Chapter 591 Lin Xiang beat him up!
Lin Chongming couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this scene.

"what happened!?"

"Brother... you have to make the decision for Yu'er!" Lin Xiang howled as soon as he entered the door.

The guards were carrying Lin Yuer, who weighed several hundred kilograms, and they were all so tired that they were sweating profusely.

At this time, Lin Yu'er was lying on the stretcher like a dead pig.

There were blue marks all over his body, especially the face that was swollen bigger than the other two faces.

Lin Chongming walked over, his face was solemn, and his hands were tightly clenched.

"Brother, if no one is involved in this matter, I won't believe it even to death." Lin Xiang gritted his teeth.

"The two people brought back by Yu'er are not that capable at all to destroy my Lin family's formation, let alone injure Yu'er!"

"Otherwise, how could they be caught by Yu'er and come to my Lin family?"

"Are you saying there is a spy in my Lin family?" Lin Chongming said while grinding his molars.

"It's not impossible." Lin Xiang tightened his palms and continued, "This is more like a game done by the Lu family!"

"Game?" Lin Chongming narrowed his eyes slightly, "Tell me about it."

"I had some issues with the Xiao family before in Yongren. Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingzhe are both smart and suspicious people. It is difficult not to find something from these clues."

"Although I retreated quickly, Xiao Jingbai, the second master of the Xiao family, is the son-in-law of the Lu family. We and the Lu family are both famous families in Minshan. Xiao Jingxuan will definitely let his younger brother pay attention to us."

"Brother, don't you feel that the Lu family has been dragging us? Have they already found something and don't want to break up with us for the time being, so they deliberately designed such a drama?"

"Why don't you look at the losses our Lin family has suffered? How can two young boys destroy it casually?"

"If they hadn't planted people in our Lin family in advance, how could they have destroyed our Lin family's formation?"

"Brother, I can't swallow this breath!"

Lin Xiang almost gritted his molars to express his guess.

His guesses were reasonable and reasonable, and everything was correct.

After hearing this, Lin Chongming walked around the room stroking the beard at the corner of his mouth, seeming to be thinking about the possibility of this matter.

Seeing this, Lin Xiang continued: "Brother, now that something like this has happened, it is impossible for us to get something like that quietly! Since the soft one is not enough, how about the hard one?"


"Not bad." Lin Xiang nodded.

At this time, his hands were clenched tightly, and there was a fierce light in his eyes.

The Lu family destroyed his daughter, Lin Xiang, and he must return the entire Lu family!

Hearing this, Lin Chengcheng was still a little hesitant.

"Brother, we can't wait any longer! Over there... we can't wait anymore! If we don't get something like that, I'm afraid our entire Lin family will have to pay for it." Lin Xiang said.

Lin Chongming walked around the room anxiously.

After pondering for a while, he said, "I will think about this carefully. Tomorrow... you have to take Yu'er to the Lu family to apologize in person!"

Lin Xiang: "..."


Lin Xiang gritted his teeth and reluctantly agreed.Early the next morning, Lin Xiang had someone carry Lin Yu'er to the Lu family to "visit and apologize."

Lin Xiang carried Lin Yu'er with great fanfare and passed through the downtown area. Many people saw Lin Yu'er being injured like a pig, and they all started talking in low voices.

At the same time, it was also spread that the head of the Lu family went to the Lin family last night.

The Lin family was burned, and Lin Yu'er was "accidentally" told about being injured at home.

As soon as these two things were explained by someone who was interested, it turned out that the Lu family was setting up a trap for the Lin family, which slapped the Lin family in the face. The Lu family cooperated with others in an attempt to destroy the Lin family.

There are also rumors that the Lu family could not refuse the marriage proposal of the Lin family, so they used such methods to destroy the Lin family and forced the Lin family to retreat...


No matter which one is said, the Lin family is the perfect victim, and the Lu family is the family who made a bride and built a chastity memorial.

Now that he, Lin Xiang, came to apologize to the seriously injured Lin Yu'er, it was interpreted as the Lu family bullying others and forcing the Lin family to force Lin Yu'er.

In addition, the Lin family also wanted to maintain the peaceful relationship between the two families and marry the Lu family sincerely.

You don't need to think about it to know that this move was done by Lin Xiang, and it is exactly the same as the way he used to deal with Xiao Jingxuan.

Lu Qin also didn't expect that the Lin family would use such a despicable method.

Only one night passed, and the initiator of this incident turned out to be the Lu family, while the Lin family became the victims.

Lu Qin called Xiao Jingbai into the living room to discuss countermeasures.

"Sister-in-law, how do you think this matter should be handled?" Lu Qin asked.

Xiao Jingbai thought about it carefully and said: "Slap a sweet date."


"It was Lin Yu'er from the Lin family who started the trouble and injured Master Xuan Yin and my third child! So many people saw this, so since they came to apologize, we naturally won't be polite. Otherwise, we won't be polite. I thought our Lu family was scared just because of a few gossips."

"Not just a lesson, but a good lesson. Let everyone know the rules of our Lu family!"

"As for this sweet date~ Since they want to get married, let's get married!"

"No!" Lu Qin said without thinking.

The object of this marriage was his Lu Qin's daughter, and he felt that he could not let Wai Wai marry into the Lu family.

"If we agree so easily, wouldn't the Lin family be proud again? No, absolutely not."

"Brother, don't you think it's weird that they have been asking to marry Wanwan?" Xiao Jingbai stroked his beard and said, "We will never let them succeed so easily."

"We can agree to their marriage, but the girl who is marrying cannot be worried."

"Firstly, we have expressed our attitude and quelled the rumors. Secondly, we can also see the Lin family's reaction."

Listening to Xiao Jingbai's words, Lu Qin always felt that the Lin family seemed to have a special interest in her.

If this is correct, then... they must have something in mind for me.

But Wanwan is his daughter, what does Wanwan have that she doesn't know about?
"Okay, I'll do as you say! My wife and I will choose a girl from the clan and agreed to their request. As for the wedding date... it's up to our Lu family to decide." Lu Qin pondered for a while. Later.

"Yes." Xiao Jingbai nodded, "We will decide what happens next depending on the situation."

After the two discussed, Lu Qin went to the gate of the Lu family to wait to see Lin Xiang, while Xiao Jingbai went back to the backyard to have breakfast with Xiao Jinghan and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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