Chapter 602 Ginger is still old and spicy

Seeing the carriage heading towards the Lu family's main residence, Xiao Jinghan's expression became more and more solemn.

Because Lu Yuan was going back to the Lu family.

This direction is exactly where he wants to go.

The carriage was traveling very fast, and after about a stick of incense, Xiao Naituanzi suddenly stopped the carriage slowly.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Jinghan asked.

Xiao Naituanzi pointed to the compass in his hand, with a serious look on his face, "Mom is right here."

Hearing this, Xiao Jinghan immediately opened the carriage curtain and took a look outside.

"There's blood!"

Pu Dingzi pointed to the grass ahead.

Hearing this, Xiaonaituanzi and others got off the carriage.

Xuan Yin stepped forward to check it and said seriously: "This blood is still fresh. It shouldn't be long. Let's look for it."


The four people dispersed and went to different places.

After a while, Xiao Jinghan shouted loudly: "There are signs of fighting here!"

Several people hurriedly ran over and followed the traces to catch up.

After a while, they chased them to the edge of a cliff.

The driver who drove Lu Yunqing earlier fell into a pool of blood.

The little breasted dumpling hurriedly ran up.

After checking, it was found that the man was no longer breathing.

"There are traces of the carriage falling here. If nothing else, the carriage has fallen into the cliff." Pu Dingzi said.

Hearing this, Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan glanced down the cliff.

It's impossible to see the bottom at this glance.

If you fall from such a height, you will either die or be injured.

"I'll go down and have a look first."

At this time, Xiao Naituanzi said something.

Before they could respond, Xiaonuituanzi jumped down and disappeared before their eyes in the blink of an eye.

"Ran Ran!"

Xiao Jinghan shouted excitedly.

Xuan Yin patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, this little girl is sensible. There are trees on this cliff. His Qinggong is good and he will be fine!"

"Old man, I'll go down and have a look too."

As soon as Xuan Yin finished speaking, Pu Dingzi also jumped down.

Xuanyin: "..."

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

"Is this old man just showing off his Qinggong skills in front of us?" Xuan Yin curled his lips and said.

He would not easily admit that he was not as good as that old man.

Halfway up the mountain, Xiao Naituanzi quickly found Lu Yuan's book box.

She flipped through it and saw a picture scroll, and her mother's soul happened to be hidden in this picture scroll.

Xiao Naituanzi took the scroll, looked at it, and gently broke it.


I saw that the scroll was immediately divided into two halves.

Two things also fell out of the scroll, one was a piece of paper that was already somewhat yellowed, and the other was a milky white bead.

This painting is like the painting she made when she and Min Shenxing were picking up leaks together in the past. They both contain the universe.

There is writing on the paper.

Xiao Naituanzi didn't recognize it either, so he stuffed it into his Qiankun bag.

As for the milky-white bead, it should be a night-light bead, and Xiao Ning's soul happens to be hidden inside.

Xiao Naituanzi took out his money sword, took out a money coin, and then placed Xiao Ning's soul into the money coin.

After doing all this, Xiaonaituanzi restored the scroll to its original appearance and put it back in Lu Yuan's box.

"Little girl, come here!" At this time, Pu Dingzi's voice sounded from the bottom of the cliff on the other side.

Hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi hurriedly picked up Lu Yuan's box and headed in his direction.

"Little girl, look if this guy is the kid you mentioned!?" Pu Dingzi pointed at Lu Yuandao.

The little breasted dumpling nodded and hurriedly stepped forward to check.

It was found that he had several arrow wounds and multiple abrasions on his body!
The scratches should have been caused when he fell off the cliff and were not fatal.However, the arrow wound was very close to his heart, and he lost a lot of blood.

"Do you still have a breath of life?" Pu Dingzi said: "This kid is really lucky. He happened to be hung on a tree. If we hadn't arrived in time, he would have died long ago!"

Xiao Naituanzi nodded slightly towards Pu Dingzi, "That's him."

Xiao Naituanzi had just taken out the silver needle to help him, when several men in black came towards them with knives.

"That boy is there!"

When Pu Dingzi saw it, he rubbed his hands and immediately went up to fight with those people.

Pu Dingzi's martial arts is not low, and those people are no match for him.

Three times five times two, Pu Dingzi captured the person alive.

It took a lot of effort from the little girl to save Lu Yuan's life.

By the time Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin came to find them, it was already evening.

"Ran Ran, how are you? Have you found it?" Xiao Jinghan asked.

He was asking about Xiao Ning's soul.

The little girl nodded.

Xuan Yin glanced at the few people who were immobilized by Pu Dingzi's acupoints, and whispered: "These people are here to kill this kid. They must be sent by someone."

"If my guess is correct, it's the Lin family." Xiao Jinghan said.

"The Lin family? Lin Yu'er's family?" Xuan Yin asked.


Xiao Jinghan nodded slightly, "Not bad."

Then, he whispered what Lu Yunqing said about the painting being a dowry for Lu Wan, and what the Lin family wanted to do with Lu Wan.

"Is there any secret hidden in this painting?" Xuan Yin asked doubtfully.

Otherwise, why would the Lin family go to such trouble to get that painting?
At this time, Xiao Naituanzi whispered: "There is a note and a bead hidden in the painting. My mother's soul is hidden in the bead."

"Hehe, but I have already taken out the note and beads." Xiao Naituanzi said and winked at them.

Xuan Yin said: "Then how to deal with these people?"

"If the Lin family wants to touch the Lu family, they will naturally leave it to the Lu family!" Xiao Jinghan said.

"Bang!" Pu Dingzi snorted disdainfully at this time, "Do you think that after these people are handed over to the Lu family, the Lin family will admit that these people are sent by them? Are the Lin family so stupid? Don't get bitten back when you fail. .”


Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin couldn't help but choke.

When they were arrested by Lin Yu'er before, wouldn't the Lin family be shamefully beaten down?

This kind of thing of biting back must have been done with great skill.

Even if they had the Truth Talisman, there would be nothing they could do if the Lin family refused to admit that he was theirs even if they were beaten to death.

"Old man, what can you do?" Xuan Yin asked.

Pu Dingzi's eyes lit up and he chuckled: "You brat, are you begging me?"

Xuan Yin rolled his eyes, "I don't like to talk."


Pu Dingzi snorted and said: "As the saying goes, to catch a thief, you must catch the thief. If you want to convict the Lin family, you must have solid evidence."

"If my guess is correct, old man, what the Lin family wants is the note hidden in the painting. Since the note has been found, the rest will be given to them~"

Hearing this, Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

Then, Pu Dingzi explained his thoughts in detail in front of several people.

Several people nodded.

Sure enough, the saying that ginger is still spicy is absolutely correct.

This old man seems to be indifferent on weekdays, but he still listens and is useful at critical moments.

(End of this chapter)

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