Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 603 The purpose of the Lin family, the destruction of the Nian family!

Chapter 603 The purpose of the Lin family, the destruction of a century-old family!
After the discussion, they took Lu Yuan away from Dayadi and went to Lu's house.

The main residence of the Lu family.

Lu Qin's heart skipped a beat when he saw the little breasted dumpling that had returned.

Did something happen again?
Sure enough, before he could ask Xiao Jinghan, someone lifted Lu Yuan down, "Uncle Lu, look at him."

"Hiss~ Isn't this Lu Yuan's kid?" Lu Qin was shocked, "Why did he become like this? Quick, bring him in quickly."

After Lu Yuan was settled, Xiao Jinghan explained the reasons why they left and returned.

When he heard that his father was injured, Lu Qin's eyes became fierce.


It's getting more and more lawless.

"Uncle Lu, we deliberately left the painting there and pretended to have forgotten it, just to let you catch the thief and take away the dirt." Xiao Jinghan reminded.

"Yes." Upon hearing this, Lu Qin immediately ordered people to move and keep an eye on the Lin family.

Sure enough, in the evening, one of the people sent by the Lin family entered the city with serious injuries.

However, these people are also very cunning.They did not go directly back to the Lin family to recover, but instead went to a ruined temple in a hidden spot.

After Lu Qin learned about it, he lurked where he was.

When people from the Lin family showed up, they stole people's money and took it away.

Lu Qin was also ruthless. Knowing that there were people in the Lu family at the Yamen, he simply notified the city guard.

The city defenders come from various families in Minshan, and they are all slightly powerful masters.

They are not just members of the same family.

In this way, the Lin family's crime of theft was confirmed, and it was Mr. Lin's personal bodyguard who went to respond.

That night, Mr. Lin was called to the Yamen.

Mr. Lin was injured, so Lu Qin naturally refused to let him go.He took the commanding heights and directly exposed the Lin family's ambitions.

Lin Chongming hated that iron could not become steel, so in order to preserve the foundation of the Lin family, he kept his attitude very low, and then put everything on Lin Ze's head.

He thought very simply, he just injured the old man of the Lu family and stole a painting, it didn't matter.

But he never thought that Lin Ze would tell the truth about the stolen paintings as soon as Xiao Naituanzi posted the truth charm.

Not only that, Lin Xiang's affairs in Yonglin were also explained one by one.

When Lin Ze made the confession, there were quite a few people there, including people from every family in Minshan. Unless the Lin family could kill everyone, there was no way they could be cleared.

It turned out that the Lin family had no choice but to cooperate with Ye Zhaozhao's people 20 years ago.

Lin Xiang was sent to Yonglin to find the iron box originally buried in Ren's house in Zhouzhong.

It is said that the iron box contains the supreme power that can reverse the world and reverse time and space. As long as you get this iron box and open it, you can gain such power and ability to dominate the world.

After getting the iron box, Ye Zhaozhao's people ordered them to find the key secretly.

It was only two months ago that they got the exact news: the key to the iron box was hidden in the "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains".

And "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" happens to belong to the Lu family and is still in a place like Lushan Academy.

Lin Chongming not only wanted to get the secret key, but also wanted to leave it to the Lin family.

After all, it seems from now on that Ye Zhaozhao has changed from a high and mighty princess to a street rat that everyone shouts about.

If Ye Zhaozhao wins, the Lin family will have made a great contribution.

If Lin Zhaozhao loses, then the Lin family can remain the same.

To put it bluntly, he is just a piece of cake.

But what he didn't expect was that his two younger brothers didn't have that much patience, let alone understand his painstaking efforts.

Without the arrival of Xiao Nai Tuanzi and the others, perhaps Lin Chongming's plan would have been successful.It's a pity that the little breast dumplings are here.

All their plans were unexpectedly bumped into by her, which accelerated the demise of the Lin family.

As soon as the news came out that the Lin family was working for Ye Zhaozhao, everyone in Minshan regarded them as enemies.

Overnight, a century-old family was destroyed.

Xiaonaituanzi and the others were not involved in what happened next. After staying at Lin's house for one night, they left Minshan in a low-key manner the next day.

"Ran Ran, what is the secret in the scroll?"

On the way out, Xiao Jinghan asked curiously.

"'s just a note, I don't know how to read it!" Xiao Naituanzi spread her hands with an innocent look on her face. She had already given the note to Lu Qin before leaving.

Xiao Jinghan smiled and said, "I'm afraid the Lin family doesn't know that the iron box they got is a fake, right? They thought they got the real one."

"What gives you endless power?" Xuan Yin said in disbelief: "I think it's just a lie."

Pu Dingzi nodded in agreement, "I have been traveling around the world for so many years, but I have never heard of this thing."

Xiao Naituanzi muttered, "What about the words on it that my Sixth Master taught us to read?"


Xuan Yin looked at the little breast dumpling and blinked curiously.

The little girl with small breasts raised her head and said, "That's the number~"


Xuan Yin laughed and said half-jokingly: "Maybe that thing belongs to the Sixth Master. After all, the old guy knows things that others don't know."

"Yeah." Little Nipples nodded.

The conversation between the two senior brothers made Xiao Jinghan and Pu Dingzi very curious about who their sixth master was.

After leaving the boundary of Minshan, the carriage of several people headed northwest.

The compass showed that the last two souls and one soul were in Mo Heng's hands, while the other one was still northwest of them.

And Pu Dingzi also received the news from Mo Heng. He had already taken the lead to the northwest direction, and they would only wait until there to meet up again.

As he was about to meet his biological father, Xiao Naituanzi suddenly became a little nervous.

Although she had heard a lot about her father, and her father had asked her uncle to give her a lot of money, but after admitting her father by mistake several times, she no longer felt the excitement she felt for the first time, but instead felt a little angry. cowardly.

For this reason, Xuan Yin didn't know how much he laughed at her.

In early December, several people arrived in the northwest.

As soon as they settled in an inn, they saw a plainly dressed old woman running up to them like a gust of wind, reaching out and grabbing Pu Dingzi's ear.

"Old man, let my old lady catch you!"

"Hey, let go, let go!" Pu Dingzi covered his ears and shouted in pain: "You crazy woman, hurry up and let me go!"


The old woman snorted coldly, "Are you still running away? Are you still running away?"

"Let go! Now that you are old, why are you so shameless when you are flirting in public? Let me go quickly!" Pu Dingzi's old face turned red, black, and red.

He never expected that there would be such a big surprise waiting for him in this place!

That bitch of Mo Heng must have leaked his whereabouts, otherwise how would this crazy woman know he was here?
Damn boy!
See how he handles him!
"Hey, your old face is wrinkled. Can you still see your face?"

The old woman snorted coldly and said something mockingly, but she let him go as she was told.

This person's name was Jinhua Granny, and she was a romantic debt incurred by Pu Dingzi when he was young.

(End of this chapter)

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