Chapter 590 Xiao Family Tradition
"Mother, mother!"

At this time, the little bean on Lu Qin's body was a little unhappy when he saw his mother holding the small breast dumpling. He stretched out his hand and shouted to his mother to hug him.

"You little thing, uncle, why don't you hug me?"

Seeing this, Lu Qin lightly scratched the tip of Xiao Jiuer's nose.

Little Douding was still a little unhappy and moved anxiously into Lu Qin's arms.

Seeing this, Xiaonuituanzi hurriedly got off Lu Yunqing's arms.

She is five years old and doesn’t need others to hold her anymore~
Lu Yunqing put the little breast dumpling down and took Xiao Jiuer from Lu Qin's arms.

When she arrived in her mother's arms, Xiao Jiuer immediately started dancing happily, pointing at the little breast dumplings, and said vaguely: "Sister, sister!"

"Yes, that's sister." Lu Yunqing agreed softly.

Little Douding didn't stay in her mother's arms for a few seconds before she came down again.

Just as Lu Yunqing let him down, he tried to hold Xiao Naituanzi's hand again.

It can be seen that he likes small breast dumplings very much.

Xiaonuituanzi also likes little Douding very much, and imitates Lu Yunqing and picks up Little Douding.

It's the season to wear winter clothes, and little Douding is plump in them.

The two hands of the small-breasted dumpling couldn't quite fit together when holding him, but they were stable.

"Gluck... cluck..."

Being hugged by Xiaoduanzi, Xiaodouding immediately started to giggle.

For a time, the room was filled with laughter.

Xiao Naituanzi took Xiao Douding to the side to play, and Xiao Jinghan introduced Xuan Yin and Pu Dingzi to Lu Yunqing and Xiao Jingbai.

Mrs. Lu asked someone to bring tea, and then they sat down and talked about today's events.

When Xiao Jinghan said that Lin Yu'er had bullied the Xiao family before when they were in Yonglin, Xiao Jingbai's face turned ugly for a moment.

"I tested Lin Chongming about what happened today, and he seemed completely unaware." Lu Qin said.

Lin Chongming is a man with many eyes, and he has frequently expressed his intention to marry the Lu family recently. It is impossible to offend the Lu family at this time.

Therefore, what Lin Yu'er did seemed to be for personal revenge.

Moreover, if he knew that Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin were arrested, he would not have said that when he answered him in advance.

Lin Chongming loves face so much, how could he give his face to him for a beating?

The only possibility is that he is completely unaware.

"Although she was unaware of it, the matter of Lin Yu'er injuring Master Xuan Yin and Third Brother cannot just be ignored!" Lu Yunqing said.

Speaking of this, Lu Qin couldn't help but smile as he took a look at the little breast dumpling.

"Don't worry! The Lu family is not that easy to bully. What's more... the Lin family is probably regretting it now and wants to kill Lin Yu'er," Lu Qin said.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingbai and his wife showed doubtful expressions.

Xiao Jinghan pointed at the little milk dumplings and said with a smile: "The little girl destroyed the Lu family's formation and set fire to Lin Yu'er's yard! Senior Brother Xuan Yin and I suffered a little loss, but the real losses were heavy. It’s the Lin family.”

Xiao Nai Tuanzi heard their conversation, smiled at them, raised his chubby little pink fist, and said fiercely, "Whoever bullies Senior Brother and Third Brother is bullying me~ Beat me she!"

The little Douding next to him heard what Xiaonuituanzi said and imitated her words. He stamped his little feet and raised his little hands, "Hit him, beat him!"


Everyone in the room couldn't help but be amused by them when they saw this.

"You deserve it!" Lu Yunqing said. "The Lin family has been a good family for hundreds of years. In recent years, it has become less and less like a family. The younger generations of the family are also inferior to each other." Mrs. Lu said with a little regret.

"No!" Lu Yunqing nodded and said angrily: "You still want to marry our Lu family like this. You are really just dreaming about eating swan meat."

It wouldn't matter if the marriage was between the younger generations of the clan. After all, it was not that the children of the Lu family who were out of the fifth server got married to the children of the Lin family in the past.

But this time it was different. This time the Lu family was thinking of Lu Qin's eldest daughter, their most talented daughter Lu Wan in Minshan.

Although they used Lin You, a child who is currently studying at Lushan Academy, and his academic ability is acceptable, Lin You's character has yet to be examined.

What's more, this itself reveals a kind of weirdness.

The Lu family does not pay attention to family status when marrying their daughters, but they do not marry just
"After this happened, the Lin family may not have the shame to propose marriage again." Mrs. Lu patted Lu Yunqing's hand and said.

Lu Yunqing snorted coldly, "If you dare to come, I'll have you beaten out."


Hearing Lu Yunqing's words, Lu Qin couldn't help but cough slightly, and said to Xiao Jingbai next to him: "She is the mother of three children. Don't always spoil her and keep shouting and killing her." What does it look like?”

Xiao Jingbai looked at his wife and the corners of his mouth curved, "It is the tradition of my Xiao family to obey my wife in everything."

Lu Qin: "..."

"Brother, don't talk about me! Don't think I don't know you..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Just as Lu Yunqing was about to speak, Xiao Jingbai and Lu Qin suddenly coughed, interrupting what she was about to say.

Lu Yunqing pursed her lips. Seeing that there were several children around, it was not easy to expose her eldest brother's shortcomings.

His eldest brother, who looks gentle on the surface, is actually never merciful when he attacks others.

"Let's put the marriage aside for now. If we can't get married, the Lin family will definitely make further moves. We'll just wait and see." Lu Qin said.

"Yeah." Xiao Jingbai nodded.

It was getting late, so Mrs. Lu ordered someone to go down and prepare a guest room for Xiao Naituanzi and others.

Xiao Douding usually goes to bed at this time, but today when playing with Xiao Naitanzi, he didn't feel sleepy at all.

When Lu Yunqing wanted to take him away, he cried unhappily.

Xiaonuituanzi also liked him very much. After holding his hand and talking for a long time, he left with tears in his eyes.

Everyone in the Lu family slept peacefully, but it was different in the Lin family.

The formation was broken, the house was burned, Lin Yu'er was beaten, and there were many casualties among the guards. The most important thing was that what they had planned for so long was just destroyed!

Not only that, Lin Chongming also lost face in front of Lu Qin.

How could he swallow this breath?
And if he couldn't vent his anger on the Lu family, he could only vent his anger on Lin Yu'er, the instigator of this matter.

"Master, the third master and the third young lady are here!" said the housekeeper of the Lin family outside the door.

"Let them in!" Lin Chongming said coldly.


The butler responded and turned around to go out.

After a while, Lin Xiang, the third master of the Lin family, walked in.

"Slow down, please be careful!" Lin Xiang looked at Lin Yu'er who was placed on the stretcher with worry, and ordered the guards who were carrying her.

(End of this chapter)

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