Chapter 601 Is the murderer Lu Yuan?
"Dad, this is Ran Ran! She is sister Jing Bai's daughter." Lu Yunqing looked at Mr. Lu and introduced her.

"is her?"

When Mr. Lu heard what Lu Yunqing said, his eyes suddenly became excited when he looked at the little breast dumpling.It's just that he was injured just now, and the opening of his mouth affected his wound and made him unable to express it.

"Yes." Lu Yunqing nodded, "I told you her purpose of going up the mountain yesterday!"

"Yes." Mr. Lu nodded, slowly raised his hand and shook Xiaonuituanzi's little hand, supporting the pain on his body, and said: "Thank you... thank you, little girl."

"Hey, you're welcome~"

Mr. Lu's face was very kind, and there was a faint golden light of merit flashing across his body.

God will not accept such a person so quickly~
"Ran Ran, let me take you back first! Your business is more important." Lu Yunqing said.

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi nodded his head and waved his little hand towards Mr. Lu, "Goodbye, grandpa~"

Mr. Lu snorted lightly, a little reluctant to let Xiao Naituanzi leave.

He also thought about whether such a smart and powerful little baby was also so good at studying!

If she was really that powerful, he would definitely keep her on this mountain.

What a little genius!
It's a pity that Xiaonuituanzi was about to leave before he could speak.

When they returned to the house where Lu Yunqing and the others lived, Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Jiuer were crying towards each other.

Of course, Xiao Jiuer really cried, but Xiao Jinghan was just pretending to cry.

Xiao Jiuer cried, and Xiao Jinghan followed suit.

When Xiao Jiuer saw his brother crying, he stopped to look at him and then cried again. Xiao Jinghan also cried with him. When he saw Xiao Jinghan crying, he stopped again and repeated this.

In the end, Xiao Jiuer almost forgot why he was crying, and he and Xiao Jinghan were playing back and forth.

What Lu Yunqing saw was dumbfounding.

The Xiao family's tricks for coaxing their children are all the same!
In Xiao Liu's words, even when he cries louder than others, he can scare his little brother.

Don’t lose your momentum when doing things!
"Mother, mother!"

As soon as she appeared, Xiao Jiuer stopped crying immediately and ran towards them excitedly with his short legs.

Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Second Aunt, you are finally back. If you don't come back, I won't be able to deal with this brat!"

Lu Yunqing smiled and pinched Xiao Jiuer's face, "Are you crying? Shame on your face!"

Xiao Jiuer seemed to understand what she said. He buried his little head in Lu Yunqing's arms and wiped all the tears and snot from his face onto her body.

Lu Yunqing: "..."

After wiping away tears and nose, he exposed his eyes again and looked at the little breast dumpling.

The little girl blinked at him and hid her head back, as if she was shy.

After a while, he felt a little tired and fell asleep lying on Lu Yunqing's body.

"Second Aunt, is Grandpa Lu okay?" Xiao Jinghan asked.

"Ran Ran went there in time. The doctor said it was nothing serious, just that a painting was lost!" Lu Yunqing sighed, "The mountain is heavily guarded. This is the first time such a thing has happened in a hundred years."

"That painting is important?" Xiao Jinghan asked.

"It's not very important, but it has been around for some years. It was there when Lushan Academy was founded. It was an accidental acquisition by the ancestors of our Lu family."

"This painting has been kept in the library of Lushan Academy for many years. Sometimes my father would take it out for students to take a look when giving appreciation classes."

"A few days ago, your second uncle got another painting, which is more valuable for collection, so my father took out this painting." "Oh, that's right! This painting is also very popular with my niece. I like it, and the old man even said that he would give it to her as a dowry!"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

It sounds like it's just an older painting.

Why do people still go to all the trouble to steal it?
And no one has stolen it in the past hundred years, but it happened at this time.

"It's probably an acquaintance who committed the crime. I believe there will be a result soon." Lu Yunqing said.

"Yes." Xiao Jinghan nodded, "This is Lushan's matter, he doesn't need to ask more."

Lushan Academy hired a dedicated chef with excellent cooking skills to cook, so there were only three of them living in the house.

After Lu Yunqing put Xiao Jiu'er on the bed, she called Xiao Jinghan and went to the kitchen with her food box, while Xiao Naituanzi stayed and looked at Xiao Jiu'er.

After lunch, Xiao Jingbai hadn’t come back yet.

Xiao Naituanzi took out his compass, but when he saw it... he was a little dumbfounded.

"Why...why is this aunt's spirit no longer in Lushan Academy?" Xiao Jinghan asked in surprise.

Lu Yunqing: "..."

Could it be possible that he flew away?
"What about now?" Lu Yunqing asked.

"Ran Ran, do you think the person who committed the crime was one of Ye Zhaozhao's people? She knew we were looking for my aunt's soul, so she took it away before us?" Xiao Jinghan asked. .

"You mean, my sister-in-law is hiding in that painting?" Lu Yunqing was surprised.

"Not bad." Xiao Jinghan nodded.

"Now that my sister-in-law is no longer on this mountain, it means that the painting has been taken out of Lushan Academy. We only need to investigate who left the mountain gate today to find the person who committed the crime." Lu Yunqing said, standing up , "Let's go, follow me to find your second uncle."


Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Jinghan nodded, and followed Lu Yunqing, who was holding Xiao Jiuer, to find Xiao Jingbai.

After Xiao Jingbai knew about this, he immediately went to the concierge.

This check...

I found that very few people went out today.

Apart from those who buy food and cook, the only other student is Lu Yuan, and then Lu Yunqing and Xiao Jiuer went out for a trip.

"Could it be Lu Yuan?" Lu Yunqing couldn't believe it.

This Lu Yuan is an honest and reliable boy with excellent character.In addition, he was one of their own children, Xiao Jingbai's student, so she really didn't want to doubt him.

"Whether it's him or not, we need to investigate carefully!" Xiao Jingbai said solemnly.

"Second uncle, second aunt, Ran Ran and I will go find Lu Yuan! You should investigate other people who have gone out." Xiao Jinghan suggested.

In fact, Lu Yuan is the most suspected now.

If it was really him, then it would be the Lu family's own reputation that would be damaged in the end.

"Okay." Xiao Jingbai nodded, "You should also be careful."


Xiao Naitanzi and Xiao Jinghan went down the mountain and went to the inn to tell Xuan Yin and Pu Dingzi about the matter. Then they got on the carriage and followed the direction of the compass.

(End of this chapter)

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