Chapter 588 Rescue and explain!

The guards responded again and swarmed forward.

The talisman in Xuan Yin's hand waved towards them again.


The fire burned again.

A group of guards were on fire, rolling around on the ground in pain, and screams echoed throughout the courtyard.

Xuan Yin glanced at the direction of the banquet living room and saw someone's shadow coming over. He deliberately threw the talisman in his hand, picked up Xiao Jinghan and rushed out.

"Quick, catch him! Catch him!"

Butler Lin shouted loudly again.

Xuan Yin ran around like a headless fly.

Butler Lin shouted again: "He no longer has the talisman in his hand, catch him! There will be a reward."


The guards rushed towards Xuan Yin again.

This time, Xuan Yin didn't resist much and was caught by them.

He was just caught, but he shouted: "Let me go, let us go, my brother is the nephew of Xiao Jingbai, uncle of the Lu family!"

"Nonsense! Hurry, shut his mouth!" Lin Guanjia said.


At this time, a rather majestic voice came from the direction of the door of the banquet hall.

Butler Lin was shocked and turned around to see his master staring at him with a dark expression and an unkind expression.

The head of the Lu family has already walked over here with a sullen face.

His eyes glanced around the bodies of Xuan Yin, who was seriously injured, and Xiao Jinghan, who was being held but unconscious.

The head of the Lu family recognized Xiao Jinghan's face at a glance.

Xiao Jinghan looks like his mother, but he also met Mrs. Xiao San when his little sister got married.

Combined with the news sent by the Xu family, the head of the Lu family concluded that they were his little sister's nephews.

"Brother Lin! Should you give my Lu family a reasonable explanation?!"

The head of the Lu family turned around and stared at the head of the Lin family with a deep look.

Even though Lu Qin appeared to be gentle and a gentleman on the surface, Lin Chongming had seen his ruthlessness.

Being stared at by him was like being targeted by the God of Death.

Lin Chongming forced himself to remain calm and said with a smile: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding."


The head of the Lu family coldly flicked his sleeves, as if he was saying, "Let's see how you can quibble."

"These two are juniors of the Lu family?"

Lin Chongming pretended not to know and asked.

"What? I heard that the Lin family leader means that someone like me, Lu, came to the door intentionally to cause trouble?"

"No, no, no!" The head of the Lin family laughed along with him, "I know most of the juniors in the Lu family, but I have never met these two. Lin just wanted to confirm!"

"What the Lin family leader means is that except for people from my Lu family, other people can be bullied at will?"

Lin Chongming: "..."


Lu Qin snorted coldly, "Come here, take these two young masters back!"

"Yes." The guard beside the Lu family leader responded and went to help Xiao Jinghan.

"Let go!" Xuan Yin struggled, freed the Lin family guard's hand, and then limped towards the head of the Lu family.

"Master Lin, I, Lu Qin, have remembered what happened today! If you can't give me a satisfactory explanation to the Lu family, then don't blame me, Lu Qin, for taking action myself!"

Putting down his harsh words, the head of the Lu family waved his hand, "Let's go!"

Seeing the Lu family leader leaving with others, the smiling expression on Lin family leader's face disappeared in an instant.


The head of the Lin family slapped him away with his backhand.

This slap hit Butler Lin's face hard. "How do you do this!?"

Butler Lin lowered his head, not daring to breathe.

"Something that's more than enough to fail!"

The head of the Lin family scolded angrily and ordered in a cold voice: "Go and call Lin Yu'er! Also, call the third child!"


The butler lowered his head and responded in a low voice.

No one expected that they just brought two people back, which not only destroyed the Lin family's formation mechanism, burned down a courtyard, and lost several guards.The Lin family was even slapped hard on the face by the Lu family.

Most importantly, their painstaking plans may be ruined.

All this stems from that broom star Lin Yuer!

Just thinking about him made Lin Chongming so angry that his chest hurt.

At the door of the Lin family, the head of the Lu family personally helped Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan into the carriage.

"Amitabha, thank you very much, Donor Lu, for saving me." Xuan Yin said.

Patriarch Lu: "..."

I thought this was a fake monk, but I didn’t expect it to be the real thing?
"Master, you're welcome." Lu Qin looked at the sleeping Xiao Jinghan and said, "He is Lu's sister's nephew, and he is also my Lu family. Anyone who bullies my Lu family in Minshan is bullying my Lu family."

"If it hadn't been for Master's cleverness tonight, I wouldn't have saved you so smoothly, and even slapped the Lin family in the face!" Lu Qin praised unabashedly.

However, what made him a little confused was that since he could escape from Lin Yu'er's hands and turn the Lin family upside down, why was he captured by Lin Yu'er?

Xuan Yin heard what he meant, smiled lightly and threw the pill in Xiao Nai Tuanzi's hand into his mouth, and then said: "The doubts in the Lu Family Master's heart will be known soon."


Lu Qin raised his eyebrows slightly, but didn't ask any more questions.

The carriage slowly drove away from the door of Lin's house, and stopped again soon.

Seeing the carriage stop, the little girl ran over with her short legs.

"who are you?

Before the guard could finish speaking, the small breast dumpling in front of him suddenly disappeared, and a strange wind suddenly blew by his ears.

The next second, a milky voice appeared in the carriage.

"Hello, Uncle Lu, I am Ran Ran~"

Guard: "..."

Lu Qin in the carriage: "..."

Lu Qin was stunned when he looked at the small breast dumpling that suddenly appeared in front of him with a smiling face.

"Ahem, the head of the Lu family, she is the youngest daughter of the Xiao family and the little princess of the Northern Xinjiang royal family, Ranran!" Xuan Yin introduced.

"Yeah, yeah, it's me~" Xiao Naituanzi nodded wildly, then pointed at Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan, and said softly: "This is Ran Ran's unsatisfactory senior brother, and that is Ran Ran's stupidity." The third brother."

Xuanyin: "..."

Xiao Jinghan was sleeping: "..."


After the little girl finished speaking, she smiled at Lu Qin twice, showing her eight small white teeth.


Seeing Yuxue's cute and soft little breast dumplings, Lu Qin burst out laughing.

He had heard of this little girl's name a long time ago, but he didn't expect that she looked so cute.

Those big eyes that flashed and flickered, making people's hearts melt.

The guard driving the carriage was slightly relieved when he heard his master's laughter.

Fortunately, this little dumpling was one of his own, otherwise if he were to be assassinated with his speed and skill, he wouldn't be able to resist at all.

Pu Dingzi walked over slowly, then sat on the edge of the carriage with the guard, and then winked at the guard.

Guard: "..."

This old man doesn't seem to be easy to mess with.

Of the four people in this group, the two who were captured were probably the weakest!

(End of this chapter)

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