Chapter 592 The Lin brothers have a conflict!
Xiaonuituanzi got up quite early today.

Her appetite once again shocked many people.

Xiao Jiu'er, who was only two years old, didn't like to eat on weekdays. Seeing how delicious the little breast dumplings were, he uncharacteristically shouted at Lu Yunqing.

"Mother, mother, eat, eat!"

The words were not pronounced clearly, but his anxious little face turned red and made people laugh.

This is because I am afraid that the little breast dumplings will be eaten up!

The little breasted dumpling had a big meat bun in its mouth. She took one in her hand and ate it loudly.

Xiao Jiuer got a meat bun and ate it in big mouthfuls, imitating the appearance of the little milk dumpling.

The little man ate with his mouth full of oil, and his big black eyes stared at the little breast dumplings for a moment, extremely excited.

"This little kid just likes to imitate the people around him." Mrs. Lu said with a smile.

"No!" Lu Yunqing said helplessly: "Despite his young age, when he was in the academy, he saw his father teaching the students with his hands behind his back. He also followed suit."


Xuan Yin glanced at the little breast dumplings and said with a smile: "It's the same with the little girl. She has been imitating adults since she was just one year old! This girl is so smart that she can imitate almost everyone in the sect."

Hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi blinked at Xuan Yin with his big eyes: "Really?"


Xuan Yin recalled what happened a few years ago and couldn't help but laugh: "Do you know when you first practiced elixir? When you were more than one year old!"

"I can't even explain it clearly, so I imitated Senior Brother Wu to practice elixirs there! As a result... Senior Brother Wu's boiler exploded, but you made the elixir! You didn't even know that Senior Brother Wu was being How many scolds have I received from my master?"

The little girl with small breasts pouted her little mouth and said with a puffy face: "No wonder Senior Brother Wu has been avoiding me!"

"Who told you, little girl, to be so young that you can read everything just once? Who among the senior brothers didn't avoid you at that time? Who wanted to be punished? But later... gradually we got used to it, and several masters guarded it every day With you, I have less time to curse."

Little milk dumpling: "..."

other people:"……"

"Hahaha... No wonder this little girl Ranran knows everything!" Lu Qin came in from the outside with a smile and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Sent people away?" Mrs. Lu asked.

Lu Qin sat down next to her, teasing Xiao Jiuer and saying, "Of course Lin Xiang came here to take advantage of the excitement and then returned disappointed, hahaha... That bitch became a grandson after I scolded him!"


When Mrs. Lu heard him say the word "grandson", she coughed lightly.

Lu Qin smiled bitterly and said: "How powerful he was when he came, how ugly his face will be when he goes back."

"He came to scold him out of pure intention, so naturally I wanted to help him."

"You deserve it!" Lu Yunqing said.

"That's right!" Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, Xiao Jiuer imitated her words and uttered a single-syllable word, "That's right!"

Xiao Jiuer was dancing happily, and his little expression immediately made people laugh.

Seeing everyone laughing, Xiao Jiuer became even more excited and continued: "That's right! That's right!"

An hour later, the Lin family.

Hearing what Lin Xiang reported when he came back, Lin Chongming was so angry that he threw a few cups.


One of the cups hit Lin Xiang's forehead, causing blood to flow from Lin Xiang's forehead.Lin Xiang knelt on the ground and didn't dare to hide. He just lowered his head and said a little unconvinced: "Brother, the Lu family is clearly deliberately humiliating us!"


Hearing this, Lin Chongming smashed another thing and went out, angrily saying: "Who brought it to the door to humiliate the Lu family? Do you think Lu Qin can compromise with the rumors outside?"

"You think those people are fools, but who do you think Lu Qin is!"


Lin Xiang was so angry that he was speechless for a moment.

Who would have thought that Lu Qin not only did not invite him in, but also taught him a lesson in front of so many people.

His righteous words showed no sign of guilt, which made those stupid people resolutely believe in the Lu family.

On the contrary, he became a despicable and shameless villain.

Even Yu'er's injury and the Lin family's loss were all their own drama!
After Lu Qin finished scolding that bitch, he praised him in front of everyone for his righteousness in killing relatives, which almost caused his silver teeth to be bitten into pieces.

"Brother, the Lu family also agreed to a marriage!'s not that Lu Wan!" Lin Xiang lowered his head and said.


Lin Chongming couldn't hold back and stepped forward and kicked him.

Lin Xiang was immediately kicked to the ground.

"With a good game of chess, you can not only get something like that but also consolidate the status of our Lin family! But it was destroyed in the hands of your father and daughter!"

"Lin Xiang, Lin Xiang, you are so good!"

"In Yonglin, you were like a drowned dog because of Xiao Jingxuan, and it's still the same when you return to Minshan!"

"Have you lost your mind? Huh?"

"Brother, I think the third brother did nothing wrong! How is our Lin family worse than the Lu family? How come the Lu family, despite being a prominent family for hundreds of years, has to overwhelm us in everything?"

At this time, a tall man walked in and said quietly.

This person is Lin Ze, the second master of the Lin family. He looks like that, but his eyes are swollen with black and blue bags, which makes people feel soft at first sight.

In addition, there was a cold aura about this person, which made people intimidated when they saw him.


Lin Chongming flicked his sleeves coldly.

Why is the Lin family being held hostage by the Lu family for everything?Isn’t it because the children of the Lin family are not living up to expectations?
Minshan values ​​literature. How many students from the Lin family have entered Lushan Academy in recent years?And how many are there in the Lu family?
Everyone in the Lu family is clean and has never lusted after women. What about the Lin family?How many people are of noble character?

"Brother, you worry too much and are timid in doing things!" Lin Ze sneered.

In his eyes, the best way to get past the Lu family is to get rid of the Lu family, instead of restricting the Lu family like this.

Who is he, Lu Qin! ?

It’s just a matter of reading a little more!What use can it be?

A bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites!
Nothing in front of money!

Aren't you driven by others in the face of power?
"Brother, second brother is right! The Lu family clearly doesn't take our Lin family seriously when they humiliate us so much." Lin Xiang agreed.

"Oh, stupid!" Lin Chongming stared at the two of them coldly, "Minshan respects literature. The Lu family has been standing for a hundred years because of the hearts of those students. Do you think that after getting rid of the Lu family, our Lin family will be in the hearts of those students? Has your status risen to a higher level? It’s a joke!”

(End of this chapter)

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