Chapter 597: Catching up

The main residence of the Lu family.

Lu Qin and Mrs. Lu were preparing to have lunch when they heard two "bang bangs" falling to the ground outside.


The two bad guys who kidnapped Lu Youran were thrown to the ground and woke up from the pain.

Before they could realize where this place was, a knife was held to their necks, "Who are you!?"

"They are bad people~"

The little girl patted her little hands, tore off the invisibility charm on her body, jumped down from the eaves, and said in a sweet voice.

"Miss Ranran?"

The guard was surprised when he saw that it was Xiaotai Dumpling, "They...were you captured? No, didn't you leave? Why are they here? Who are they?"


The little girl picked out her ears and looked up at the guard, "Uncle guard, you have too many questions. I don't even know how to answer them~"

Inside the house, Lu Qin and Mrs. Lu came out after hearing the noise.

"Ran Ran?"

The couple looked at each other, both very surprised.

"Uncle Lu, Aunt Lu, I'm back~" Xiao Naituanzi grinned at them and patted his deflated belly, "Ranran is hungry, is there anything to eat?"

"Uh..." Mrs. Lu was stunned for a moment and waved to her, "Yes, yes! Come on, let's come in and talk."

Hearing this, Xiaonuituanzi's little tongue added something to his lips, and he jumped over.

Lu Qin looked at the two trembling people on the ground and ordered the guards: "Take them down first."


The guard responded and winked at the other guard.

"We didn't do anything, we didn't do anything, let us go! Let us go!" The two bad guys came to their senses and shouted loudly.

"Stop their mouths!" the guard ordered.


Inside the room, Xiaonuituanzi washed her hands and sat at the table, picked up her chopsticks and started eating.

After working for a long time, she was really hungry.

Mrs. Lu knew that she had a big appetite, so she immediately ordered someone to go to the kitchen to bring more dishes.

Lu Qin returned to the house, not in the mood to eat. He looked at the little breast dumplings and asked, "Ran Ran, where are your brother and senior brother?"

"Well... they are over there at the academy~" Xiao Naituanzi had rice in his mouth. He was a little unclear when he spoke. After saying it once, he swallowed all the food and repeated, "We followed the compass and found where my mother is. The location is my second uncle’s academy.”

"Senior brother said that there are many formations in the academy. We might as well wait for my second uncle to take us in if we force our way in."

"So, they are waiting there. Ranran comes back alone to find her second uncle and aunt~"

The little girl finished speaking in a crisp voice and looked around the room again, "Hey, why aren't the second uncle and the second aunt here?"

Lu Qin: "..."

Mrs. Lu: "..."

"If you go forward, they will follow you back. Didn't you see Ranran when you came back?" Mrs. Lu asked.


Xiaotai Tuanzi smiled sheepishly, "Ranran was flying when she came back and couldn't walk."

Mrs. Lu & Lu Qin: "..."

This little girl has walked back and forth on the same stretch of road. Is her sister and her family of three not even halfway there yet?
If I had known earlier, we would have left together.

"Then...what happened to those two people?" Lu Qin asked again.

"Sister Youran will be here later, Uncle Lu will ask her~" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

She only knew that those two people bullied Lu Youran, but they said a lot of things, and she was confused!
"Youran?" Lu Qin and his wife were surprised, feeling that this matter was not simple.

"Chunmei, go and wait at the door. When Miss Tang comes, invite her in immediately!" Mrs. Lu ordered.

"Yes." Chunmei responded, turned around and walked out.

Lu Qin thought for a while and also ordered the guards at the door to call Lu Youran's parents over.

Lu Youran went home first and reported the matter to his parents.

Her parents were very angry. Just as they were about to go to the main house, the guards from the main house arrived.

The family of three immediately followed him to the Lu family's main residence.

Lu Youran's father is Lu Qin's cousin, named Lu Zheng. He is an honest and loyal man. He is a dabbler in reading but is still talented in arithmetic, so he is the one who settles some of the Lu family's accounts.

On the way there, Lu Zheng had already learned Ran Ran's identity from the guard.

Lu Youran was a little excited for a moment when she learned that the little breast dumpling who saved her was actually the little breast dumpling that had spread throughout the Zhou Dynasty.

"Dad, it's her? Didn't you say she's dead?"


When Lu Zheng heard this, he glared at his daughter and said, "The rumors are not credible."


Lu Youran nodded, feeling very excited.

God knows how excited she was when she heard that Xiao Nai Tuanzi single-handedly destroyed so many Taoist priests in Wuming Mountain and rescued countless people.

For someone at such a young age to have such abilities, he must be an immortal descending to earth to save the people.

But later when she heard that she had left, she cried for a long time because of her.

Unexpectedly, the person who left suddenly appeared again and saved her once. How could this not make Lu Youran excited?
"You, please thank me properly later." Mrs. Lu said with some fear.

She became extremely angry when she thought that her daughter had been kidnapped at home.

But who would have thought that when they arrived at the main house of the Lu family, they didn't see Xiao Naituanzi.

The moment they entered the hospital, Xiaonuituanzi finished his meal and left.

Before leaving, she gave Lu Qin a few truth charms.

At this moment, my mother is more important.

Knowing that Xiao Jingbai and Lu Yunqing were taking the official road, Xiao Naituanzi also walked in the direction of the official road.

She was very fast, and in less than half an hour, she saw Xiao Jingbai and the others parked their carriage to drink tea less than ten miles away from Lushan Academy.

"Second uncle, second aunt!"

When the little girl saw the two of them, she ran up to them and screamed.

"Ran Ran?"

Xiao Jingbai and Lu Yunqing were surprised when they saw the small breast dumplings.

Xiao Jiu'er, who was in Lu Yunqing's arms, was about to fall asleep, but when she heard the voice of Xiao Nai Dumpling, she immediately woke up and danced towards Xiao Nai Dumpling, "Sister, sister."

"Hehe~ Ranran finally found you!"

The little breasted dumpling pinched Xiao Jiuer's soft little face and said with a smile.

"Looking for us?" Xiao Jingbai asked Xiao Naituanzi to sit down, and asked doubtfully: "Where are Xiao San'er and the others?"

"Well..." Xiao Naituanzi recounted the story of running back and forth, and then said: "Ranran doesn't like them being in the way, so let them cool off~"

Xiao Jingbai: "..."

Lu Yunqing: "..."

They never expected that a piece of Xiao Ning's soul would be hidden in their academy.

(End of this chapter)

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