Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 59: Your dad loves to eat chicken butts, give him one

Chapter 59: Your dad loves to eat chicken butts, give him one

"Lu Qing, why is Ranran so strong?" Jin Ling asked in confusion.

Lu Qing smiled and said, "Madam, what did you see? I can kick a big black dog weighing dozens of kilograms away with one kick! Even one kick can kill two dogs!"

Jin Ling: "..."

Judging from the speed at which the little breast dumpling left yesterday, she thought she was just doing some Qinggong, but she didn't expect...

Is this still a little doll?
"Madam, Ranran knows much more than we know. She has helped you a lot not long after she came to your side!"

While Lu Qing led Jin Ling to the front hall, he told her everything that had happened to Xiao Naituanzi in the past few days.

Jin Ling and Hong Xing were stunned when they heard this.

Which of these things can a little baby over four years old do on his own?
"This bastard has been messing around for 20 years, and he finally did something good for this family!" Jin Ling looked at Ran Ran who was pushing a wheelchair not far away with a smile, "There is an extra little girl in our family. It’s obvious that there is an extra little Fuwa.”

"That's what Madam said." Lu Qing agreed.

"Madam, although this time it was my own initiative to trick Fourth Master here, I also wanted to let Fourth Master relax and then let Ran Ran show him his legs! So..." Lu Qing said and looked carefully A golden bell.

"So what?" Jin Ling looked at him with a half-smile.

Lu Qing grinned awkwardly and said, "So I ask my wife to say something nice for you in front of your Majesty, so please forgive me this time!"

Before Jin Ling could say anything, Hong Xing glared at him, "Look at how cowardly you are!"

"Don't you see that the fourth master's appearance in front of people this time is different from before? I am very happy to see it. How can I punish you for this matter?"

"Really?" Lu Qing scratched the back of his head, doubtful of this statement.

Jin Ling said with a straight face: "Let's forget it this time, but from now on, we must never do this kind of random speculation about the master's intentions, nor can we make arbitrary decisions!"

Jin Ling was born as a general, and he only knew that military orders were like mountains.

Acting without authorization is a taboo regardless of merit or demerit!

Seeing that Lu Qing had done this well, he just gave him a scolding.

"Yes, thank you madam." Lu Qing responded respectfully.

Here, looking at Xiao Jingzhe who was pushed into the house by the little breast dumpling, Xiao Jingxuan's eyebrows were filled with a faint smile.

It seems that the fourth child likes Ran Ran very much.

"Wow, so delicious!"

Looking at the dishes that were already half on the table, Ran Ran stretched her neck and couldn't help but add her mouth, with a smile on her face.

"Your mother specially asked Granny Xiao and Granny Feng to prepare this. Go and wash your hands." Xiao Jingxuan said.

"it is good."

There was water and a basin for hand washing next to it. Ranran walked over and washed her little hands clean, and then wiped them with a towel.

"Dad, can you see if it's clean?"

"Yes, clean!" Xiao Jingxuan touched her little head, and when his wife walked in, he added, "These clothes and hair are beautiful!"

"Really?" Little Nipple Tuanzi liked people to praise her, and immediately smiled with crooked eyebrows, "My mother helped me wear the clothes and braid my hair!"

Jin Ling walked in with a smile. When she heard what Xiao Naituanzi said, she was filled with pride. She glanced at Xiao Jingxuan and then said: "Then our daughter must be beautiful. If I had known I could have such a beautiful little daughter, I would Let’s learn this embroidery technique from my third younger brother and sister.”

"Madam's hands are still suitable for wielding swords and guns. Let's forget about embroidery!" Xiao Jingxuan said.

Jin Ling was not happy when she heard this. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Xiao Jingxuan, "What? Are you saying that I am vulgar?"

"How dare you!" Xiao Jingxuan said hurriedly: "I am afraid that those short eyes will sting the lady's tender fingers."


Jin Ling snorted, then sat down on the edge, "Come on, mother's good daughter, give him one of your father's favorite chicken butts!" Xiao Jingxuan: "."

Xiao Naituanzi blinked and saw that Xiao Jingxuan's face was a little dark, so he looked at Xiao Jingzhe in confusion.

At such a young age, she seemed to sense some subtleties in the way her father and mother got along.

Xiao Jingzhe nodded slightly towards her, and said with a calm expression, "Your mother is right, your father not only likes to eat chicken butts, duck butts are also his favorite, give them to him!"


Xiao Jingxuan's face turned darker, and he almost gritted his teeth and uttered two words.

Xiao Jingzhe lowered his eyelids and automatically blocked his hearing, pretending that nothing happened.


Seeing this, Jin Ling couldn't help laughing.

The small-breasted dumpling looked at this and that, finally pouted, and pinched a fish tail for Xiao Jingxuan nearby.

"Dad, fish butts are also delicious, try it!"

Seeing that it was a fish tail, Xiao Jingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, muttering to himself that it was better to be a daughter.

Just as he finished mumbling in his mind, he heard Xiao Naituanzi snort, pointing at Lu Qing Nai and asking fiercely, "Uncle Lu, do you honestly admit that you stole the chicken butts and duck butts that daddy likes to eat?"


Lu Qing almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Dou E is not wronged by him!
The adults had already given the order, so there were no chicken butts or duck butts on the table.

After hearing the words of Little Nipple Tuanzi, everyone realized that the roasted chicken butt and duck butt were missing.

Jin Ling glanced at Xiao Jingxuan faintly, with a faint smile in her eyes.

The meal was a pleasant one, and Xiao Jingxuan was very happy because Xiao Jingzhe was willing to go out for the first time in several years.

Inevitably I drank some wine.

After the little breast dumpling had eaten and drank enough, his eyelids started to fight.

Because Jin Ling drank wine, she asked Hong Xing to take care of her while she slept.

After sleeping until midnight, Xiaonuituanzi quietly went to the next room, then crawled to the innermost position and lay down comfortably.

The next morning, when the couple woke up, they were startled by the sweet and soft little breast dumplings.

Xiao Jingxuan was pretty good, and he was used to this little girl crawling into bed in the middle of the night.

Jin Ling was so frightened that she couldn't understand.

Looking at his messy clothes, he glared at Xiao Jingxuan fiercely, "It's all your fault for making such a fuss last night!"

Xiao Jingxuan's face turned red, and he lowered his voice, full of grievances, "Isn't Madam cruel? How long have we not seen each other?"

Jin Ling kicked him, "Hurry up, put on your clothes and get out! I want to accompany my daughter to sleep in the cage!"

Xiao Jingxuan: "."

It seems that having a daughter is not always a good thing!

Especially a girl who crawls into bed in the middle of the night.

He has to find a chance to correct the problem of small breast dumplings!

(End of this chapter)

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