin Mansion was standing outside the door at the moment, and his eyebrows jumped suddenly when he heard Xuan Yin's words.

The head of the family just said that the people have been released. Now that they appear here, isn't it a slap in the face of the head of the family?
"Where did the thief come from? He dared to pretend to be the Lu family. Someone come and catch it!" The housekeeper glanced at the living room, strode over, and ordered in a cold voice.

He was sure that these two people were not from the Lu family.

What's more, the man in front of me is still a big-headed monk.

Even if they are really from the Lu family, they can catch the person as long as they move quickly.

In this way, as long as they don't admit it, the head of the Lu family can't do anything to them.


After hearing the butler's order, many guards from the Lin family moved towards Xuan Yin.

Seeing this, Xuan Yin threw a talisman towards them.


As soon as Fu Zuan came out, a cluster of flames immediately appeared, and with a "bang", the clothes on the nearest guards were ignited.


The guards were all rolling on the ground in pain.

"Come on, anyone who is not afraid of death should come to me!"

Xuan Yin then took out another talisman and raised it in front of them.

The guards swallowed their saliva and did not dare to approach Da Xuan Yin.

"Fuck them! Catch them!"

Butler Lin looked at the guards who were afraid of death, and felt very anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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