Chapter 594 The Lin family fights back!


The little breasted dumpling snorted softly, and then clapped his little hands.

The fingertips gently touched the woman's body, and she twisted her eyebrows in pain and slowly opened her eyes.

"I...I...what's wrong?"

The woman patted her head with her hands and looked at the small breast dumpling that appeared in front of her with some confusion, staring at her face non-stop.

The woman is very beautiful, with delicate features, rosy cheeks, and medium-thick lips, free but red.

She has a good face and has a smooth life.

"Miss, is your surname Lu?" Xiao Naituanzi asked.

Because she looked familiar, similar to Lu Qin's face.

"Yeah." The woman nodded slightly.

Suddenly her eyes glanced at the two people lying on the ground. She was suddenly startled and subconsciously shrank her body to keep her further away from them.


"Don't be afraid, little sister, they are the ones who caught you here~"

"It was Ranran who knocked them out!" Xiaotuanzi said in a milky voice.


The woman couldn't believe it, she just felt like she was dreaming.

She secretly pinched her thigh and found that it really hurt. Only then did she believe that she was not dreaming.

Suddenly I remembered that I had just been writing at home, and suddenly I smelled a fragrant smell, and then...

She looked at the two fainted people in front of her, then looked at her surroundings, and suddenly she understood what was going on.

She was almost killed by these two people...

For a moment, the woman became a little scared. She looked at the little breast dumpling and asked, "Did you save me? Did you beat...knock them out?"

The woman looked at the small breasts in front of her and felt a little unbelievable.

"Shh, someone is coming~"

At this time, Xiao Naituanzi suddenly put his index finger on his lips and let out a gentle "shhh".

Without waiting for her to react, Xiao Naituanzi quickly grabbed the two men and stuffed them under the bed, and then slapped two yellow talismans on them.

The woman blinked her big, smart eyes, feeling that she was still dreaming at this time.

Then, she saw Xiaonuituanzi walking over, and then secretly hid the sack next to her.

"The weather is really nice today. How about we, sisters, play Fei Hua Ling later?"

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps at the door.

The woman's voice also came from far and near.

Lu Youran frowned slightly and looked at Xiao Naituanzi, who then repeated what the two men had just said.

Lu Youran was not stupid. After hearing Xiao Naituanzi's words, her face suddenly turned red and black, and her whole face became ugly.

Now that he heard the voice outside, Lu Youran instantly understood what these people wanted to do!
They clearly wanted to ruin her statement!

Suddenly, she thought of what her mother said when she came back from the Lu family's main house today, and she instantly understood something!
It's the Lin family!
The Lin family was dissatisfied with the Lu family for putting their cousin's marriage on her shoulders, so they wanted to destroy her innocence to humiliate the Lu family, or to force the Lu family.

No, there is another reason. They want to take revenge on the Lu family for what they did this morning.

After understanding this, Lu Youran's hands clenched tightly.Fortunately, the little breast dumpling in front of me appeared!
Otherwise, today she would have no other choice but to die to preserve the reputation of the Lu family.

Lu Youran was about to thank Xiao Nai Dumpling when suddenly she saw Xiao Nai Dumpling throw herself onto the bed and wrap herself up in a quilt.

Lu Youran: "???"

"Shh, sister, the game of hide-and-seek has begun~"

Xiaotai Tuanzi said softly.

Lu Youran pursed her lips and heard Lu Jinxiu, the second lady of the Lin family outside, say "Huh".

"What's wrong?" The other girls looked at her one after another.

"Hmm... I just seemed to hear a man's voice, and... and... the voice of sister Youran of the Lu family?" Lin Jinxiu said.

The women looked at each other.

"I...I think I heard it too!" Another weak voice also echoed.

Inside the room, Lu Youran's hand was holding the handkerchief tightly!
The Lin family is really uneasy and well-intentioned!

She didn't even say anything, she just said she heard her voice! ?
Is the next step to open the door to catch the adulterer?

Sure enough, just as she thought that, she heard the weak voice just now: "The voice just now seemed to be coming from the house in front."


The other girls were a little confused.

"Sister Zuo, stop talking nonsense! We must have heard wrong! The sisters of the Lu family have always been clean and self-sufficient. They like to play the piano, dance and compose poems. How can they come here to play? Even if they come... they are with their own sisters. Yes, how could a man?! We must have heard wrong!" Lin Jinxiu said.

"Yes, yes, yes, Sister Jinxiu is right, I must have heard wrong! Sisters, please forgive me!" Miss Zuo family apologized quickly.

"Sister Zuo, did you hear correctly? Can't we just go in and take a look?"

At this time, a loud voice came out, and the next second, the door of Lu Youran's room was kicked open by her!
Lu Youran was pouring tea for himself when he saw the door being kicked open and frowned.

It was the Miss Huang family she knew.

This girl usually likes to wield swords and swords, and she is also impulsive and impulsive. Unexpectedly, she was turned into a gunman without any idea.

"It's really you!"

Miss Huang's eyes sharpened and she pointed at Lu Youran.

Lu Youran held up the tea and waved it in front of her, "Sister Huang, what's going on? You know your sister is here to enjoy tea, so you came here specially? Come on, come in and join us!"

Lu Youran spoke calmly, his tone was unhurried and there was no hint of panic.

The expression on his face was also light, and his attitude was even more calm.

This look doesn't look like you are having a tryst with a man!
"Lu Youran, stop talking nonsense, where is the man?"


Lu Youran blinked his eyes, full of confusion, "Sister Huang, what are you talking about? What kind of man?"

At this time, the girls who came with them also walked in one by one.

"Lu Youran, we heard it when we were outside. There was a man's voice in your room. Do you think you were having a tryst with a man here?!" said a girl named Wang behind her.

"That's it! Teach him out quickly!" Another girl also stood up, her tone was so righteous.

"Pfft!" Lu Youran laughed, "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand? A tryst with a man?"

"Sisters, you must be aware of the family tradition of my Lu family, right? You are pouring dirty water on my head!"

(End of this chapter)

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