Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 605 Drunken Butterfly, Wangshan is in danger!

Chapter 605 Drunken Butterfly, Wangshan is in danger!

Grandma Jinhua took the "big baby" in Xiaonuituanzi's hand and looked at it carefully, and then asked: "Little girl, how did you get this thing?"

"I got it from the pond at Grandpa Xinwang's house," Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

Hearing this, Xuan Yin explained Prince Xin's condition.

After hearing this, Grandma Jinhua nodded slightly, "Although I've never seen this thing, old lady, what you said is consistent with it."

With that said, Granny Jinhua returned the "big treasure" to Xiao Naituanzi, "It's useless even if you have this thing. Where can you find a high-level alchemist at this time?"

"Also, the eggs of the drunken butterfly are not so easy to obtain."

"Boy Heng is so poisonous, I can only help the old lady to sustain it for seven days."

Xuan Yin looked at the little girl and said with a smile: "Seven days should be enough time for us to find the eggs of the drunken butterfly. As for the senior alchemist ~ this little girl is it! If it doesn't work, we can go back to the bad old man of the third master. There’s enough time.”


"What did you say? What did you just say this little girl was?" Granny Jinhua thought she had heard wrong and looked at Xuan Yin in disbelief.

Before Xuan Yin could say anything, Pu Dingzi said sarcastically: "Old woman, look at how you look like you have never seen the world? When you go out, do you have the nerve to say that you have lived for decades?"

"Old man, what are you talking about! Who are you going to bury?" Granny Jinhua raised her hand and stroked her hair on her temples, and said viciously: "Old lady, no matter how old I am, am I older than you?"

Pu Dingzi curled his lips, what was his point?

He clearly said that she was ignorant!
"Ran Ran, you checked my uncle's pulse. Can he wake up? Can't your pills be able to cure hundreds of poisons?" Xiao Jinghan ignored the noise of the two old men and looked at the little dumplings and asked. .

It can be seen that Xiao Naituanzi is in a very bad mood at this time.

"Well... there is a very strong flow of Qi in Daddy's pulse, and his breath is turbulent, so he is not suitable for taking my detoxification pills." Xiao Naituanzi said a little depressed.

I always thought that I was so strong that I could cure any disease.

But now facing her biological father, she felt like she had no idea what to do.

At this moment, Xiao Naituanzi suddenly understood what the masters often said, "There is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world".

Xiao Jinghan touched her little head and said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."


The little breasted dumpling nodded, smiling a little reluctantly.

This was the first time Xiao Jinghan saw such an expression on Xiao Naituanzi's face.

It was as if...she had grown up a lot in this moment.

It's a little distressing.

Everyone rested for a night, and Xiaonai Tuanzi and a few others went to Wangshan Mountain early the next morning.

Granny Jinhua and one of Mo Heng's guards stayed, while the other guard took them with them.

Soon, they arrived at the foot of Lookout Mountain.The environment here is somewhat similar to the previous Yinshan Mountain. As soon as you enter here, it feels dark and cold. Even if there is sunshine and green plants, it always gives people an eerie feeling.

The guard's name was Xu Mo, and he was quite courageous. He was always the one leading the way.

Judging from the brief contact, he is the kind of person who is ruthless and doesn't talk much.

When they reached the halfway point of the mountain, Xu Mo said: "Miss, it's right in front. The master is the butterfly he met in front. The butterfly only stayed on his body for a moment. After the master drove it away, the master passed out. past."

The little breasted dumpling snorted lightly.

Xuan Yin said: "This place looks very dangerous. If we want to go in, we need to be careful."

Xiao Naituanzi held the compass in his hand, took it out and put it in his own hand, then injected a little inner energy into it.

The compass turned and soon pointed in one direction.

Xiao Naituanzi took out the invisibility charm again, distributed it to several people, and then led them to the place where the so-called drunken butterfly was.

After taking a few steps, I saw a butterfly on a cluster of purple flowers in front of me.

Even though several people had already disappeared, they still walked very carefully, for fear of making any noise that would disturb the drunken butterfly.

"Are the insect eggs on that purple flower?" Xiao Jinghan whispered.

This ordinary butterfly likes to lay eggs on flowers collecting nectar and on nearby green plants. Xiao Jinghan instinctively thought so.

"It's very possible." Pu Dingzi and Xuanyin answered in unison.

"Then let's go and take a look." Xiao Jinghan said.

The few people continued to walk forward, and soon arrived in front of the purple flower cluster. Xiao Jinghan had just reached out with her sword, and then saw that the flower suddenly grew larger, and the opened leaves looked like He bit the sword like a mouth.

Xiao Jinghan was startled by the flower and subconsciously shouted, "Ah!" At the same time, he swung his sword towards the flower.


The sword passed, and the flowers and leaves were cut off.

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, there were rustling sounds all around him.

When everyone took a closer look, the purple flowers came to life as if they were human beings, and the leaves opened one by one and waved like a bloody mouth.

Everyone: "..."

Xiao Jinghan subconsciously covered her mouth, and the hairs all over her body stood up.

Pu Dingzi has lived for so many decades, and this is the first time he has seen such a thing.

"Look at that kid's sword." Pu Dingzi didn't dare to say anything and used his inner strength to transmit the message.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Xiao Jinghan's sword.

(End of this chapter)

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