Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 599: Enter Lushan Academy and receive a peace talisman as a gift!

Chapter 599: Enter Lushan Academy and receive a peace talisman as a gift!

Lu Yunqing stayed in the inn for about an hour, and then Xiao Naituanzi woke up.

As soon as he saw the little milk dumpling, Xiao Jiuer would get down to the ground and trot towards the little milk dumpling.

"elder sister!"

"Xiao Jiuer~"

The little breast dumpling was also very considerate. He lifted the little breast dumpling up and rubbed his little face with his chubby little hands.

"Gluck... cluck..."

Xiao Jiuer was immediately made to giggle by her.

"Second aunt."

Xiao Naituanzi lifted Xiao Jiu'er over and let out a crisp cry.

"Ran Ran is up? Did you sleep well?" Lu Yunqing smiled gently.

"I slept soundly~" Xiaotai Dumpling smiled happily and said happily: "I also dreamed that my mother kissed me~ She said we would see each other soon."

Lu Yunqing rubbed her little head, "Don't worry, we will see your mother soon."

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi nodded heavily.

When Xiao Jiuer saw Xiaonuituanzi mentioning her mother, she nodded again and imitated Xiaonuituanzi, nodding her little head every now and then, then pointed at Lu Yunqing and said: "Mother, mother!"

"Yes, I am your mother!" Lu Yunqing nodded his little nose lovingly.

Xiao Jinghan smiled and stood up, "I'll get you breakfast."

"Thank you, Third Brother~" Xiaonuituanzi waved her little hand towards him.

Xiao Jiuer immediately waved his little hand in the same way.

"Excellent scholar~"

The little breasted dumpling puffed out her little face and squeezed his meat.

Xiao Jiu'er immediately dove into Lu Yunqing's arms, burying her little head deeply. After burying it for a while, she raised her head and secretly glanced at Xiao Naitanzi.

The small appearance almost makes people cute.

After breakfast, Xiao Naitanzi and Xiao Jinghan went to the academy with Lu Yunqing, while Xuan Yin and Pu Dingzi stayed behind.

The inn is not far from the academy, but there are many people on the street at this time, and the carriage moves a bit slowly.

At this time, Lu Yunqing started talking about the Lu family and the Lin family.

"The Lu family originally agreed to the Lin family's marriage, but yesterday the Lin family wanted to frame my daughter, the Lu family, but she was caught by Ran Ran, so the Lu family and the Lin family fell out."

"There are a lot of people from our Lu family in Lushan Academy, but there are also people from the Lin family, and there are also a lot of students who are attached to the Lin family."

"So, it's best not to have any conflicts with others after we enter the mountain gate."

"Even if someone is looking for trouble, don't pay attention to them."

"Martial arts are prohibited in the academy, but literature is not prohibited. If you encounter provocation, just avoid it!"

"We know." Xiao Jinghan nodded, "We should go in and find aunt's body very quickly. We will leave then."

Speaking of this, Xiao Jinghan took a special look at Xiaonuituanzi, covered her lips and smiled.

He was really afraid that the little breast dumpling would go crazy in such a bookish place.

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi also nodded.

She doesn't want to stay here any longer!She was afraid of being caught studying.

Soon, we arrived at the entrance of the academy.

Several people got off the carriage and Lu Yunqing said: "There are 99 steps to walk from here to the mountain gate."

After saying that, she turned to look at Xiao Jinghan, "Third brother, is your health okay?"

Lu Yunqing was referring to the fact that he was injured by Lin Yu'er.

When Xiao Jinghan heard this, she immediately straightened her waist and patted her chest and said: "Second aunt, don't worry, my good health is only nine hundred and ninety-nine steps, isn't it? It's nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. I can go up the steps." "That's good." Lu Yunqing smiled.

"Second Aunt, why don't you hold Xiao Jiu'er for me!" Xiao Jinghan suggested again.

"No, I'm used to it." Lu Yunqing shook her head.

She lives here, and it is common for her to go in and out of this academy. What's more, the children of the Lu family not only pay attention to literature, but also pay attention to physical health.This step is nothing to her.

I remember that when she was pregnant with the child, she often walked up and down these steps.

Halfway there, Lu Yunqing, who was holding Xiao Jiuer, was still breathing steadily, while Xiao Jinghan beside her was already panting.

Seeing this, Lu Yunqing couldn't help but smile.

Xiao Jinghan, on the other hand, touched his head with some embarrassment.

It was the first time I felt so embarrassed.

After walking up for a while, I suddenly saw a student in white hurriedly out the door to go down.

"Lu Yuan, where are you going in such a hurry?" Lu Yunqing stopped him.


Lu Yuan stopped and bowed his hands to Lu Yunqing respectfully, with an anxious look on his face, "There is news from the clan, saying that my mother accidentally fell and asked me to go back and take a look."

This Lu Yuan is Xiao Jingbai's student and a child of the Lu family. Although he mentioned the five clothes, the Lu family has always been very fond of their children, so Lu Yunqing said: "Then you should quickly go and ask a doctor to take a look at your mother. If you need help, go to the main house."

"Yes, thank you, Master." Lu Yuan said gratefully.

After saying that, he saluted again, and then hurriedly walked down carrying his book box.

"and many more."

Suddenly, Xiaonuituanzi stopped him.

Lu Yuan turned his head.

Xiao Naituanzi stared at his face carefully for a few times, then handed him a piece of talisman paper folded into a triangle, "Brother, this is the peace talisman, here it is for you~ Be sure to wear it~ "


Lu Yuan didn't answer and looked up at Lu Yunqing.

Lu Yunqing said: "Since she gave it to you, you can keep it! By the way, my carriage is down there. Take my carriage back!"

"Okay, thank you, Master!"

Lu Yuan casually took Xiao Naituanzi's peace charm, stuffed it into his heart, and then hurried down the steps.

"Ran Ran, you haven't given this kind of peace charm to others for a long time, right?" Xiao Jinghan looked at her doubtfully.

It's not a good thing for a small-breasted dumpling to give people peace charms.

Most of the time this person will encounter a certain calamity of death before she will send him away.

It's just that Lu Yuan is just going home, what kind of death disaster can he encounter?
"Yes." Xiao Nai Tuanzi nodded, and said in a soft voice: "That brother has a black cloud gathering between his eyebrows. That's a disaster that will annihilate him!"

Hearing this, Lu Yunqing paused in her steps, frowning and looking at the little breast dumpling, "Ran Ran, are you still going to read this?"


The little girl nodded.

Lu Yunqing turned her head and glanced at Lu Yuan, who was already on the carriage, feeling a little worried in her heart.

Xiao Jinghan said: "Second aunt, don't worry too much. Ran Ran's peace talisman is very powerful, and it will definitely save the kid's life at the critical moment."

Lu Yunqing paused, "I hope so!"

Several people entered the academy, and Lu Yunqing checked in at the door before leading them all the way inside.

Lushan Academy is indeed the top academic institution in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty. Its strong atmosphere of literati elegance is much thicker than other academies, and everything is elegant, sacred and noble.

Even after the little breasted dumpling entered here, he couldn't help but become a lot quieter, and his small steps were subconsciously a little lighter.

(End of this chapter)

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