Chapter 595 The secret message is so cool!
"I'm just here to drink tea, why does it taste so bad in your mouth?"

"Sisters, maybe we heard wrong!" At this time, Lin Jinxiu stood up and said weakly, and then said: "I believe Sister Lu is not that kind of person."

"Bah, not only did you hear it, but the Zuo family's sister also heard it!" Miss Huang said sharply.

After she finished speaking, the other girls nodded their heads one by one. Lin Jinxiu, who was hesitant to speak, curled her lips, lowered her head and stood behind the girls. .

Lu Youran saw her little moves and sneered in his heart: Want to stay out of it?no way!
"Sister Lin, thank you for trusting me, trusting me, the Lu family!" Lu Youran kept a smile on her face, holding the cup and pouring tea gracefully, "Since the sisters are here, why don't we drink it together? How about tea?"

Several people looked at her neither salty nor bland look, with doubts on their faces: Could it be that they were wrong?
For a moment, the girls were a little confused.

Lu Youran glanced at Lin Jinxiu and brought a cup of tea to the front, "Sister Lin, why don't you come first? Although our two families were a little unhappy about what happened yesterday and today, everything has been resolved, right?"

"And... our Lu family also agreed to the Lin family's previous marriage proposal, which is considered to be a softened sincerity."

"I, Lu Youran, can be considered your sister-in-law from now on, right?"


As soon as Lu Youran said these words, the girls immediately sensed that something was wrong. They were all from the big mansion and they were not stupid.

In an instant, they understood that they were being used as weapons by Lin Jinxiu.

What the Lin family has done is really ugly!

He clearly wanted to throw dirty water on Lu Youran, slander the Lu family, and take revenge on the Lu family.

Before they could attack, Miss Zuo's family over there suddenly pointed at the bed and screamed, "Look, what is that?"

Hearing this, the girls looked over one after another.

Lu Youran couldn't help but feel nervous.

The little girl with small breasts just hid the two men under the bed. If they really discovered it, she would really not be able to clean it up in her life, and she could only die to apologize.

Thinking about it, Lu Youran stood up and stopped in front of them.

"Sisters and sisters, what are you trying to do? Are you trying to throw dirty water on me, Lu Youran?"

I had to admit that Lu Youran was a little panicked at this time.

Seeing her nervous and flustered look, Lin Jinxiu had basically confirmed that the person was on the bed.

Although I don't know why Lu Youran is sitting here calmly, as long as there is a man in this room, she, Lu Youran, and the Lu family cannot escape.

Thinking about it, Lin Jinxiu said delicately and weakly: "Sister Lu, if you don't feel guilty, what will happen if you let us take a look?"

"That's right!" The Huang girl raised her head and agreed, "Lu Youran, are you really hiding a man in this house?"

"I..." Lu Youran squeezed the handkerchief in her hand tightly, "I don't have it!"

"If not, why are you stopping us? What's on the bed?" the Huang family girl asked, her tone somewhat aggressive.

"The bed...the bed is just a little sister of mine. She...she is resting here when she is tired!" Lu Youran felt relieved when he heard them say that the bed was on the bed, and he said deliberately.

"Nonsense! He's clearly a man!" Lin Jinxiu stopped pretending and her voice couldn't help but raise a few points.

"No! I don't!"

Lu Youran's eyes were red, and she pointed at Lin Jinxiu, "Sister Lin, I am about to be engaged to your Lin family. What good does it do you to accuse me so unjustly?"


Lin Jinxiu said coldly: "If you did such a shameful thing, do you think my Lin family would still want you?"

"I told you I didn't. The person on the bed is my sister!" Lu Youran retorted loudly.

At this moment, the louder she is, the more guilty she is in the eyes of these girls.Those girls who originally believed that Lu Youran believed in the Lu family's family tradition couldn't help but become a little suspicious for a while.

I even had the idea that I must take a look.

Lin Jinxiu was excited, but Lu Youran's performance clearly showed a guilty conscience, so she continued to say loudly: "Since you said that's your sister, why don't you just let us take a look?"

"That's right!" Miss Zuo agreed, and the other girls also nodded.

"I've already said it's gone, why don't you believe me? Wuwuwu..." Lu Youran cried anxiously.

"Sister Lu, don't cry! I believe you are innocent, but now that you have reached this point, why don't you let them take a good look at her? Since the person on the bed is your sister, introduce her to us!" One of the ladies from the Zhong family said softly.

"Sister Zhong... I..." Lu Youran wiped her tears with a handkerchief, turned to look at the bed, and said: "It's not that I don't want to prove my innocence, it's that my sister has a bad temper... If She will beat anyone who disturbs her."

"Hey!" After Lu Youran finished speaking, Lin Jinxiu made a disdainful sound, "It's just a shirk!"


Lu Youran was angry and gritted his molars, "Sister Lin, if your Lin family didn't have the sincerity to marry my Lu family, why would you humiliate me and wrongly accuse me like this? Do you know how important the reputation of a girl's family is?"

"Today, if you hadn't found the so-called man in my house, my Lu family would never have given up!"

"Okay! If I can't find anyone here today, I, Lin Jinxiu, will kneel down in front of your Lu family's door for three days and three nights!" Lin Jinxiu said with her neck held high.

In her opinion, the more Lu Youran behaves like this, the more guilty she is.


It must be hidden in this house!

His father will never do anything wrong!
"Okay, then you can search!" Lu Youran stepped aside and reminded her again, "I would like to remind you again that my sister has a bad temper. I will not be responsible for anything that happens later."


Lin Jinxiu snorted coldly, and walked past Lu Youran towards the bed with great vigour.

She, Lu Youran, wanted to make a last-ditch struggle and see if she could catch the trap!


The moment Lin Jinxiu lifted the quilt, Xiaonuituanzi's pink fist immediately hit her.

In just a short time, Lin Jinxiu's delicate little face suddenly swelled into a big pig's head.

The girls who followed were shocked.

The little breasted dumpling got up from the bed, yawned loudly, pouted her little mouth and said dissatisfiedly: "It's so noisy~"

Several girls: "..."

Lu Youran was also shocked.

Just when those girls pushed the door in, Xiaonuituanzi suddenly sent her a secret voice message. She said: "Sister, Ran Ran has a very bad temper. She beats people when she sleeps~"

At that time, she knew that the little girl who showed up to save her must be good at martial arts.

Although she doesn't know martial arts, her brother does.

Her brother said that only those with extremely high internal strength can use secret sounds to send messages.

So, with her cooperation, the scene just happened.

She didn't expect this little breast dumpling to be so powerful, it scared her too!

But honestly, it’s so cool!
(End of this chapter)

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