Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 589 focuses on voluntariness and fairness!

Chapter 589 focuses on voluntariness and fairness!

The main family of the Lu family is not too far away from the Lin family here, and the group arrived in less than half an hour.

Before getting off the carriage, Xiao Naituanzi had already revived Xiao Jinghan.

Knowing that they almost blew up the Lin family when she passed out, Xiao Jinghan expressed deep regret.

Why did he faint so useless?

"Let's go, go back first!" said the head of the Lu family.

On the carriage, he already knew the whole story from Xuan Yin's mouth.

As for how to deal with the Lin family, I'm afraid it still needs careful discussion.

When Xiao Jingxuan asked them to help keep an eye on the Lin family earlier, he had already discovered something wrong with the Lin family. Recently, people from the Lin family have frequently expressed their desire to marry the Lu family.

This also revealed something abnormal.

They originally thought of delaying this matter so that they could investigate the real reason for the marriage, but what they didn't expect was that what happened today disrupted all their plans.


Just when everyone was about to walk into the house, the little breast dumpling Zan stood still, his little head drooped and his face full of tangles.


Seeing that the little breast dumpling was not moving, the head of the Lu family looked at her suspiciously, then patiently knelt down and pinched her little cheek, "Why don't you leave?"

Xiaonuituanzi pinched the corners of his clothes with his small hands, and his eyes looked at Lu Qin for a moment.

"Uncle Lu, do I have to read a lot of books and recognize a lot of words when I enter your house?"

The little girl looked at Lu Qin weakly and pitifully.

Lu Qin: "???"



Xuan Yin, Xiao Jinghan and Pu Dingzi all burst out laughing in unison.

Lu Qin was confused.

Xuan Yin explained: "What this little girl is most afraid of is studying. Originally we wanted to contact Mr. Xiao, but this girl is afraid that her second uncle will let her study."

Xiao Jinghan agreed: "This little girl is great at everything else, but her literacy... haha... it's hard to describe her in words!"

Lu Qin: "..."

"Humph! Bad guy!"

The little girl with small breasts pouted her mouth and snorted coldly at the two of them. The plump little breasts were bulging like a small puffer fish.

This little appearance made Lu Qin laugh.

Just listen to his gentle voice: "There are only gentlemen who can't teach, and there are no children who can't teach."

"It doesn't matter, Ran Ran is already very smart! If Ran Ran is willing, she can come to Uncle Lu's house in the future and Uncle Lu will teach you personally!"

"However, it doesn't matter if Ran Ran doesn't want to learn. Our Lu family never forces our children!"

"Your brother Xiaoliu is just a little kid who doesn't understand anything!"


Xiao Naituanzi felt warm in her heart when she heard Lu Qin's words.

Uncle Lu speaks very nicely.


Xiao Naituanzi looked at Lu Qin with bright eyes, and a little milk sound escaped from his mouth.

I heard that the sixth brother also went to Yonglin, but she had a fight with Ye Zhaozhao at that time and did not see him.

Hmm... So it turns out that Sixth Brother is a little troublemaker who doesn't know anything?

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Naituanzi didn't seem to be so resistant to entering the Lu family.

"Of course." Lu Qin nodded.

"I am the head of the Lu family. If anyone in the Lu family dares to force you to study, Uncle Lu will help you teach him a lesson!"

Well, study in the Lu family has always been voluntary and never forced anyone!
It’s just that people who don’t learn don’t have a good resource!
No matter who it is, they will rise to the top based on their strength.

The main thing is voluntariness and fairness.

As for the girl in front of me...

Plastic talent!If she lived in their Lu family for a long time, she would be able to learn a lot of knowledge from books without anyone else teaching her.

"Okay then! I'll stay here for the next two days!" Seeing what Lu Qin said, Xiao Naituanzi immediately nodded happily, "Come on, let's go in~"

Lu Qin smiled softly when he saw this, "Guys, please come in!"

As soon as I entered the house, I saw a little little bean walking around accompanied by the girl.

As soon as the little breast dumpling came in, he stared at the little breast dumpling for a moment.


Xiao Douding pointed at the little milk dumplings and uttered a few single-syllable words.

He didn't speak fluently, but he spoke the word "sister" very clearly.

When he finished speaking, two long lines of saliva overflowed from his mouth.


The little girl bowed to Lu Qin, then took the handkerchief and gently wiped Xiao Douding's mouth.


Lu Qin hummed slightly, bent down and picked up Little Douding.

Xiao Douding lay on Lu Qin's body, and kept looking at the little breast dumpling with his eyes. He pointed at her with his plump little finger and continued: "Sister~"

Lu Qin pinched his smiling face and said softly: "Yes, this is my sister."

"Is this Xiao Jiu'er?"

Xiao Jinghan looked at Xiao Douding and asked.

He heard that Xiao Jiu'er from the second uncle's family was this big. Although he had never seen it, Xiao Jiu'er's eyes were the same as their second brother's.

And those pointed little ears are also very similar to the naughty and mischievous Xiaoliu.

"Yes." Lu Qin nodded, "After I received the news from the Xu family, I sent a letter to your second uncle. They must have rushed over because they were worried about you."

"Let's go, I'll take you to see him first," Lu Qin said.

"it is good."

Several people nodded and followed Lu Qin into the inner room.

Sure enough, as soon as they entered the inner room, Xiao Jingbai and Lu Yunqing were both inside. They looked tired and tired. They must have just arrived. Mrs. Lu was talking to them.

"Is this third brother? Why is he injured like this?"

As soon as they entered the room, Lu Yunqing and Xiao Jingbo came over.

Both of them focused on Xiao Jinghan.

Xiao Jinghan had also met Xiao Jingbo and Lu Yunqing when she was young, and didn't have much impression of them.

Hearing Lu Yunqing's concern, she politely gave them a junior salute, "Jing Han has met my second uncle and two aunts."

"We are all one family, no need to be polite." Lu Yunqing said.

After saying that, he ordered the little girl beside him, "Chunxiang, go and invite the doctor from the mansion to show the young master."

"Yes." Chunxiang replied.

"No, Second Aunt, no need! Ran Ran has already checked it with me, I'm fine." Xiao Jinghan said hurriedly, then pulled the little milk dumpling in front of Lu Yunqing and Xiao Jingbai, and introduced: "Second Uncle, Second Aunt, This is Aunt Ranran’s daughter.”

After hearing Xiao Jinghan's words, Xiao Jingbai and Lu Yunqing realized that there was a small breast dumpling behind them.

The little breasted dumpling was playing with the little Douding lying on Lu Qin's body for a blink of an eye when he was pulled to the front by Xiao Jinghan.

"Ran Ran, these are the second uncle and the second aunt." Xiao Jinghan reminded.

Xiao Naituanzi smiled sweetly at them and said, "Hello, second uncle and second aunt."

"Oh, what a cute little girl!" Lu Yunqing's eyes lit up when she saw the little breast dumpling.

The Lu family has a daughter, and she has a lot of nieces, but she doesn't really look forward to having a daughter.

But as soon as she saw the soft and glutinous appearance of the little breast dumpling, she immediately fell in love with it. She bent down and picked up the little breast dumpling, and then poked Xiao Jingbo next to her with her elbow, "You Look at this little girl, does she look exactly like the fifth child in our family?"

"Oh, this little face is so pink!"

Xiao Jingbai looked at the little breast dumpling with fixed eyes, and saw her familiar face with a sore nose and tears in her eyes, "It looks like, it really looks like! Not like the fifth child, but like her mother."

I think Xiao Ning probably lost it when she was this old.

At that time, the whole family doted on her and loved her.

(End of this chapter)

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