Chapter 598 Crazy criticism of Lin Ze
After resting for a while, several people got on the carriage.

With Xiao Jingbai and Lu Yunqing here, this was the first time for Xiao Jingbai and Lu Yunqing to ride such a comfortable and fast carriage, as if they arrived in the blink of an eye.

They were still in a state of confusion until they reached the foot of the mountain.

I finally understood why they set off with Xiao Nai Tuanzi, why she had run back and forth several times, and they were still halfway there.

"Ran Ran, you should go back to the inn first!" Xiao Jingbai looked at Xiaotuanzi and said, "You can't enter this academy casually. Even if your second uncle is a gentleman there, you have to ask for permission."

"Ran Ran, you guys need to rest first. My uncle and mother will pick you up tomorrow morning." Lu Yunqing also said.

"Yeah." Little Nipples nodded obediently.

At this moment, the Lin family.

Lu Qin just threw the two arrested people directly at the door of the Yamen, and sued the Lin family with a piece of paper.

There were many people from the Lin family in the Yamen, so they secretly came over in advance to spread the message. Only then did Lin Chongming realize that his second and third brothers had done such a thing behind his back.

Lin Chongming was so angry that he smashed several cups, gritted his teeth and cursed angrily: "Two short-sighted guys!"

"Come here, call the second master and the third master to my master!" Lin Chongming ordered, almost grinding his teeth.


The guard at the door responded and left in a hurry.

Not long after, Lin Ze and Lin Xiang arrived.

At that time, Lin Jinxiu had already returned to the Lin family and told the story in full. Now Lin Chongming called them over and they were already mentally prepared.

"Your Majesty!"

As soon as he stepped into the main hall, Lin Chongming shouted angrily!

"Brother, who provoked you again?"

Lin Ze looked carefree and knelt on the ground reluctantly!Lin Xiang also knelt down.

Both of them held their heads high, showing no trace of their own faults.

Lin Chongming was so angry when he saw this!

"I ask you, who asked you to make the decision behind my back!" Lin Chongming gritted his teeth.

Lin Xiang pursed his lower lip and said nothing.

Lin Ze laughed and looked at Lin Chongming with a little ridicule on his face, "Brother, do you know what you look like?"

"You look like a dog of the Lu family!"

"No! You don't deserve to be called a dog! At least the Lu family's dog can have a piece of meat to eat. You, a majestic head of the family, are shorter than him in front of Lu Qin. Don't you feel embarrassed and embarrassed?"


Lu Chongming slapped him away and said angrily: "What do you know!"

"Big brother!"

Lin Xiang exclaimed!

Lin Ze touched the corner of his mouth with the tip of his tongue and chuckled, "Isn't my brother right? Brother, after so many years, do you just hope that our Lin family will always be the second child of a thousand years?"

"Except for studying, how are we, the Lin family, inferior to the Lu family?"

"Lushan Academy was obviously founded by the ancestors of our Lin family and their ancestors of the Lu family, but now look at it... Where is the status of our Lin family in it?"

"That still means that the children of our Lin family are not living up to expectations!" Lin Chongming gritted his teeth.

Fewer and fewer students from the Lin family can enter Lushan Academy, but who can blame them?It’s not their own fault!
"Ha! Is it that our Lin family is not living up to expectations, or is it that the Lu family is underperforming?" Lin Ze pointed at Lin Xiang unconvinced, "In terms of knowledge and character, how can the third brother not be worthy of entering Lushang Academy?"

"It's obvious that the Lu family covered the sky with one hand and made Lushan Academy the private property of their Lu family!"

"Brother, as the head of the family, you are timid and hesitant in doing things. If your younger brother doesn't push you, when will our Lin family be able to surpass the Lu family?!" "I heard that Lu Qin went to the Yamen!"

"Since he is making trouble, let him make trouble! I have asked Feige to pass a message to our Lin family in Lushan Academy, so that the things will be in our hands soon! Once everything is settled, this week It will no longer be Dazhou! The Lu family, let alone the Lu family!"

"Madman! You are simply a madman!" Lin Chongming looked at Lin Ze who seemed to be in a state of madness, and felt scared in his heart!


Lin Ze smiled at Lin Chongming's expression and burst into laughter.

Lin Xiang beside him couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and a chill suddenly rose in his heart.

This is the first time I have seen my second brother look like this, and it makes me a little scared and creepy.

"Yes, I'm a madman! Brother, I'm willing to put myself to death to survive! If you want to completely trample the Lu family under your feet, you have to step on the bones of everyone in the Lu family!"

"I know that you Xu Tuzhi just don't want to expose our Lin family, and want to leave a way out for the Lin family! But brother, if our Lin family doesn't burn the boat, do you think the Lord will like us?"

When Lin Chongming heard this, he fell silent.

Lin Ze continued: "Third brother Yonglin has been dormant for many years, serving the Lord, but later he let brother Xiao Jingxuan ruin the good thing! The Lord has already annoyed our Lin family because of this matter. If we don't handle this matter as soon as possible this time , I’m afraid that our Lin family would have died at the Lord’s side if we hadn’t been trampled to death by the Lu family!”

"Brother, I agree with what the second brother said!" Lin Xiang said: "I don't want to live a life of subservience and subservience."

Lin Chongming heard this and said nothing for a long time.

Early the next morning, before Xiao Naituanzi got up, Lu Yunqing carried Xiao Jiuer to the inn where they were staying.

"Second Aunt." Xiao Jinghan casually held Xiao Jiuer in his arms and took her into his house.

"Where's Ran Ran?" Lu Yunqing asked.

"She's still asleep!"

Xiao Jiuer seemed to understand what they said. He rolled his eyes and shouted "Sister, sister".

Xiao Jinghan pinched his little cheek and said, "Just call me sister, call me brother and come and listen!"


Xiao Jiuer snorted, dodged Xiao Jinghan's hand, turned around and reached out for her mother to hug her.

Lu Yunqing had no choice but to hug it over. As soon as it reached her arms, she heard Xiao Jiuer say: "Brother, bad!"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Lu Yunqing patted his little butt gently, "Brother is good to you, you little heartless one!"

It was just a gentle pat. Xiao Jiuer pursed his lips, narrowed his eyes and squeezed out a big teardrop.

"Ouch, you're still pretending to be pitiful!" Lu Yunqing said amusedly.

"Gluck... cluck..."

Hearing her words, Xiao Jiuer immediately laughed, covered his eyes with his hands, and then secretly glanced at Lu Yunqing.

"This guy is just as naughty as Xiao Liu." Xiao Jinghan said.

Lu Yunqing had a headache when she mentioned Xiao Xiaoliu.

"That child is really a headache. I received a letter from your second brother a few days ago, saying that he is restless in the military camp!"


Xiao Jinghan said: "That's just a monkey. The second brother was tortured so much by him. Once when he went out with the second brother, he secretly gave the second brother laxatives and almost made him run away. Later, he met the eldest brother. Then he was captured."

"Another time, he was caught by his second brother. He shouted on the street that he was a human trafficker, which resulted in him being beaten up!"

"That boy is clever, but he has suffered a lot from his second brother! Now that my father is watching over him in the military camp, he is a little better."

Hearing this, Lu Yunqing felt a little ashamed unconsciously!
(End of this chapter)

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