Chapter 606 Returning in defeat!

The originally shiny sword turned black and made a stained sound.

And the sharp sword suddenly had deep cuts.

Everyone: "..."

Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but feel a little distressed when she saw that the sword that had followed him for several years had become like this.

Xuan Yin swallowed and said secretly: "This purple flower can't eat people, can it?"

This sword can look like this. It's hard to imagine what would happen if they were bitten by this flower.

Several people looked at the flowers that suddenly grew and stood there without daring to move.

I'm deeply afraid that if I don't calm down, I will become a dead soul under this flower.

With the movement of the flower, many drunken butterflies that were picking flowers among the flowers also flew out.

At this moment, Xiao Naituanzi suddenly waved her hand, and a silver needle flew out of her hand.

"call out!"

The silver needle stabbed a butterfly accurately and fell from the mouth.


The purple flowers on the ground immediately changed their target, and all the flowers and leaves seemed to have heard some command and surrounded the drunken butterfly that was stabbed by the little breast dumpling.

After a while, the silver needle disappeared, leaving only the drunken butterfly's body there.

And those purple flowers began to sway in the wind as if they were searching for something!
Extremely beautiful, but deadly!
"What should we do now?" Xiao Jinghan was a little scared.

This place is so scary!

Xu Mo couldn't help but feel a little scared, and was a little lucky that they hadn't come here before.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will turn into a wisp of foam here.

"Fire! Try it with fire!" Xuan Yin suggested.

"No, if the fire burns all these flowers, how can we find the eggs of the drunken butterfly?" Xiao Jinghan said.

Don't forget the purpose of their coming today.

"What about light?" Pu Dingzi said: "These things are all plants. Some flowers and plants like the sun, and some don't."

"Reliable." Xiao Jinghan agreed, then looked at the light in the sky and said, "I'll give it a try."

Hearing this, everyone quietly stepped back and stayed away from these purple flower clusters.

Xiao Jinghan threw away the sword in his hand and arranged a light gathering array according to what Xiao Naituanzi taught him previously.

The entire formation enveloped these purple flower clusters.

As the warm light entered, the flowers and leaves stretched out piece by piece, as if they were lazily basking in the sun.

Several people stood not far away and watched quietly.

A quarter of an hour passed, a quarter of an hour passed...

"Hey, eh, eh, have you noticed? Are there more and more butterflies in the formation?" Xuan Yin exclaimed.

"Don't say it, it's true." Pu Dingzi nodded.

"Is this okay?"

Xiao Jinghan was a little suspicious. The purple flowers were growing more and more vigorously, and they didn't look like they were going to be exposed to the sun.

"Come on, take a closer look. Have the insect eggs on the leaves turned into butterflies?" Pu Dingzi said at this time.

Everyone: "..."

Not only did this not kill the flowers, it actually allowed the insect eggs to hatch.

Where will they find eggs then?
"What should I do?" Xiao Jinghan was a little worried.

The only way they came up with not only did not make those purple flowers die, but also made them grow and flourish.

And the eggs they wanted have all hatched.The most important thing is that if they release the formation now and these butterflies fly out... none of them will be able to escape.

"Miss, I have an idea." At this time, Xu Mo, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

The little girl looked up at him, and the others also looked over one by one.

Pu Dingzi said: "Boy Mo, what can you do? Tell me quickly!"

Xu Mo looked at the little breast dumplings and said, "I heard that Miss's formation is very powerful. I wonder if I can set up a formation and put all these butterflies and flower clusters in it! Can the four seasons of the year be changed by controlling the formation?"

"Butterflies and flowers should have their own growth rules, when they die, when they live, when they lay eggs, when they hatch..."

"Can the same flowers appear in the formation? In this way, the butterflies will lay their eggs on non-poisonous flowers and leaves without being able to distinguish them clearly."

When everyone heard it, they all thought it was funny!

This trick works!

"Ran Ran, I remember you, is this okay?" Xiao Jinghan looked at the little breast dumpling with burning eyes.

I still remember that when I first met Xiao Naituanzi in the mountains and forests, he used a similar formation to trap the Taoist priest.

Mountains, rivers, ground cracks, and avalanches all tortured the Taoist priest so much!

The little girl nodded.

Although this formation requires a lot of effort, it couldn't be easier for her.

Saying that, the little breast dumplings formed a formation.

Arranging this kind of formation requires talisman compilation, so Xiao Naituanzi used his inner energy to draw talisman compilations in the air while arranging it.

As each talisman was released, a formation surrounding these purple flower clusters and butterflies gradually formed.

Although it is a formation, it takes a lot of time to go through the entire spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Simply, Xiao Naituanzi added another magic array inside, and then placed other flowers and plants in it.

A full four hours passed, the sun gradually set, and the sunset gradually appeared in the sky. Only then did the butterflies in the formation land on the flowers and start laying eggs.

"Yes, yes!"

At this time, Xiaonuituanzi finally saw a little hope and laughed.

"Boy Mo, you played a huge role in getting these eggs!" Pu Dingzi couldn't help but get excited.

Hearing this, Xu Mo smiled faintly and said, "It is our duty as subordinates to be able to do our part for the master. We dare not take credit."

"No, it can't be done! Look!"

At this time, Xiao Jinghan exclaimed again.

I saw that in the formation, after the drunken butterfly laid its eggs, the flowers that had been treated with illusions withered in an instant, then turned yellow and were tightly wrapped by other purple flower clusters.

But in an instant, those flowers disappeared.

Everyone: "..."

Now let alone the insect eggs, the flowers are gone!
"What should I do?" Xiao Jinghan was a little depressed.

After struggling all day, I got nothing!
There were no eggs, and the little nipple dumpling's eyes were red, and his mouth was so tight that he was about to cry.

"Ran Ran? How about we go back first?" Xuan Yin asked.


Xiaonuituanzi suddenly started crying, crying very sadly.

She is so powerless!
"Don't cry. Didn't Sixth Master say that all things in this world are interdependent? Let's go back and think of a solution. The masters are more knowledgeable than us. Let's write to them and ask when we get back."

Xuan Yin could tell at a glance whether Xiaonuituanzi was really crying or fake crying.

This little guy is really sad!

(End of this chapter)

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