Chapter 60 Opening a charity hall

As soon as Xiao Jingxuan got dressed and opened the door, Lu Qing reported: "Sir, Madam Xu from the Xu family is here."

Xiao Jingxuan was surprised, "So early?"

Lu Qing replied: "I just arrived, and I brought two children with me. They seem quite anxious, and they are looking for Ran Ran!"

"Looking for Ran Ran?" Xiao Jingxuan turned around and glanced at the room, and then said: "You stay here and I'll go take a look first. If it is really necessary for Ran Ran to come over, I will send someone to pass the message."


Xiao Jingxuan went to the front hall and saw Madam Xu standing up slightly embarrassed, her eyes still a little red.

"Master Xiao."

Xiao Jingxuan was slightly startled, "Ms. Xu, what is this?"

"To be honest, Mr. Xiao, something happened to the Xu family last night. The little girl was thrown from a high altitude. She finally found her, but she was worried that something was wrong, so she wanted to show her to the little girl."

While saying this, Madam Xu also took out a small purse from the baby's arms.

After opening the purse, there was a pool of ashes inside.

Madam Xu said: "This was given to my little girl when she went to Huichun Hall that day. She said it was a peace charm. She has been carrying it with her since that day. After the accident last night, the charm turned into ashes."

"Thinking about it, the little girl must have known something for a long time, so I gave the little girl this peace charm to protect her life."

Xiao Jingxuan was stunned when he heard this, then stepped forward to look at the child, and saw that she was lying in the arms of the nanny. Although she was awake, she did not cry or make trouble. She was very well-behaved.

Then he smiled and said, "Buddhists often say that you only cross those who are destined to be together. Ranran is destined to be with you. It doesn't seem to be a big deal, little girl. Madam Xu, don't worry, please sit down!"

Madam Xu sat down again, and then said: "I came today not only for my daughter's affairs, but also to talk to the adults about opening a charity hall."


"That's right." Madam Xu nodded, "You must have noticed that more and more refugees are coming here, so I want my Xu family to take the lead and open a charity hall with the government as guarantee."

Xiao Jingxuan was shocked again when he heard this.

Opening a charity hall can be regarded as solving a big problem for him nowadays.

He had thought about it before, but the government really didn't have much cash, so he wanted to solve this problem through the Chamber of Commerce, but now he has not seen any results.

Madam Xu’s previous 2 taels of silver notes were just a drop in the bucket.

However, Xiao Jingxuan was not dazzled by this surprise, and said bluntly: "Yonglin has a large population, and the Xu family alone may not be able to support it. Moreover, once the Shantang incident is started, there will be no turning back."

"Furthermore, I would also like to ask Madam Xu why she wants to build a charity house so suddenly?"

Madam Xu said bluntly, "For my husband and two children! Ran Ran once told me that if you do one good deed a day, you will have three thousand merits! I also want to accumulate some virtue for my two children and husband."

"It's difficult for the Xu family alone to do anything, but Mrs. Min's third wife came to my Xu's house yesterday and she talked a lot about Ran Ran. It can be seen that Mrs. Min's third wife also likes her very much."

"If you can persuade Mr. Min, I think with Mr. Min's prestige in Yonglin, many merchants will be willing to donate food and money."

Xiao Jingxuan pondered for a while after hearing the words.

I remember Lu Qing said that Ran Ran had made a condition to Mr. Min and would agree to one of his requests.

If he made this request, the Min family would indeed agree, which would make things more effective for him.

"I will carefully consider Madam Xu's proposal. After I draw up a charter, I hope Madam Xu can help me bridge the gap at the Chamber of Commerce." Xiao Jingxuan said solemnly.

"Of course." Madam Xu nodded.After the two of them finished talking about their business, Jin Ling happened to come over with a small breast dumpling.

As soon as she saw the small-breasted dumplings, Madam Xu stood up, kissed Jin Lingfu behind her and said, "Ranran, can you take a look at it for your sister?"


Ran Ran responded, walked to the side of the Xu family's baby, and then checked her carefully, and then said with a smile: "Don't worry, aunt, my sister is fine! Everything will go smoothly in the future." Profitable."

"That's good, that's good!" After hearing this, Madam Xu felt completely relieved.

"Looks like this sister has just given birth, right? The two children are so cute. Two babies from one birth are really enviable." Jin Ling looked at the two children and smiled softly.

Madam Xu nodded slightly, "My mother and son were the ones who saved our lives. If it hadn't been for her, we wouldn't be here."

"Auntie, there's no need to be polite. Ranran only saves those who deserve to be saved!" Xiao Naituanzi said with a smile.

Madam Xu touched her head with a smile, "It was my aunt's fault that you were kidnapped by my unlucky cousin last time. If you have any problems in the future, you can come to your aunt, you know?"

"it is good."

Ran Ran nodded, and then whispered: "Last time I was kidnapped, we got a lot of small money. It was Ran Ran who made a fortune~"


Madam Xu covered her lips and laughed.

"Master Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, I have something to do and I will leave first. Regarding the matter of the Shantang, your master will send someone to check on me at any time as soon as there is news."

"Mrs. Xu, please!" Xiao Jingxuan nodded and said politely.

As soon as Madam Xu left, Xiao Jingxuan sat on the edge and began to think deeply, and then told Jin Ling about the Shantang.

Jin Ling wondered: "We have been traveling all the way these days and passed through many places, but the strange thing is that most of the victims gathered in Yonglin and Yongzhou next door!"

"Logically speaking, Yonglin is the farthest away from the disaster area, and it's not as prosperous as the surrounding counties. It shouldn't be here."

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan sneered, "There are many leaf dogs in the world today. Madam, can't you still figure out the reason for this?"

Jin Ling sighed slightly and looked at Xiao Jingxuan with some distress, "Now that I'm here, let's get going as soon as possible because of this favor. I'll take care of the matters at the Shantang for you."

"Yeah." Xiao Jingxuan patted her hand.

During breakfast, Xiao Jingzhe's leg suddenly broke down. His face turned pale with pain, and there were large beads of sweat on his face.

Xiao Jingxuan was startled, "Why is this leg disease so serious? Qin Shi, where is Fourth Master's medicine?"

"It's useless!" Xiao Jingzhe suppressed the pain, waved his hand, and smiled bitterly, "That medicine is of no use now."

"Eat this."

At this time, Xiao Naituanzi took out a pink pill from his pocket and stuffed it into Xiao Jingzhe's mouth.

"What is that? Miss, why do you put everything into Fourth Master's mouth?" Qin Shi patted Xiao Jingzhe's back anxiously, "Fourth Master, spit it out quickly."

The little breasted dumpling puckered her mouth and said, "It's useless, this pill will melt in your mouth."

"This" When Qin Shi heard this, his eyes widened like bells.

(End of this chapter)

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